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Monday, April 6, 2009

Upswept hairstyles? Must mean Prom!

I have to admit, the genes on my husbands side of the family tend to produce what I consider to be very pretty females.  Good thing, because that seems to be what turns up a lot in our brood.  Our 16 year old grand-daughter, Hali, went to her prom this past weekend which made me hunt up some prom pictures from the girls before her.  The first to dance away in a upswept "do", a smile and a promise to be home by curfew was Colette in the first of her prom gowns. Gotta love those 80's styles!  Next came Rhonda in the first of her gowns appearing mellow after an hour or so of submitting to her mother styling her hair and sticking roses in her locks.  Poor dear.  Next, our oldest grand-daughter in her first and sparkly....and wearing her hair up.  Hali, before her date arrived in her blue, bubble dress and...yes, the hair worn back & up.  Last is ...Ohhhhh!  Ashli in her first formal!  Couldn't resist.  However, please note her hair is not upswept.   


  1. there are some beautiful Girls I am soooo proud of them all.

  2. How very observant of you..... gotta love prom!

  3. What lovely girls! Such beautiful pictures. And, yes, the styles of the 80's. Colette's gown is the exact dress my bridesmaids wore, only a different color!
