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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

How to Grandma - Proof a House

When our daughter Colette announced she's coming for a visit in June, my first reaction was a very enthusiastic "Hippy Ki Ho!"  Or "Yippy Ki Yo!"  One of those two.  Very excited because she hasn't been home since her youngest child was born.  Besides 3 year old Cassie she's also bring our youngest grandson, Marc...a tall, handsome 15 year old with an excruciating droll sense of humor.  Promises to be a fine time.  

Then I started eyeballing our home by keeping in mind what a busy, busy, BUSY three year old  might see and determine was fascinating to explore, bounce, roll, mix with food or waste products and possible, even break.  That's when I realized I might want to remove a couple hundred small pieces of special items in my "collections."  It was very easy when the other grandkids came visiting as youngsters because they were in that inquisitive stage before I bumped into the golden years, when for some ambiguous reason women my age feel they must start a collection.  Many, many collections!  

I don't know when this desire to fill my home to overflowing with cute and clever pieces of ceramic do-dads, plastic curly-q's, tiny tea cups nobody in their right minds would attempt to drink from, bells that nobody is allowed to ring, clang or clatter, dolls that just hang about in their designated spots....without interaction with humans.  Of course, throw in the special gifts from loved ones that are crystal (Waterford baby!),  Belleek (Yay Ireland!), wildlife sculptures (thank you loved ones that venture into tourist shops) and the list  goes on and on and on.  I get one thing, fall in love with it and proclaim a new collection in the making.  Than I announce it to one and all via cyperland, telephone,  special courier and homing pigeon, "Hey, wait till you see what I just looooooove!", and a new collection is born.  Oh, not everything is age appropriate.........but,  can't help myself.  Anything to do with Tweety Bird finds its way into a collection.   I think perhaps because Tweety is a symbol.  Sweet and a rather cuddly looking with major attitude.  Don't want to mess with that bird even if you're bigger, scary-looking, and appear to be more powerful, 'cause she can take you down.  Love it!

So, maybe instead of instructing our feisty, inquisitive little three year old to not touch anything,  or put everything out of reach,  I'll just leave them out and teach her about collecting.   Maybe she'll make a couple of mental notes about what she thinks her grandma might like to have to start a new collection or two.  

1 comment:

  1. I love all of your collections... and they make it very easy to shop for you...... if an item i think you might like is not already a collection i am sure it will soon be the start of a new one!!!!!
