Hello bloggers,
Sam here. It's been raining here for days. The rain has washed what little snow we had away. Now the backyard is nothing but a mud pit, and my mother will not let me go play in the mud. I'm quite distraught.
My mother doesn't seem to care that I am not having a good time. She's only thinking of herself, as she does not want to give me a bath prior to the weekend. Well, personally, I don't really see the need of bath. I would just be a little muddy. Many people pay a lot of money for mud treatments. I would be saving mother a lot of cash.
Wishen I asked her what difference it made regarding the weekend, she informed me that she and I were going to an agility trial! Of course, I am elated! Then, she told me it was a teacup trial. Now, I am not so happy. I'm not really in the mood for the enchantment that happened the last time I went to a teacup trial. I think my mother wants me to go mad! However, my girlfriend Maisie will be there and I'm sure everything will be right with the world.
Zorra and I went to the vet's the other day. It was only for our annual physical. Zorra's exam was fairly mundane. She simply cowered and whined until the vet said she was in good health.
I was anxious to talk to Dr. again. We had not spoken since last year. I waved at him, smiled and did a few tricks that I knew would amuse a man of his high intellect and felt things were going properly until he decided to take my temperature. I was rather aghast at how he took it! I didn't quite remember my temperature being taken THAT way. When he removed a thermometer from my bum, there was a large tape worm on the end. The doctor laughed and said he had not seen one quite that large. Of course, my mother was turning all sorts of shades of green and was horrified how I may have encountered this unwanted guest.
The doctor told her most likely I had eaten something in the backyard, such as a mouse, chipmunk, etc. Because, after all, I was a terrier and that is what we do. Oh, I remember the afternoon where I dined on a scrumptious tasty treat. Hmmmm obviously, the chef gave my portion to me a bit UNDERCOOKED. However, I will eat the raw treats again every chance I get.
After receiving the proper medication and forging my mother's signature on the charge card slip, I escorted her and Zorra out to our vehicle for the drive home. Girls... one little bug or tapeworm and they become quite the sissies!