Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Katie Saves the Day

Hi Bloggerland,

As you know, Zorra was worried that Santa Paws was NOT going to visit. Well, I knew that I had to do something AND FAST. So, when my granma said she wanted to go to the nursing home to visit her roomie from when she had to stay a short time, I piped up that I wanted to go, too! My auntie was going to take granma because Mom was cooking up a storm.

Away we went. I knew what I had to do, so I didn't bother being worried about being away from Mom. I had a mission. I hadn't been there for a couple of months, but everyone still remembered me. I went around and saw all of my old friends from the summer and said HI. I did my tricks to the best of my ability AND, I danced with a little girl. Everyone was very glad to see ME. As payment, I got bits of cheese. We don't have any photos to show you because Mom didn't think to ask Auntie to take a few pics. Anyway, I got invited back again. So, maybe someone will remember then. I am proud to say that I made some people smile. I love going to go visit the nursing home and seeing all my good buddies.

After I came home, I thought Mom may be behind in her cooking. So, I decided to help. I helped for a bit, but then I was too tired and had to go lie down.

Later, after dinner, we were getting anxious about Santa Paws.....

Sam came to ask Mom if she thought Santa Paws would forgive him of all the slightly naughty things he had done this year.

Mom said she didn't know. He had been fairly naughty over the past few days.

As you know, Zorra was already worried about Santa Paws not coming to our house....

I, on the other hand, had a very clear conscious. I KNEW that Santa Paws was coming!!

So, we all went to bed early....

When we woke the next morning, Santa PAWS HAD STOPPED BY. We were sooooooo excited. But, our mom did NOT take any photos, silly mom. We got tons of treats and toys. Zorra and Sam fretted over nothing. They should be more like me... POSITIVE!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve

I am worried. WE have already been in tons of twouble today and Santa Paws comes tonight. I am trying really hard to be good, but I'm not doing very well. I hope Santa is understanding!

I was caught fighting wif Sammie over a toy.....

I wuz arguin' wif Katie about who had the sharpest teef....

I kept movin around too much and mommi couldn't get my pikture.

Then I wouldn't STOP staring at her....

To get in Santa's good gracies, I will prolly haf to wear somethin stoopid....

Santa is on his way!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Chrissymas Shopping

Mommi has left the howse to go Chrissymas shopping, so it was my turn to do some bloggin'. We had a couple tags to catch up on. We did this one before, but we all, (including mommi) on did 2 so we decided we would do it again for fun. It was from our cute little caption lovin' pal Balboa.

Me: (this is one of the first photos that mommi took of me when I came to live with her. I'm the cutest!)

1. I am gettin' ready for my first competition in flyball. We are goin' to a race/meet in January in Michigan. I'm tryin' not to think 'bout it too much or I will get nervous.

2. When we go to 'gility trials I make my mommi cawwy me 'round a lot becawse I get nervous. Mommi is tryin to help me not get so nervous all the time by teachin me sum tricks to keep my mind off it.


This is a photo Mommi took right after she found Katie.

1. Katie is boss, right after mommi. We haf to lissen to her, or we get in twouble. She keeps us all in line so it doesn't get too crazy around here. Katie don't like kay-oz too much. Sometimes, she even tries to boss doggies we don't know, too.

2. Katie wants to be a therapy dog and go into nursing homes and visit the people there. We did that when our granma was in the nursing home and Katie loved going up to anyone who needed a smile or needed her to do a flashy trick.


Here is Sammie right after he came to live wif us.

1. Sammie came to live with us because he heard how much fun we had doing stuff. He still gets to see his other family sometimes.

2. Sammie doesn't like to get up in the morning, and mommi has to go drag him out of bed if it is still really dark out. Oh, does that make mommi mad! He He He. Sammie says that he doesn't see the need to rise before dawn.


This is just one of mommi's fav pics that she has taken.

1. Got a new i-pod touch that I think she likes more than me. But, she shows her friends all our photos on it, so I guess that is OK. She puts it way up where we can't get to it and chew on it. That makes us mad!

2. Lets us all sit with her on the couch and watch tv. We all race to see who will get to sit next to her first. Normally, if we all want to sit next to mommi, Katie and I sit on each side of her and Sammie sits on her lap.

The next tag was from Ben Ben.

It was for 7 annoyances. We will do this all together.

1. When mommi says ALL GONE. What is up with that??!! What do you mean all gone. Go get more treats, we know that there are more!

2. When mommi goes somewhere with out us. It can't be too much fun to go anywhere without puppies? What is up with that? Katie gets really mad and sulks. Sammie practically hurls himself against the wall and cries like a little baby. I just curl up in a ball and wait until I hear mommi come back.

3. The trashman, loud trucks, loud cars, sirens in the middle of the night. We have to bark if we hear those things. We wanna make sure that they aren't coming here!

4. Anyone else who is getting attention from mommi and it isn't me!

5. When mommi hogs the 'puter and won't let us blog!

6. Rain. (well, that is my annoyance. Katie and Sammie don't mind rain so much).

7. Not having the most comfortable spot to take a nap. Meaning... someone beat us to it.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christmas Cheer

Our mother was fixing our supper, and I was perusing the Internet and found a Christmas quiz. I found it quite humorous.

You Are Blitzen

Always in good spirits, you're the reindeer who loves to party down with Santa.

Why You're Naughty: You're always blitzed on Christmas Eve, while flying!

Why You're Nice: You mix up a mean eggnog martini.

You Are Dancer

Carefree and fun, you always find reasons to do a happy dance.

Why You're Naughty: That dark stint you had as Santa's private dancer.

Why You're Nice: You're friendly. Very friendly.

You Are Cupid

A total romantic, you're always crushing on a new reindeer.

Why You're Naughty: You've caused so much drama, all the reindeers aren't speaking to each other.

Why You're Nice: You have a knack for playing matchmaker. You even hooked Rudolph up!

Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?

Here is another video Katherine took on her joy ride last night.... From the looks of the video, I think that Katherine may have hit the eggnog a bit too soon.

I hope that mother gets off her duff soon and starts decorating the house!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat....

Hi Bloggerland,

I am feeling in the Christmas spirit today because we received a Christmas card from our pal, Lenny. Here I am holding the card to show everyone, but I dropped it right when mom was taking the picture. Ooooops. Good thing cards aren't breakable!

So, I went out and got in our car and drove into town, because no one by where we live has their Christmas decorations up yet. But, I knew that there were some people in town that did. So, I took mom's cell phone and started taping a couple of really great houses with their lights. These are GREAT. I love all the lights, animated ornaments and the big blowup decorations!

I just love Christmas because everything is so bright and everything shines so nicely.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Winter has arrived

Winter's finally arrived here in Indiana. For the past few mornings, it's been quite nippy outside when I take my morning constitutional. Zorra became quite alarmed when she saw her breath in the cold morning air. The poor girl actually jumped back from her breath which continue to follow her through the yard. Unfortunately, I was unable to capture this moment with the camera.

Today, my mother decided it was time for a Christmas photo shoot. This torture went on for several minutes in three separate sessions. My mother did not seem happy that my sisters and I were not cooperating with her. It was obvious, that we do not want to have a photo shoot today. We had planned other things for our daily agenda. Dressing up in ridiculous Christmas garb was not on our approved agenda. Katherine, Zorra, and I normally meet every morning to discuss our daily events. After reviewing the agenda, we were certain that a photo shoot had not been approved.

Mother said that the photo below looked as though we had just been advised that there were no more treats left in the entire world.

This can't be true! I decided I must go see. When I jump down, my mother's face turned a bright shade of red and she just walked away. She was mumbling something about may be getting a deal on three intensive obedience classes... maybe she's signing up to take an obedience class for herself.

Once she walked away, we were free to continue with our plans. I am at least 30 minutes behind in my slumber time.

Yawn... yawn...