Showing posts with label anti-pets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-pets. Show all posts

Saturday, July 2, 2011

my canine issues

I haven't been on my computer all week, I actually have blog posts written from our vacations etc that I've been waiting to post once I add a few pics- prepare to be bombarded with all the exciting tales! (wink, wink) for now I will share a thought that requires no picture...
I think I might have some unusual issues when it comes to "man's best friend". I can admit this. People keep underestimating how much I hate dogs. I've visited several people who have dogs while Brad has been traveling so much. Some of these people read my blog. No offense, it's not's them. I guess some people see a dog and look into it's puppdog eyes and fall in love with it's wagging tail. Or something. I look at a dog and my eyes zoom into it's dirty, sharp little teeth. I don't really care how "small" or "friendly" the dog is, I don't want those teeth anywhere near my baby's sweet little hands. I next observe the dog nose. Wet. Dog snot, what could be worse? I imagine that nose all over the ground and sniffing other dogs bums. I don't want that nose anywhere near my baby's face. Next I observe the hair, not just on the dog, but how it inevitably ends up on everything around it. I mentally start thinking of everything I brought with me so I can make sure to throw it in the wash when I'm home. I won't even mention dogs claws, self explanatory right? Claws.
When someone's dog walks up toward my baby seat I might flip just a little. I just can't help it, I see a dog and I think of stories I've heard from fellow nurses... A baby getting defaced because a dog thought the baby was a toy. A woman getting a chunk ripped out of her bum because she jogged past her neighbors "friendly" dog. These are the things that pop into my mind when your dog gets anywhere near my babies.
My view of dogs may be just a little unhealthy, a little OCD. I may act like a frightened child when a dog runs toward me. I just don't care, I would be perfectly happy if my children had a little fear of dogs, keep them cautious. Protect them from our four legged friends.
I don't want to make anyone feel bad.. I'm fine with other people liking dogs, I just can't get myself to join the party. It may surprise you, but if I had to choose I would actually say I was a "dog person", even though I don't want dogs anywhere near me or my little people. I say that because most people are either dog people or cat people, and if I had to choose between a dog calendar and a cat one I'd pick the dogs. So dog people, can we still be friends? :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

an animal I can handle

Anyone who knows me knows that I like animals…from a distance. I pretty much grew up without pets, and I’d like to keep it that way. Animals belong in the wild, and I want to keep the wild out of my home. The smells, the hair, the going to the bathroom without diapers or toilets- it’s just not for me. But, last night Brad decided I needed something to take care of, so we went to PetSmart to get a pet.
We walked by the snakes and birds, it only took one loaded glance at Brad for him to realize that was out of the question. Next we looked at fish, a good choice since I don’t like animals to touch me. I felt bad for the guy helping us because he was taking so much time to explain things and I knew we wouldn’t really buy anything. The Betta fish all looked mangy and depressed. The tropical fish required lights and filters and were getting too pricey and complex for a sporadic one night joke. Brad was ready to buy all the fancy stuff, but I wanted to keep it simple. So we looked at the betas again. I found a blue one and a red one that looked cool next to each other, but obviously that wouldn’t work. Then at the back of the shelf I saw the prettiest little fish with a perfect fin, bright blue and bright red. He was the one, the new addition to our family. I picked out some rocks that matched him and we took him home at once.
The idea of a fish began to grow on me, it was like doing service getting him out of that tiny, dirt cup into a relatively big, beautiful new home. I hope he’s happy here and lives a long life (in fish terms) because I really like the little guy. Welcome home Solo! (I like the old Star Wars, but this isn’t after Han Solo. It’s short for SeƱor Macho Solo, an episode from our favorite 30 rock and he has to be alone in his tank. So fitting.)
Like any proud parent, I immediately began taking pictures.


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