I recently finished reading the book "The Bro Code," by Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother) and I find it generally amusing. The bond between men (or BRO's) has always been an interest to me, and this book laid out point by point the unwritten rules (now obviously written, lol) which each BRO need to honor as a tribute to their "brotherhood." I found most of these rules funny, and some I've already heard of. So here.. I handpicked a few never-before-written-rules from the book which had me re-think if Barney is indeed straight or not. LOL
Article 5: Whether he cares about sports or not, a Bro cares about sports.
* Come to think of it, I have never met a STRAIGHT guy who isn't interested in ANY sport. Or at least pretends to be interested, in the case of a closet guy.
Article 14: If a chick inquires about another Bro's sexual history, a Bro shall honor the 'Brode of silence' and play dumb. Better to have women think all men are stupid than tell the truth.
* Hear hear, trust us guys..we chicks (yes, I consider myself a chick, got a problem w/ that?) could tell whenever your exaggerating. Most of the guys I know (those I never dated, at least) are really bad liars.
Article 16: A Bro should be able, at any time, to recite the following reigning champions: Super Bowl, World Series, and Playmate of the Year.
* Hahaha! Well in our case here in the Philippines, NBA champ, UAAP champ and FHM's #1 Sexiest Woman of the Year.
Article 19: A Bro shall not sleep with another Bro's sister. However, a Bro shall not get angry if another Bro says, "Dude, your sisters hot!"
* This is one of the classics. Somehow, your Bro's family up to the second degree is part of the group called "The Untouchables." Not unless you're willing to get ousted in the brotherhood. lol
Article 22: There is no law that prohibits a woman from being a Bro.
* Thank you Barney for realizing that! We make excellent Bros. Why? Because we can translate and decode the confusing and contradictory rules that comprise "The Chick Code." So admit it guys, you freakin' need girl friends.
Article 27: A Bro never removes his shirt in front of other Bros, unless at a resort pool or the beach.
* (In slow motion, guy on the bench takes off his shirt -- while a bro on the pool side drooling over the chiseled body right in front of him) Hahahaha!
Article 34: Bros cannot make eye-contact during a Devil's Three-way.
* Oh my, that could turn ugly. LOL
Article 35: A Bro never rents a chick flick.
* That's because everything now can be downloaded via torrent; and the risk of being caught red-handed of a chick flick DVD is a social suicide.
Article 41: A Bro never cries (Exceptions- Watching Field of Dreams, ET or a sports legend right (only first time he retires)).
* And I'm sure we all disagree to this. But ET?? Crying over ET?? I am really starting to doubt your sexuality Barney... LOL
Article 44: A Bro never applies sunscreen to another Bro.
* Hahaha! 'Nuff said.
Article 45: A Bro never wears jeans to a strip club.
* Okay, this seriously puzzled me -- so what do guys wear on a strip club? Can a Bro reader enlighten me on this please?
Article 47: A Bro never wears pink. Not even in Europe.
* I have a close friend who likes pink gadgets, not pink shirts..so he's still in compliance w/ this article. LOL
Article 48: A Bro never publicly reveals how many chicks he's banged.
* Anyone who does that is not a Bro but a freakin’ ELF.
Article 60: A Bro shall honor they father and mother, for they were once Bro and chick. However, a Bro never thinks of them in that capacity.
* Totally agree. Just imagining that my parents were once a bro and a chick is just wrrrooooooong on so many levels.
Article 66: If a Bro suffers pain due to the permanent dissolution of a relationship with a lady friend, a Bro shall offer nothing more than a 'that sucks, man' and copious quantities of beer. A Bro will also refrain from pejorative commentary – desired or not - regarding said lady friend for a period of three months, when the requisite BACKSLIDE WINDOW has closed.
* This is also known as: (Read) The Three-Month Rule.
Article 75: A Bro automatically enhances another Bro's job description when introducing him to a chick.
* A Technical Support Agent = IT Consultant; Service Crew = Marketing Assistant; BUM = "Taking a Break." (Give us a break, if a chick is really into your Bro, she wouldn't care.)
Article 76: If a Bro is on the phone with a chick while in front of his Bros and, for whatever reason, desires to say "I love you" he shall first excuse himself from the room or employ a subsonic barry white-esque tone.
* Apparently, for some reason, saying "I love you" on the phone in front of other bros is humiliating. Whatever.
Article 77: Bros don't cuddle.
* Sure you do!
Article 83: A Bro shall, at all costs, honor the Platinum Rule: Never, ever, ever, ever "love" thy neighbor. In particular, a Bro shall never mix it up romantically with a co-worker.
* Ha! As they say.. The workplace is a place for well..work! If you wanna play, do it in a place at least 500 kilometers away from your office. If your professional image is important to you that is.
Article 86: When a Bro meets a chick he shall endeavor to find out where she fits on the Hot/Crazy Scale before pursuing her.
* I knew it! Guys have a mentally-programmed numbering scale whenever they meet chicks. E.g. "Hey man I met this chick named Kat and she's a 9/10! 9 for being hot and 10 for being crazy." LOL
Article 88: If a Bro, for whatever reason must drive another Bro's car, he shall not adjust the preprogrammed radio stations, the mirrors, or the seat position, even if this last requirement results in the Bro trying to drive the vehicle as a giant praying mantis would.
* From my experience, about 70% of guys are obsessed with their cars. And I understand them because they treat it as an extension of their bedroom -- everything should remain untouched no matter what.
Article 89: A Bro shall always say yes in support of a Bro.
* In short: Walang laglagan!
Article 92: A Bro keeps his booty calls at a safe distance.
* To be safe, especially if one is committed, a guy should not exploit his sexcapades and spare his bro the responsibility to answer phone calls from another bro's girlfriends in wee hours of the night.
Article 99: A Bro never asks for directions when lost.
* Especially if you had to ask from a chick. Afraid of hurting your ego sweetie? As Rico Yan once said from the movie "Got to Believe" -- You can suggest but never direct! (Fine!)
Exception: A Bro may ask for directions for a hot chick who seems to know the area.
Exception: A Bro may ask for directions from a hot chick even if she also appears lost.
Exception: A Bro may ask for directions from a hot chick even if he is not lost at all.
-- Ayan diyan kayo magaling!! Tsk tsk!
Article 101: If a Bro asks another Bro to keep a secret, he shall take that secret to his grave. This is what makes them Bros, not chicks.
* I agree with this. That is why I have more bros than chick friends.
Article 113: A Bro abides by the accepted age-difference formula when pursuing a young chick:
Acceptable age difference formula
Chick's age = Guy's age divided by 2, + 7
(Shall add chart shortly)
* Interesting, isn't it?
Article 120: A Bro always calls another Bro by his last name.
* This has always been the norm especially in high school and I find it cute. Too bad though if your last name is too common like, Delos Reyes, or Antonio, or Dela Cruz.
Article 133: A Bro only claims a fart after first accusing at least one other Bro.
* Revelation: Chicks do it too. LOL
Article 136: When interrogated by a girlfriend about a bachelor party, a Bro shall offer nothing more than an uninterested "It was okay."
* Sounding bored just doesn't work anymore folks. Try a different approach like "Twas one hell of a night! I should've taken a video so I could have showed it to you."
Article 150: No sex with your Bro's ex.
* AHHHHH… THE RULE OF ALL RULES. We've seen a lot of failed brotherhood because of non-compliance to this article. And why is this considered the Golden Rule? Well, for some brotherhood (which I have no comment on) it's like uummm...tasting your bro too. And if you're really a bro not in a million years would you ever consider that.
So there! I have an e-book of this so if any of you are interested in getting a copy, please post a comment so I can send it to you via email. If you are a chick, you may find some of the entries a little boring because it’s not something that we can relate to; but if you’re a bro – then this is a must-read! Keep in mind that, this set of rules is supposed to be UNWRITTEN so better have a good sense of humor before you start reading it.
send it to me.. LOL
Lol you know that Neil Patrick Harris (the actor who plays Barney) is openly gay? And that you "think that Barney is gay" is a stupid remark? Barney in the series is absolutely not gay and NPH is openly gay and he is not the only author of the book?
@ziv: really? thanks for the info! i stopped watching HIMYM after season 2 and i always joked about barney being gay. yes, the remark is indeed stupid. :) thanks for taking the time to comment! :)
The no jeans to strip club rule is a simple "get more for your money". why would you get a lapdance with a thick layer of denim inbetween the chick and the bro. shorts, slacks, and sweats are all aproved. (long as they dont break any of the other rules)
Another reason for no jeans is even simpler than the other, they chafe during...close quarters contact.
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