Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy 12th Birthday Matthew!

Matthew turned 12 on Feb 13.  12 is a big birthday in our church.  They graduate from primary (the children's program), can get a limited use Temple recommend (that enables them to do baptisms but not the rest of the temple, yet), and boys get ordained deacons in the priesthood.  Matthew was super excited to turn 12.  He was beyond ready to leave primary and begin the young men's program.  For his birthday he wanted to go to Golden Corral for dinner and have swiss cake rolls and orange sherbet.   He is not a cake fan so I don't usually make him a cake. It was his year to have a birthday party but he opted instead to invite 3 friends to a movie instead.  Unfortunately only one was able to come-Carson.  His friend Ward was out of town and Boston had a prior family commitment.  He and Carson had fun though.  We saw Peanuts.

 He got several books, since that is what he does, read!
 The third Narnia dvd

 This first book in the new Rick Riordan series is the only thing he asked for.  

 a new fishing tackle box

 Here are some fun facts about Matthew at 12:
He still loves to read.  His favorite books are fanstasy but really he will read just about anything.  He is very smart and gets very good grades.  He loves milky ways and mambas.  His favorite ice cream is orange sherbet.  His favorite color is orange and his favorite food is fried chicken.  He is undecided about what he wants to be when he grows up.  He is a great big brother and is very good at watching his younger siblings when we need his help.  Sure love this kid and am so proud of him and the decisions he has made in the life.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Geography Bee

Late January (or early Feb) I don't remember which for sure Matthew got to participate in the school geography bee.  Out of the the 64 students that where there originally he made it to the top 15 (?).  I don't remember for sure but it was around there.  In this final faceoff he got out somewhere in the middle.  Hard to know where he placed for sure because several got out in the same round as him.  But he did awesome.  I think his favorite part of it was that he got a $10 gift certificate to spend at the book fair and since he loves books so much that is the perfect prize for him.