Thursday, November 20, 2014

November Pack Meeting

Here are some pictures from the November pack meeting

 Steven's den did the flag ceremony.  Normally he always wears his shirt but we can't find it right now.  No idea what happened to it.

 Got a belt loop!

So did Steven!
 the activity

Taking down the flag

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Happy Halloween!!

This year we had a fun Halloween.  Matthew wanted to be Will from the Ranger's Apprentice.  The only place that had a costume was ebay and it was really really expensive.  So I googled youtube videos and found a diy ranger cloak that didn't look too hard. It just used a fleece blanket and there was no sewing so after Halloween we could turn it back into a blanket if we wanted.  The Rangers wear camo but the only camo fleece blanket had a fringe and looked funny so we just used a tan one.  It turned out pretty well and Matthew was thrilled when he wear it to school and no one could figure out what he was.  People thought he was a jedi.
 Only decent picture I was able to get of Matthew.

Steven said the wanted to be either a jedi or a sith.  But my sister was given a big tub of costumes but most of them were boy costumes and she just has girls so she gave most of them to us.  Inside that tub was a super cool Darth Vader costume complete with mask that did the Darth Vader breathing and also said some of his quotes.  Needless to say as soon as Steven saw that, he was going to be Darth Vader.

Summer, along with about 10000000 other girls, wanted to be Elsa.  One of my online shops had an Elsa dress for a good price so I bought that and from a local lady I bought a hat with the Elsa braid.  It turned out super cute.

Annalisa got to be an otter.  I found the costume on clearance several years ago for $3.  She was so cute!

And Logan was cute in his superman costume!
We went trick or treating at Macey's.  Then we went to my parents' house and had sandwiches for dinner.  Then we trick or treated on my parents' street.  Afterward we went visited my Grandma. Then we trick or treated our neighborhood.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Caramel Apples

A couple of weeks ago our neighbors stopped by with a plate full of caramel apples.  Kids were super excited and it made an easy family home evening treat.  Karl tried to cut one up for Annalisa but she was having none of that.  She insisted on having it whole.

 Then she tried to suck out of the stick like it was a straw

 Then Karl took it away so he could cut it up for her and this was what she thought about that!

 cheesey Stevie

Friday, November 14, 2014

Our Getaway!

As our birthday present to each other, Karl and I went on a two night getaway.  We stayed at the Castle Creek Inn which is the same bed and breakfast we stayed in on our honeymoon.  We have been back a couple of times since.  This time we stayed in the Romeo and Juliet suite.
After dropping the kids off at my parents' we had some time before we could check in so we went shopping at Farmington Station.  After that we went and checked into our room and freshened up and then we went to dinner at Red Lobster.  We had to go to dinner kind of early because we had tickets to a play that started at 7:30.  We saw "Catch Me If You Can" which apparently has been turned into a musical.  It was a fun play but I think a one timer for me.
On Friday morning we had some yummy breakfast and then we got ready to go for the day.  We went and did a session at the Salt Lake City temple which was really special, we were married there!  And then we went and had lunch at the Garden restaurant in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building.  The server asked if we were there celebrating anything special and we made the mistake of answering that we were celebrating our birthday (about a week late).  At the end of our meal she brought us each a balloon that we had to release through an opening in the ceiling and if the balloon made it our wish would come true.
 Here we are with our balloons, mine is pink, Karl's is blue.  She asked us each what our favorite color is.

Karl was trying to get pics of the balloons flying away.  You can see his in this picture but mine was already out of sight.  But both of our balloons made it!

On the way out we stopped and took some pics of the gorgeous view!
 Our beautiful temple!

 After we left the Joseph Smith Memorial Building we walked over to the City Creek Mall and browsed a bit.
 Joseph Smth Memorial Building

 Church History building, maybe?

 church office building

After the mall we went to the movie theater to catch the new Nicholas Sparks movie.  We hated it, so full of smut.  Plus the girl in it was married to someone else.  No thanks, Nicholas Sparks really missed the mark with this one.  Waste of time and money.
After the movie we went and had dinner at Buca di beppo.  It's an Italian place we found while we were in St George.  And they had a location close to our B&B. Yummy!
Saturday morning we had another yummy breakfast.  Then it was time to start collecting our things and packing so we could check out.  We took these picture around the grounds first.
 Our balcony, I don't know why it turned out so blurry

 Castle Creek Inn!  Our widow was the one all the way to the right on the second floor

 Our balcony 

 The grounds are beautiful!

Hard to say good-bye but we were missing our kids!  Time to get home.  First we stopped at the mall and went to build-a-bear.  A couple of years ago we went to Castle Creek Inn to celebrate our 10th anniversary (a few months late since Karl's father passed away and we were driving back from Ohio on our 10th anniversary) and on that trip we made bride bunny at Build-a-bear to have as a souvenir of the trip.  So we decided to make a groom this time to go with our bride.  We decided to not to go with the bunny this time because the ear and nose are pink and it look girly.  So since I chose the bunny I told Karl he should pick his favorite this time.  He did a good job I think.  I love this bear with the big head and dark eyebrows.  And he definitely looks like a boy.

 And here they are together!

Yep a mixed species couple!  May next we will have to make one for each of our kids.  They will have to be a whole new animal all together I guess!
After Build-a-Bear we got sandwiches at The Corner Bakery for lunch and then drove back to my parents' house to get the kids.  
On the way home we stopped and visited my Grandma for a bit.