Monday, April 29, 2013


After the egg hunt at the museum we came home and cleaned up the house.  Karl's brother Kent, his wife Alicia, and their kids came to visit.  We had invited them for Easter dinner along with Karl's other brother and his wife but due to conflicts with church and other obligations they couldn't come.  So they came Saturday instead and brought dinner with them!!  Hibachi House for the grown-ups and pizza for the kids.  It was yummy and very much appreciated.  We had a wonderful visit with them and the kids had a lot of fun playing with their cousins.   Annalisa got lots of cuddles and hugs and everyone wanted to hold her.  It was the first time they had seen her.  Her cousins were very excited about her, especially Timmy.  I think he would have held her all day.  We were so glad they were able to come up, it was a fun evening.
Easter morning we had some very excited kids up and ready to hunt for Easter baskets.   That darn Easter Bunny always hides Matthew's basket way harder than anyone else's so he is always the last to find it.

Annalisa with her Easter Basket

Not a happy girl

Summer digging into her basket

Matthew finally found his!!

More attempts to get Annalisa with her basket!

Still not happy!!

After checking out the Easter baskets we had to hurry to get ready for church since it starts at 9 am.  Summer and Annalisa got new Easter dresses and the boys got ties.  Karl us bought the girls and me matching scarves from my friend who makes them and sells them.  Annalisa just wore hers for the pictures.  Maybe when she gets bigger she will be able to wear it more.

 After church we came home and got started on lunch.  Karl's brother Kurt and his wife Jillayne came and it was so fun to see them!  I changed Annalisa out of her Easter dress and put this cute little bird dress on her that one of my friends made (thanks Sara!).  It looks so cute on her.  It was kind of chilly though which is why she has the long sleeve shirt underneath!

We had a very happy Easter!!  It is my favorite holiday!!