Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Some Updates

My computer is out for repairs (should be back later today or tomorrow) so I haven't updated in awhile since I haven't had access to my pictures. But I figured I could do a quick update without pictures.
Last week Matthew brought home a list of spelling words to practice for the class spelling bee.  He lost last year to one of his good friends and he was determined to win this year. So we practiced the words and it paid off! He won!  He came home so excited and I was so happy for him! And very proud of him.  We went to Baskin Robbins for ice cream that night to celebrate.  Now we have a lot of hard words to work on for the school spelling bee which is in January.
Annalisa hit her 9 month birthday on December 2.  We haven't had her check up yet because we keep having to rescheduling.  She goes in tomorrow afternoon.  She still prefers the low crawl but does get up on her hands and knees sometimes.  She pulls herself up regularly now and we have moved her crib mattress to the lowest setting.  She is still very smiley and happy.  Her latest thing is to lick everyone and everything.  Not sure how to break her of that. Now instead of kisses she gives licks.
Summer who I have previously mentioned has struggled saying her g' s and k' s has improved so much! Her teacher has really been working with her and now she pretty much says it correctly most of the time.
Yesterday she was watching dumbo and all of a sudden she started sobbing.  I asked her what was wrong and she said "this is sad, I don't like this."  She was at the part where dumbo was visiting his mom and she is singing to him and rocking him through the bars. I hate that part too. Not a big fan of sad movies.  So I fastforwarded for her to a happier part but today she told me she never wanted to watch that movie again.
Steven got glasses!  They are gray with red stripes, same as Matthew's except his are black with yellow stripes.  As soon as I get my computer back I will post a picture of him in his new glasses.  He looks handsome!
Since its December Karl is very busy with work.  Today he is working over 12 hours.  He left at about 4:30 this morning.
Hopefully this post makes sense.  I am operating on about 2 hours of sleep since I couldn't sleep last night.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Black Friday, Hanukah, and Christmas parties

Karl was back at work bright and early on black Friday.  It is after all, the biggest shopping day of the year!!  Karl's store is actually busier on Christmas Eve but that is beside the point.  Anyhow, needless to say I didn't go out and brave any crowds.  I did do some shopping online.  We bought the Kindle Fire we have been saving for.  Best buy had one for 50% off for black Friday and their online deals had started on Tuesday.  Thankfully I belong to several coupon sites that told me this and I was able to get one!  We also got a much needed ladder from Lowes online.  Later that night after Karl got off of work we went over to Kohls and were able to get Christmas dresses for the girls. 
Saturday we were invited to our friends' Hanukah party.  They are LDS but he has Jewish roots (his mom was raised Jewish but converted to the LDS faith at the age of 19.  They still like to celebrate that heritage.  The kids made Hanukah ornaments, we ate latkes and doughnuts and played games.  Matthew with a little help from Karl won the big game for the evening and he won the showcase showdown.  The showcase had oreos, Pig's feet, and a hotel stay.  I can't even look at the jar of pig's feet, yuck!!  We had a good time though and it was fun to spend some time with old friends!

Earlier in November (yes, November) our other friends' had a Christmas party.  They do it earlier because they get a better turn out that way.  We had a good time.  There was a white elephant gift exchange.  One guy brought I huge refrigerator size box filled with balloons and then a tiny toilet paper holder inside.  The kids had a blast with the balloons.
Jason (in black shirt) brought it and Brady (blue shirt) received it.

I forgot to bring my  camera so I stole these from my friend Antionette.  that's why I am in the pictures on the couch. 

Santa left a bag of presents on the porch for the kids!!  so fun!!

we also made these awesome advent calendar things.  No more cardboard ones with cheap chocolate for us.  These were so easy!
Basically just candy in plastic wrap and sectioned off by ribbons.  I made one for each of my kids!!

Friday, December 6, 2013


The week of Thanksgiving was pretty busy around here.  Karl was of course very busy with work and found out 2 days before Thanksgiving that his store was supposed to stay open until midnight on Thanksgiving day.  So then he had to scramble around making sure he had coverage.  For awhile we were afraid that he would have to go in which he hasn't had to do since he was an assistant.  But it all worked out and he didn't have to go in.  The kids only had 2 days of school that week.  On Tuesday Summer's class had a Thanksgiving feast and she was assigned to bring a veggie.  Since all food taken in has to be store bought I just sent in a bag of baby carrots.  I sent in a small bag and she came home with a bigger bag than the one I had sent in and it was almost completely full.  Oops the teacher must have forgotten who brought in which bag.  So we ended up with more than we started with.  She came home with this cute Native American hat she made.
She's pretending to eat

writing on the wall?

The night before Thanksgiving we went to our friends' annual Pie night.  They have it every year and everyone brings their favorite pie to share.  I brought a chocolate pudding pie (I am not a big pie eater and prefer pies that have graham cracker or oreo crust to real pie crust).  It went really fast.  
It was a cold night so Annalisa's Hello Kitty hat made its debut!!  

So cute

Thanksgiving we went over to my parents.  We went early so we could help with the last minute things such as peeling potatoes and getting tables set.  Annalisa wore her fall pettiskirt.  Oh so cute!!

She was napping during her first Thanksgiving dinner.  We ate at one which is right during nap time.  

 Snuggles with great gandma
carving the turkey

the kids' table

The grown ups table.  The night before my mom called and asked if we could stop at the store and see if their were any thanksgiving themed paper plates.  We had to stop at the store anyway so the timing was perfect.  First thing we saw were these turkey plates when we walked in.  Made things so much easier so we didn't have to spend half of Thanksgiving doing dishes.  

After dinner we visited and the kids played.  It was a great day.  I love Thanksgiving and having a chance to reflect on the countless blessings I have!!  Especially for my family and the gospel.  

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Annalisa's 9 month photo shoot

We took Annalisa in to get her 9 month photos done.  I don't usually get nine month pictures done but all of the other 3 kids had more poses for their 6 month visit but Annalisa only had a couple because we were getting the whole family done at a time.  So when I got a good coupon for the CD/copyright at the Target portrait studio we decided to have more photos done of her.  She is actually 8 1/2 months in these as she won't be 9 months until the 2nd.  But the coupon was going to expire so we didn't wait.  We were in a bit of a hurry since it was the last day we could use the coupon and we also had Summer's parent teacher conference that night.  The photographer was a bit chatty but somehow we still made it in time.  And I think the pictures turned out really cute!

There are a lot of pictures of her looking to the side.  That's where I was.  She kept looking at me like "What am I doing here mom?"

The took a picture of her moose and her blanket to use as backgrounds.  The 3 older kids gave this moose to Annalisa when she was born!

Definitely going to get a copy of this one!

The close up of the blankey

Love this one!

Annalisa is growing up so fast.  Her newest trick is playing pat-a-cake.  She does the clapping part and the rolling her hands part.  All with a huge grin on her face.  So cute!!
She also gets very excited when her daddy comes home.  When he walks through the door she gets the world's biggest grin on her face.  She has actually has been doing that for a couple of months now (probably since about 5 months old or so), so cute.  She definitely loves her daddy!