Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Nature Center

One of the last Saturdays we went to the Nature Center.  It was a free day, the last free day of the summer.  School started later than usual this year, not until after Labor Day.   So we decided to take advantage of the extra time and do some fun things as a family.
The Nature Center was really neat.  They had all kinds of animals and things to see.  They even had a little presentation on bugs and worms to show how they benefit it us even though most people don't like them.  We talked to them about coming to do a pack meeting for our cub scout pack and hopefully they will be coming to the one in March.  That way we won't have to do a whole lot for that first one right after the baby comes.  We had just been to the scout shop that morning to buy the awards for the August pack meeting so it was fresh in our minds I guess.

On the way in they had all these birdhouses on display from a contest.  All the birdhouses were made from recycled materials.  We took a picture of some of the neater ones.  Summer loved this one and we thought it was cute how the heart on the the birdhouse matched the heart on her shirt.

This is supposed to say Cooler bird Resort but it lost its C.  It was made from one of those Styrofoam coolers.

The kids got it a kick out of this one.  A birdhouse made to look like the birds were landing in a cat's tummy!!

Summer loved this one too!  "A princess castle!"

This one was made out of one of those old Nintendos from when Karl and I were kids!! 

snake skins!!


I think this is a hawk--all these birds were injured or for some other reason unable to make it in the wild.  They were being cared for by the nature center.

Bald eagle

This turkey was wondering around much to Summer's dismay!!  Yep, my daughter is scared of a turkey!

Eagle's nest, it was huge!!

This owl had the cutest face!!

Vulture maybe??

Or maybe this was the super cute owl, so hard to tell from these pictures, ugh!!

silly faces, not sure where Steven went

More silly kids!!

These animals were stuffed

Staking out our spot for the presentation.  Karl thought it was cool you could see our reflection in the window so he took a picture.

You can see the 3 kids in the window in the lower right hand corner.  Steven is in the middle behind the other two so he is harder to see but he is there.

Steven got chosen to pick a bug out of the basket.  They were rubber.  When a bug was picked they had everyone put their thumbs up if they liked that bug (butterflies, ladybugs, and things like that usually got the thumbs up) and put their thumbs down if they didn't like it (spiders, worms, and beetles got thumbs down from most people).  Then they told the kids how each bug, even the ones we don't like benefit it us.  It was a great activity.

At the ends the kids got cups of dirt and worms to eat.  Chocolate pudding, oreos and gummy worms that is.

Walking back to the car.

More birdhouses.  This one was done by a cub scout den.  Each boy did their own birdhouse and then they hung them on this stake.

It was a fun day!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

More Soccer Pics

Here are some more of Steven's soccer pictures.  He started the season really strong but I think grew tired of it by the end.  I think my first hint of this is when he started turning cartwheels in the middle of the field.  Sigh!!  Guess next time we will have to sign him up for gymnastics.

And a couple more of Matt's.  The camera battery must have died during his practice or something because we don't have many pictures.

 You can see our mini-van in the background of this pic!!  Haha!!