Thursday, April 28, 2011

Summer's birthday part III

Sunday was Summer's actual birthday. We woke up and had breakfast and then Summer opened the rest of her presents that she hadn't opened the day before. She loved all the attention. She had a new birthday dress that she wore to church that day. She struggled a bit when we took her to nursery. She has new nursery leaders and wasn't too sure about that. She has had a lot of changes over the past few weeks with the ward change. Hopefully now that leaders have been called she will be able to adjust. We had dinner at my parents' house that night. Already for church in her birthday dress

She got this snow white dress up set; she loves it and wears all day long everyday just about.

Here it is in the box (yes the pics are out of order)

Little People bus

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Summer's birthday weekend part II

We decided to have Summer's birthday party on Saturday even though her birthday was actually on Sunday. It is just easier that way. We invited my parents, my sister and her family, and Karl's two brothers and their families. Kent and his family couldn't come due to meetings and Kurt and his wife couldn't come because they had finals. So it ended up just being my family. Because of the leaking in our basement the day before we had the party at my parents' house. Before hand we took our kids out to lunch as is our tradition for their birthdays. It was Summer's choice and she chose Wendy's.

At the party we didn't do much except ice cream and cake and presents. And then the cousins played. They had a good time.

Summer, Annika, and Jillian playing the piano

blowing out the candles (no the pictures are not in order)

The cake (Not sure why I took it at such a weird angle)

"Baby Jilly" as Summer calls her

New shirt from Grandma and Grandpa

New Princess tea set

magnetic doll set

Bumblebee outfit

Whenever we sang to her or anything like that she would get this cute little "shy" smile on her face! It was really cute-love this girl!

It was a fun day for all! To be Continued.....