Thursday, December 30, 2010

thanksgiving pictures

I got these pictures from my sister from Thanksgiving day! Better late than never I guess!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

family visits

I have been sick pretty much the whole week with a bad cough, cold, etc. So needless to say I have not been up to much. So not much happened this week. So I figured I would get caught up some more from the summer. Yes, here it is December and I am still not caught up.
The week after our anniversary a lot of Karl's family came into town for his younger brother's wedding. On Monday we got to play host to Karl's parents and his sister and her family. We had fun having lunch, the kids playing games and visiting the ponds for some fishing.

Summer with Uncle Ben and Grandpa

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas festivities!

So I haven't been feeling well today. I have had a bad cough, cold, sore throat, etc. So I haven't been to productive today but I figured the least I could do was update my blog.
A few weeks ago Matthew's class started spelling tests. They have them every Thursday. Matthew has proven himself to be an excellent speller and has gotten 100% on every spelling test he has taken so far. This puts him in the 100% club. Here is a picture of him with his very first spelling test.
Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving day. yes, I found my picture uploader thing!:) These are of Summer licking the beaters from my chocolate mousse pie. For more details of Thanksgiving day see my previous post! I still don't have the ones from my sister of Thanksgiving dinner yet.

And here is Karl licking the spatula and bowl!
I participated in a craft exchange this year. We each made six of the same craft, gave 5 away and then received 5 in return. I made these Joy signs. What do you think of them? I think they turned out pretty cute. I still haven't made mine yet; I could only find 5 of each letter. I will get mine done in the next week or so.
Each sign was slightly unique mostly the picture on the "J" and buttons on the snowflake. For some reason I only took pictures of two of them.
Last Monday I put away the fall decorations and then that evening for FHE we talked about the true meaning of Christmas and put up our tree. Now I am slowly getting other decorations out. I have to admit it is hard for me to get motivated this year to get them out. Mostly because Summer won't leave them alone and I am afraid she will ruin all my decorations.
I am not sure what Matthew is doing in this picture. I think Steven took it. You can see my box full of fall decorations in front of him.
I think Steven took this picture too.

Sorry the pictures are out of order.

On Saturday we had a little party for some of our friends from our old neighborhood. Most of them haven't seen our new house yet so we figured we would have them over for food and company. We had a good turnout and everyone seemed to enjoy visiting and the kids had fun running around and playing.

Monday night (Last night) we went to our friends' annual Hanukkah party. They are LDS but he has Jewish roots so they have a party every year. I love the latkes, a kind of potato cake. They played the Price is right and Karl made it all the way to the showcase showdown but he lost that. I didn't even make it past the first round though so he did much better than me. They always do a white elephant gift exchange even though there is nothing Jewish about that. We won a Waterfall picture. It plugs into the wall, lights up, and makes waterfall sounds. Karl was quite excited about it.