Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sun anyone??

I miss...miss...miss...MISS the sun!! sniff sniff

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Where did January go?? I can't believe how fast time goes! My darling Ruby turned 2 and has got the hands on the hips thing down pat. She is darling though and we love love love her. Mabry has been teaching Ruby how to hold up her 2 fingers and has been singing 'Happy Birthday' to Ruby in Chinese. It is the best!!
We were able to go play w/ Ruby's future husband...Ro-Ro the other day. While the moms were fixing treats we looked over and saw Rubes and Ro-Ro getting to know each other...wink wink. Ro's mommy grabbed her camera and took this cute shot. So I guess since we have already pre-arranged their wedding and it is obvious that they like each other...they will have parental supervision until the day of their wedding!! tehee. Thanks for the fun @ 'The Black Hole'. We love you guys!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

'Man Cold'

So we have been a bit under the weather in our house lately...I got the cold bug first then Chuckles got it and got pink eye then Ruby got pink eye. I think we are finally done being sick for a while, I hope.
Me and my friend (Melis) were talking about the differences between men and we got to talking about being sick and how women still have to do all the normal things and men act like they are...well going to die. So she told me about this 'Man Cold' from you tube and I just had to put it on here. It was too funny :) Sorry Chuckles - but you too suffer from the 'Man Cold'. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Years & Fun!!

Welcome 2010 right??
Happy late New Years....Are you surprised I am blogging again? Me too...guess I have caught the bloggin' bug again.
I love grape jelly! anywho....
Our New Years Eve was WILD & CRAZY!! We welcomed the New Year @ 8:30 pm and were all in bed by 9:00, well except for Chuckles who had to work. We did have fun though...We played pictionary, hide-n-seek, duck-duck-goose, had a few mean games of UNO (Mabry won twice) and then did our party poppers and the count down. It was seriously a fun night!
On New Years Day we headed up to Snowbasin to do some fun sleigh riding. My whole family was there and it was a lot of fun. The hills were pretty mellow and you didn't even have to walk back up - you sat in a tube and they pulled you back up to the top. Even better right!! As we got there Mabry saw her cousins and took off to go down the hill w/ them. Chuckles and I were making our way to the top when we saw that it was Mabry's turn to go down...the paranoid mother that I am kept thinking she needs some help...I mean gripes, she isn't big enough to do that on her she?? :) Chuck said she will be fine...then we see a tube come down the hill w/out anyone on it... te-hee...that was Mabry's tube. So I decided to grab a tube and walk up the hill so she didn't have to wait that long. Well they had extra tubes up there - (it would have been nice if someone would have told me that) they sent Mabry down on an extra tube. So while I was hiking my outta shape behind up the hill to rescue my poor little girl who didn't have a tube - she went down laughing all the way. I got to the top before I realized she had already went down. I know...jokes on me! We rode down as many times as we could before lunch and had so much fun. Ruby was playing at the bottom the entire time w/ grandma and grandpa. They wouldn't let you ride double and I wasn't about to send my baby down in a tube by herself! We ate lunch in the parking lot on our tailgates and had fun just hanging out as a family. Thanks mom and dad for the fun day!! It was a nice way to end the holidays! Here is a few pics!

At the top of the hill

In the parking lot we found a little hill to play on. Mabry decided it would be fun to crash into me.

Being pulled was a nice ride.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Wishing everyone a Happy Holidays!!
I promised a great friend that I would for sure blog before the end of the this is for you Sherri - I promise to do better! wink wink
Mabry is @ a movie w/ her cute is that and Ruby is sleeping for a few minutes so this is my only chance before I start wrapping more presents.
I was able to have lunch w/ some friends today. How great was that. It was nice to catch up and actually be able to eat a hot meal (the kids were w/ my mommy dearest - thanks Babs). I will try my best to post a pic...if I remember how.

This morning Mabry woke up extrememly excited that Christmas is only 2 days away. I have to admit...I am excited as well. What a fun time to have little ones eeh??
After breakfast, Mabry decided to make a Christmas present for "our whole family". She is the best...she decided to draw stars on the chalk board. I so believe that she was sent to this earth just for me! Thanks for making my day Mabes!
Happy Holidays Everyone! Enjoy, jingle, relax and as always...BREATH.

Monday, July 6, 2009

mY tHeMe FoR LiFe!!

My mind not only sometimes leaves completely.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I got some 'splainin' to do....

Some of you don't remember who I am.... I thought I better do some 'splainin' as to why I have been gone from the blogger world for so long...also I just need to vent and this is the good place to do it...this way you can either read or not read. Some of you have heard this before (I apologize to those who have) and some of you haven't. Either way I need to get this off my already saggy chest (sorry Mat) and get on to better things like pics of our camping trip and Easter and Snowbasin and Park City and my two little gils just having fun. Here it goes...
Life is hard for everyone but that is just life just roll w/ the punches and get back up cuz your not the only one who is getting punched. Some people are actually getting punched much worse than you are so be thankful for the little punches you are getting. Easy enough to do right - problem. BUT...what if you just keep getting punched in the same place over and over and over again and life just isn't caring how bad it hurts and that you have had enough of the punching.... GRIPES!! Do I sound like a baby or what? I know...I agree...BUT I am just so tired...tired of telling people I am 'good' when I am on the brink of tears. Tired of having to be the 'strong one' or the 'positive one'. Tired of being stressed and having a stressed hubby. Tired of having OCD and having a messy house cuz I am too tired to clean it. OH MY! That is enough of that. Gripes, that depressed me just typing it...lighter saggy chest feels better. :) I am sorry for venting all that on my blog... I have been trying to do things that will help me not be so tired... like running w/ my little sissy @ 6:00 in the am...yes that helps me not be so tired (that just sounds weird). I have been taking time for (gasp) myself so I can be in a 'happy place' and therefore get the hubby and kids in that same 'happy place'. So far it is only sorda working (just being honest)... Good days and bad days happen...Just gotta think positive and look for the 'funnies' in life (thanks Marcia girl for pointing that out). I am so thankful for all that I do have - I am so glad to have my darling Chuckles to make me laugh when I get too serious
(yes he has to make me laugh a lot). I am so glad to have 2 little chicks to "peck me to death" and then give me kisses to make me feel better. I am so glad to have a roof over my head (even if it is still leaking...the water has made beautiful designs on the wall). I am thankful for the beliefs that I have and to know that the punching life gives us is actually for our good. Thanks for letting me blog/vent...we need to come up w/ a word that mixes both of those...blent...yup I like that. Thanks for letting me blent...loves and kisses to all!