
A Blog devoted to progressive politics, environmental issues, LGBT issues, social justice, workers' rights, womens' rights, and, most importantly, Cats.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy Independence Day!

Hey, everybody! The asshats around me are starting to fire off their rockets in the middle of the fire season. Isn't that CUTE? Will we be forced to flee our homes at some ungodly hour, in our pajamas, cats tucked under each arm?

Tune in tomorrow, same time same place, assuming we fucking survive.

Don't you hate that shit? Boom, boom, boom. I guess the people enjoying this stuff have never lived around, you know, actual guns and bombs going off and people getting all shredded and stuff. Because lemme tellya, ever after, your shoulder blades twitch when you hear that noise. I'm expecting shrapnel fragments.

No, I'm not. The neighbours are idiots, but more in a non-malign, stupid, poleaxed, well-meaning, friendly, idiotic sort of way than actual redneck goobers who run around trying to kill people and other living things. They'll burn all our houses down around our ears, then fling themselves on our shoulders and sob about the loss. Dumbfucks.

So Mitt Romney's big fundraiser in London was held by disgraced and recently-resigned Robert Diamond, former head of Barclay's Bank? Do the teabaggers not see any irony whatsoever in the would-be president of the former colonies going to the Mother Country to raise funds from the SAME FUCKING PEOPLE the first Americans fought against to establish this nation? Where are the cries of corruption and foreign interference when Mitt Romney courts the British banking establishment, on fucking INDEPENDENCE DAY? Where are the cries when the biggest contributor to the Republican party is a guy who makes money off whorehouses in China?

Meanwhile, over at the ongoing Republican War On Women Headquarters, we're reliably informed that yon lout in that pitcher up there, one NY State Senator Marty Golden, is finally ready for the onslaught of the 15th century. Someone please tell him it's actually the 21st.

Because this benighted son of a poop-eating bottom-feeder is proposing to WOW the LayDeez of his constituency by teaching them the fine art of "feminine presence." I have no idea what this fucking "feminine presence" is. Is it another term for poontang?

Mind you, this asshole is one of those guys who think the Fair Pay Act doesn't even deserve a hearing, and votes against increasing the minimum wage or giving the Nice Laydeez some fucking maternity leave or elder care leave, paid, so they can do their OTHER fulltime job as well.

But wouldn't you know the Feminazis got to him, and he has now canceled all those nice classes, boo hoo. No word if he's considering any bills that might actually help low-paid women, but at least he's not gonna make taxpayers cough up to teach people how to climb fucking stairs for chrisake.

And that fucking sack of fermenting poop, @RepJoeWalsh, is actually attacking the military service of a woman who lost two legs and an arm rescuing her mates in the Iraq war. Please feel free to contact his office and tell him to go suck dick. Well, no. Be polite. Just because he's an asshole is no reason for anyone else to act that way.

I can't believe this worthless fucking putz. He wouldn't pay to keep his children fed, clothed, and housed. I mean this guy owes $200,000 in child support, and his kids had to go on welfare at one point. That's TAXPAYER MONEY that he shoud have been paying. He went to court to fight his duty to pay for the children he fathered. He would rather run up lawyers' bills than feed his own kids.

And he wants to take care of his constituents? A man who can't take care of his own fucking children can't take care of anyone else. Don't be fooled, peeps. This guy NEEDS TO LOSE his election. He's a swine who won't even pay his own children's bills.

Enough, I'm done ranting. Here's your Libertarian/Republican paradise, all you assholes. You can just suck it, srsly.

Alright, alright, I've been a beast. Here, listen to some terrific music and get ready to spread 'em for the bankers. Geez.

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Friday, April 08, 2011

For All Teh Nice Lady-People

This one's for you.

Yup. "Git fucked" sounds about right, and if you can't find a convenient page to fuck, yer hand will do fine.

More delightful bare-knuckle beating available here.

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Women's Rights: Jamie Leigh Jones

This woman has guts. She really does. She's taken a horrible experience and turned it into a blazing fight for justice. I look at her sweet little face and think, if I was her father, brother, husband, boyfriend? Some KBR employees would be sitting around wondering what happened to their gonads.

You know who else has guts? Our newest Senator, Al Franken. Watch him kick KBR's lawyer's ass nine ways to Sunday.

Minnesota, you did the right thing by giving us this wonderful guy. He comes to his committees and hearings PREPARED. He reads everything. And he's sharp as a tack.

Go, Senator Al!

Now I see why the Rethuglicans were so terrified of letting him into the Senate. He does not mealymouth around.

So, Minnesota, all y'all gotta do now is get rid of that batshit-crazy Bachmann and we're, like, on, yaknow?

Damn, he rocks. DiBernardo's going to take a week or two to dislodge that pointy boot from his ass. Serves him right too.

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Monday, September 07, 2009

Women's Rights: Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein

Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein

Well, well, well. It appears that the Sudanese courts have weaseled out of facing up to courageous feminist Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein. Ms. al-Hussein was arrested some time ago at a cafe in the city of Khartoum for offending against laws regulating women's clothing. She was wearing loose trousers and a tunic, with a scarf covering her hair. Pretty indecent, huh?

Some ten other women who were arrested with her accepted their sentence of a whipping. Not Ms. al-Hussein. She resigned her position at the UN, thereby forfeiting any political protection she might otherwise be able to claim, and openly stated she would rather take 40,000 lashes than the 40 to which she might have been sentenced if the courts could show her from where their authority to punish women for this supposed crime was derived. She claims that the Qur'an does not sanction the dress she wore, that her clothing was within the bounds of what constitutes modest dress, and that the law, as it is written, is vague and overbroad, constituting discrimination against women who can be arrested and punished under it at the discretion of those paid to enforce such law.

She printed invitations to the foreign and local press to attend her trial and promised that, if sentenced to a whipping, she would send out invitations to that event as well.

Sudan's syariah courts have responded by fining her instead of delivering the promised whipping. Although they have not, of course, responded to her challenge to show wherefrom their authority to whip women such as herself was derived.

Ms. al-Hussein has said that she will not pay the 500-pound ($200) fine, preferring to go to jail for a month instead.

What a woman! Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein, you are an inspiration! Women of Sudan, take heart. As long as you have people like Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein among you, you can fight those beardy old mullahs who spend too much time minding other people's business and not enough minding their own. And you can win! Women of America, it's time to let the home-grown Talebangelists know that you won't accept their restrictions on your rights!

And just remember, folks: Religion makes you FUCKING CRAZY~!

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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Women's Rights: Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein

Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein

If you haven't heard of Lubna Ahmed al-Hussain, you need to.

Ms. Lubna Ahmed al-Hussein is a Sudanese journalist who, until recently, also worked for the United Nations. Why does she no longer work for the U.N., you ask?

Because recently, Ms. al-Hussein was enjoying herself in the company of other women like herself at a restaurant in Khartoum when some 20 or 30 policemen arrested her, and twelve of her compatriots, for the crime of — wearing trousers. Ms. al-Ahmed decided to fight this ridiculous charge, and, when the U.N. moved to protect her as an employee, she resigned her U.N. post to fight it on her own.

Brave does not begin to describe this woman. She faces a whipping — 40 lashes — for her "crime." To demonstrate her commitment to her cause — defying this application of the law as "un-Islamic" and not deriving from the underlying authority for Shari'a law, the Quran — Ms. al-Hussein wore the exact same outfit she was wearing at her arrest to her court hearing. The charges against her, FTA:
[A]rticle 152 of the Sudanese criminal law of 1991 [provides that] women [...] wearing clothes that causes “public uneasiness” [or] a “threat to the Sudanese society values and virtues[...]” [are] subject to 40 lashes in public
The Arab Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI) is calling on all NGOs working on human rights issues to get involved.

Ms. al-Hussein plans to fight the charges all the way to the Constitutional Court, if necessary, she says, adding that her plan is to get rid of Article 152, which is more stringently enforced against women, and constitutes an invidious form of discrimination. Ms. al-Hussein has said she is willing to endure 40,000 lashes to fight this discriminatory law.

Some of the other women arrested with her have decided not to fight the charges, and accepted their whipping quietly. Not Ms. al-Hussein. She has printed invitations for the press and human rights activists to witness her trial, and plans to print invitations to the whipping if she loses her court case.

Ms. al-Hussein's bravery has inspired demonstrations by her supporters, according to al-Jazeera. Sudanese police have used tear-gas to disperse her protestors, and the court in which she was to be tried has postponed her case while they verify whether she has legal immunity from prosecution due to her status as an employee of the U.N. Ms. al-Hussein has called this "an attempt to delay the case," since she resigned from the U.N. before the trial specifically to renounce any immunity. FTA:
"If some people refer to the sharia to justify flagellating women because of what they wear, then let them show me which Quranic verses or hadith [sayings of the Prophet Mohammed] say so. I haven't found them," she said.
Two paws up from La Casa de Los Gatos, Ms. al-Hussein! We hope you win your case and get this foolish law repealed.

Note: Sharia law is only applied in the Muslim north of Sudan. The southern part of the country consists mainly of animists and Christians, and the Islamic legal framework does not apply there.

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Entertainment: Today's Republican Hypocrite


OK, Republicans, are you guys (and all two or whatever of you gals) running a contest to see who can be the biggest weenie-waving fucking hypocrite on the planet? Or are you just trying to make sure that the recession that you told us "wasn't happening" back when we noticed it happening doesn't hurt as much because we're laughing so hard at you?

Cos y'awl are just working this meme too hard, boyz'ngrrlz. I mean, thanks for the laughs, but, fuck me, children, when does this fuckin' stop?

Every day another Republican explodes in a welter of hypocrisy, greed, mind-boggling stupidity, and record-breaking shamelessness. What, Mark Stanford dumping wife and four kids to boink his mistress on Father's Day wasn't enough? John Ensign getting his Momma and Daddy to pay huge sums of money to his ex-best friend whose wife he's porking wasn't enough? Michelle Bachmann's increasingly unhinged pronouncements about how government healthcare would be cheaper than private (which, according to nutty Michelle, makes it a bad thing) isn't enough? And skanky harpy Liz Cheney appearing on every fucking TV screen 20 minutes out of every hour with her defense of Daddygumz' torture isn't enough.

Christ on the fucking cross, people! Maybe the plot is to make us all laugh so hard we'll die and then the rethugs can take back the country.

Today's plotter, in all his shameless glory: Tennessee State Senator Paul Stanley. What, you ask, did Senator Stanley do? Why, Senator Stanley, a married father of two charming Christian sprogs, a "Republican Fambly Valyoos 4evah!" kinda guy, you know, dumped his first wife to marry an attractive intern he was boinking — got caught boinking his latest intern and taking nude photos and videos of the whole thing.

OK, Stanley, I get it. Sump'n in the water out that way makes for teh abysmally stoopid in real life. And you're definitely a champion fucking (uh, literally as well) hypocrite.

But Jesus fucking J.H. Christ and his Black brother Harry, man! Even teh stoopid know by now that you don't videotape the whole fucking episode and you don't compound that level of idiocy by giving the tape to the chickie you were boinking after you already met her boyfriend who doesn't like you.

Christ on a fucking croissant! And then, guess what, Mr. IAmStoopidAndMyPantsKeepFallingOff is amazed, amazed, I tell you, that Boyfriend offers to perform a nutectomy on him unless he coughs up ten grand in small bills. Yo, Stanley, dude, you practically offered the guy a size 20 log to shove up your size 10 ass, be grateful he didn't make you bend over and take it in the tonsils.


Holy quacking duckshit. And that's not the worst of it. This is why this fecking eejit deserves to go down into the Hypocrites' Hall o' Infamy. FTA:
State Sen. Paul Stanley only recently sponsored legislation designed to prohibit gay couples in his home state from ever adopting children. He has also opposed family planning services, explaining that his “faith and church” require him to “promote abstinence.” And Stanley has run as a “pro-family” candidate in his campaigns for the Tennessee State Senate.
Pro-family except for teh ghey. Promoting "abstinence" for everuhboddah else. And full o' faith and church that won't allow a body to plan their family without Stanley's Senatorial nose all up in their crotch.

With any luck, Stanley's current (ex-intern) wife will staple his pants to his crotch and he'll never be able to boink anyone else again. One look at the guy and you know nobody's boinking him for teh handsome.

Just quit, you guys. I mean, literally. Just every one of you Repuglies, quit your jobs, quit your lives, quit the human race. Because we can't take too much more of this.

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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Politics: Opinionifying


If you haven't already seen it, Ross Douchehat wrote a sanctimonious, assholistic, ignorant, lame-assed editorial for the New York Times that absolutely reeks of having been pulled out of his bung. For maximum benefit, take blood pressure and psychoactive medication before reading. You'll be glad you did.

Why the Times decides to let this worthless motherfucker opine on abortions he is never going to have is beyond me. In any event, it is my sincere hope that you will give them what-for. Until right-wing hacks like Douchebag disappear off the horizon, this country doesn't have a prayer of moving in a progressive direction. As always, Douchebag shows us that rightwingnuttia is far more interested in having its collective nose up the panties of women and LGBTQ folk than in, say, stopping war, apprehending war criminals, fixing the economy, making the switch from an exploitative, war-based economy to one that puts the environment and all its ecological components first, with health care for all and an end to starvation and poverty, respect for science and preservation of the world we inhabit. So. Fuck Douchebag. Figuratively, at least. At

I took it upon myself to start the tirade:
Dear Sir or Madam,

I realize that you may have difficulty scavenging for "Op-Ed" writers, but really, do you HAVE to scrape the bottom of the barrel quite so obviously? Ross Douthat is hardly qualified to speak about so powerful and emotional an issue as abortion, having neither the capacity to ever experience the need for one, nor any other particular skillset that entitles him to make any pronouncements whatsoever on the topic. If you must have someone other than a person with pregnancy capabilities (or "woman," if you prefer, since it appears you are unacquainted with the female sex to any overwhelming degree), then you could at least find a writer who was either an obstetrician or a gynecologist, a psychologist or psychiatrist, a mental health worker of any other type, an educator, an embryologist - good heavens, there must, literally, be hundreds of people you could have selected! And some of them might even be women, which would give them a more realistic and appropriate perspective on pregnancies and the termination thereof.

Instead you chose this rambling idiot who does not back up his yammer with anything worthy of being called "proof." In addition to that, his idiocy is unmitigated by skillful prose, insight, sense, sensibility, meaning, empathy, or even, lacking all else, knowledge. Surely The Gray Lady can find SOMEone, ANYone, with better credentials than this emptyhat. Let me offer myself for the position. I can do no worse. No, wait, my cat could do no worse, so let me nominate her. I assure you, her fetching, winsome visage on the op-ed page, together with a collage of her pawprints and various household items that she has destroyed in her search for art, meaning, or amusement would appeal to your readers far more than the lard-faced apologist of the lower depths that is Douthat.


Look at that face. Who would want to fuck that pathetic thing? No wonder he can shoot his mouth off about abortions. He will never need one, or even cause anyone else to need one. After all, let's face it, if you thought something that looked like that was gonna crawl into or out of your twat, wouldn't you just give yourself a twatectomy with razor wire?

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

2008 Elections: Women and McCain

Okay, apparently the women of PUMA don't give a damn about reproductive choice for women (see it for yourself at Hillary is 44 dot org, to which we refuse to link) because they're all older than Methusaleh and their reproductive bits have dried up and fallen out and are therefore not in danger from the McFail people.

But our understanding is that women of many different political stances believe that while abortion should be rare, it should also be available if a woman's health will be negatively affected by carrying a pregnancy to term. We personally know of two women who had to terminate very-much-wanted and planned pregnancies because of health issues, and while they were very sad to do so (as we pointed out, they very much wanted the pregnancy), to have attempted to carry to term would have either killed or crippled the mother and the outcome for the fetus was not much better.

Apparently, John McFail doesn't think that a mother's health should be a consideration:

La Casa de Los Gatos is currently betting that McFail has just lost the election.

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Politics: CA Prop 4 — The Parental Notification Act

Guest blogger and Fount of Wisdom (as well as Feline Pope-in-Exile) Milagrito opines on the fate of this doubtful legislation being supported by Mormons and homophobes who are trying to change California's political landscape.

Milagrito's Campaign slogan

No on Parental Notification

Fellow kitties, I must address a topic that may prove controversial and maybe even lose me a few votes. I would really like to hear your reactions, whether or not you agree with me. I am urging any of you whose humans are California voters to make them vote NO on Proposition 4 in the November election, and any non-California voters to reject similar measures in their states.

Prop 4 is what is called a “notification law” and it’s about abortion. Some states have passed similar laws, but California voters have twice defeated similar measures. The basic proposed law states that any teenager seeking an abortion is subject to a parental notification requirement, meaning that if a pregnant teenager wants an abortion, they have to be prepared to have a letter posted to their parents telling on them.

These laws, to be constitutional, generally have what is called a “judicial bypass” provision. A teenager can go to a court — an excruciatingly embarrassing and intrusive requirement — and explain to a judge why she doesn’t want to have her parents involved, and a judge can issue consent to the abortion. As a law cat, I’m appalled by the high level of proof a teen is expected to present to the courts under Prop 4, either of their ability to make their own decision or of a negative family situation. The burden of proof is only slightly less than that required to convict someone of murder, and higher than the burden of proof required to award someone millions of dollars in a damage suit.

The new California ballot proposal has a further, more toxic alternative. The teenager can inform the doctor that her parents would sexually, physically or emotionally abuse her if her pregnancy and desire for an abortion were known. The doctor can then notify an alternate adult relative, telling this relative of the accusations against the parents, and also forwarding the accusation to a government agency for investigation.

These laws supposedly force the teen to turn to her parents for their wisdom and support. These laws also recognize that parents aren’t always wise and supportive. But instead of offering the teen alternative adult support in the form of counseling and compassionate medical care, they instead require her to become her parents’ accuser in exchange for the desired abortion. Her choice is to face the wrath of the parents (who might well react emotionally and hurtfully even if they are not cruel people) or to smear their reputation by report to the government.

Some proponents say this law will prevent sexual predators from covering up their abuse by forcing teens to have abortions. However, even a teenager who has been abused or exploited is entitled to her privacy and dignity, and to lodge an accusation when she is emotionally ready to do so. To force her to choose between being dragged through the courts or social services bureaucracy or face possibly abusive reactions by parents, is to pile stress, confusion and pain on a vulnerable teen. It is atrociously cruel.

I fear that teens would have a hell of a time navigating this legal mess. Nothing in this coercive system helps teens make good decisions. I can even imagine that a desperate teen, afraid to face her parents and embarrassed to tell her story to judge, might report abuse that never happened, just to get the abortion she wants. A teen, especially a middle-class kid whose family has never tangled with the law or the social service system, might have no idea what legal nightmare might be unleashed on her family if she says that, yes, her parents would emotionally abuse her if she told them she was pregnant. The law also blithely supposes that there is another adult who can be notified instead of the now-vilified parents. What if the entire family belongs to the same strict religion? What will happen to the family when Mom finds out that her sister knew all along, and didn’t tell her because of her supposed failures as a parent? How will the aunt feel being asked to keep this secret? What happens to the teen’s privacy when the social worker arrives at the door to find out what’s wrong with the family?

Kids have different rates of maturity, and families have different degrees of dysfunction. My Mama knows lots of girls from normal families who had abortions as teenagers and never told their parents, not wanting to upset them and get grounded for life. They went on to college and professions, and married and had families and suffered no fallout whatever, because they didn’t believe that abortion was wrong, but having a baby you couldn’t care for was very wrong. If I was a parent of a teenage kitten, I would much rather they came to me, but if they didn’t, I would want them to have somewhere to turn for competent medical and psychological help.

But there are other kinds of families, too, where people love each other but where parents are from other countries and cultures, or are very conservative, and the kids sometimes have values that clash with their parents’. Where parents think that punishment is an appropriate response. Where a pregnancy can have a devastating effect on the relationship of a daughter with her parents and perhaps affect a girl’s future. I can’t help but feel that there are situations where it’s best the parents don’t know. Even an immature teenager may be able to better evaluate her own situation than a court or agency.

Finally, the proposed law attacks doctors. Doctors would be expected to file paperwork on each abortion performed. They would be susceptible to suit by parents who claimed they were not properly notified. The exposure to lawsuits is precisely the reason many doctors are leaving high-risk medicine, such as high-risk obstetrics. This proposition seems aimed at scaring doctors away from abortions. Its most outrageous provision is that the parents can sue a doctor who performs an abortion on their child any time up to four years after the child reaches the age of majority. That means if a doctor performed an abortion on a patient who was sixteen, the parents can sue him up until she turns 22 — and the daughter can’t stop them. Only major felonies have statutes of limitations this long, and the result will be that even more doctors will refuse to perform abortions.

I cannot find an ounce of compassion or sense in this proposal. It needs to lose.

ThePoliticalCat thanks Milagrito for his clear, rational post on this issue. This would also be a good place to point out that in some cultures, a girl who has lost her virginity (one who, for example, needs an abortion) has sullied her family's honor, which can only be recovered by killing said girl. For those who think this doesn't happen in Western countries in this day and age, may we kindly point them to the story of Banaz Mahmod, murdered in the UK. Alternatively, consider Samana Siddiqui's interesting juxtaposition of information about honor killings of women in the Islamic countries to murders of women in the US and Canada. Or read Faux News' bigoted but nevertheless essentially factually correct report on honor killings in the US.

La Casa de Los Gatos would like to take this opportunity to point out that honor killings are not a religious, but a cultural practice. Thus, so called honor killings are very rare in Islamic countries in most of East and South-east Asia, but common in Pakistan, for example, and, sadly more so these days, in Iraq.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

2008 Elections: Don't Mess With Hill


We really didn't want Hillary Clinton for President — and we're not sure she did either. Not that she didn't give it her best shot, but between Bill's foot-in-mouth problems and the tension/conflict raging within the ranks of her campaign, we felt she herself was conflicted about the run for the White House. Setting aside the fact that she would be a million times better than Oldy McMoldy and his Caribou Barbie, she reminded us today why she is a truly formidable woman and worthy of our respect.

Watch her handle an interview with CNBC's Erin Burnett. Steely, determined, clear, on-point, and unflappable yet gracious. She gets her points across without bluster or hostility.

And the Republicans want us to believe that Sarah Paiin is fit to wash the feet of this woman!

If Hillary ever decides to kick the Governor Barbie's ass, she'll send it all the way to Tunguska with the first kick.

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

2008 Elections: Action Item and Entertainment

From ICHC, your source of all lolcattery

Diarist cloudwatcher over at DailyKos has this excellent idea. La Casa de Los Gatos reads DailyKos fairly regularly, but is not a member. Los Gatos, as you know, are not herd or pack animals. They prefer to be solitary in their pursuits. In the event, it's a simply brilliant idea, and for those of our visitors who are not DKos members here is the gist of it: Given that Palin is as anti-feminist as they come, those who disagree with her positions on women's right to choose and to their bodily autonomy ought to donate $10 (or more if you can afford it) to Planned Parenthood in Palin's name. PP has a policy of sending thank-you cards to the person being "honoured" by such donations. Cloudwatcher requests that you use this link, and adds:
You'll need to fill in the address to let PP know where to send the "in Sarah Palin's honor" card. I suggest you use the address for the McCain campaign headquarters, which is:

McCain for President
1235 S. Clark Street
Arlington , VA 22202

PS - Make sure you use that link above or choose the pulldown of
Donate--Honorary or Memorial Donations, not the regular "Donate
And, of course, in the interest of sharing teh love, please — pass it on!

Gee, it looks as if Oldy McMoldy is one of those who is condemned to repeat history. Or at the very least a Nixon wannabe.

For those too young to get the Nixon reference, back in the old days when "freedom of speech" was not just an electioneering slogan for lying Rethuglicans, politically hip folks wore T-shirts with the slogan "Nixon is a Coxsacker" after the little humpling tried to fire Independent Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox who was tasked with investigating Li'l Richie's High Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Same bullshit, different Cox. Someone needs to tell Oldy McMoldy that he can't fire this Cox.

Oh, dear. Emperor Jor Jee has issued an official statement in support of Cox.

In other really shitty news for Johnny McCan't (or should that be McCunt? We hear he's awfully fond of describing his wife as one):

  • One of our favouritest Republicans, Chuck Hagel, stated today that McCain's Veep pick is not experienced enough to be teh Prez;

  • Alert reporters (yes, yes, pretty much an oxymoron, lately) noticed that McDodoBird appears not to know who the Spanish Prime Minister is (ouch!);

  • McCain's Veep pick puts herself at the head of the ticket;

  • Veep-to-be outdraws Oldy McMoldy;

  • Those rallies aren't that well-attended anyway (that's gotta hurt, Johnny my man);

  • KKKarl "I blossomed from a Turd" Rove admits that McCain's Veep pick was purely politically motivated and not the most qualified candidate for the position (Karl, ya better get a food taster and a 24-hr bodyguard, dude);

  • An Alaskan blogger is calling teh Veep-to-be (or not; she might go the way of Carly Fiorina) out on her lies and slanders;

  • Veep-to-be, whose ties to bizarre Christian cults are already causing consternation among both Christians and atheists (not to mention, we're sure, adherents of other religions), is ascribing her successful run for Governor of Alaska to some weirdo who claims to hunt witches.

    Um, yeah, whatever. Sounds like she'd make a great running mate for Bobby Jindal, the exorcist governor of Louisiana, assuming that either of them survive the recent political ebb and flow.

  • More lies from the Veep-to-be uncovered.

Remember, folks, you're not allowed to elect more than one nutcase every decade So buh-bye, John.

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Friday, September 12, 2008

2008 Elections: A Summary of Facts, Part II

Heeeeere's Johnny!

Today, we continue with our point-by-point examination of the Palin/McCain campaign platform, in brief:

  • You say, with regard to "the sanctity of life" — a phrase which appears to mean the sanctity of zygotal life rather than, say, the lives of adult human women — "During more than five years as a POW in Vietnam, John McCain experienced the worst assaults on human dignity imaginable."

    Gee, John, how many sins will your POW status cover? You've already flogged this goddamn meme to death, guy. If there is anyone left on the planet who doesn't know that you were a POW, we're willing to bet that said individual has no TV, radio, telephone, computer, or access to the internet; does not read the papers or is both blind and deaf, in addition to never having learned braille; and lives in the middle of the Kalahari or the Gobi desert.

    At least you didn't say "I was tortured." Because, as you well know, having voted to allow the CIA to use torture, what the Vietnamese did to you did not qualify as torture, according to the Bush administration. And you support Bush. You voted for him 95 per cent of the time in 2007.

    You go on to explain: "Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned [...]." Do the women who plan to vote for you know this? Do they know that they will be condemning themselves, their daughters, and their granddaughters to back-alley abortions? Do you really want to see this happen again? Your response to women's right to choose if they will carry a pregnancy to term is to repeal Roe v. Wade and turn the decision over to state law, with the understanding that you will then "find new ways to empower and strengthen" the anti-choice movement on the state level."

    You don't want insurance companies paying for contraception. You won't fund programs that will keep teenagers like Bristol Palin, your Veep candidate's daughter, from getting pregnant. You won't fund sex education for teens. It's almost as if you want to treat all women as breeding sows, John.

    And what will you do with all those unwanted children, John? You either failed to vote or voted against all these programs that might help young parents of an unwanted child, or the child itself. So, you want to force their mothers to birth them, but you don't want to give their mothers any insurance for them, or help them heat their homes, or give their moms and dads a little help with unemployment insurance. But you voted FOR "welfare reform," which is another way of cutting down help to poor people who might have children.

    You claim adoption is the solution. Yet, with so many American children awaiting adoption, you and your wealthy heiress wife went to Bangladesh to adopt, and have only adopted one child, when you could easily adopt a dozen more without feeling the pinch.

    And you say "Decency, human compassion, self-sacrifice and the defense of innocent life are at the core of John McCain's value system [...]." Where's the decency in bringing unwanted children onto an overcrowded planet, John? Where's the human compassion in cutting off funding so the parents can't afford to feed, clothe, shelter, educate, or keep their children warm?

    As for self-sacrifice — your Veep candidate, Governor Sarah Palin, just recently attacked community organizers. According to the media, she's a Christian. Perhaps you need to remind her, John, that Jesus was a community organizer — and Pontius Pilate was a governor.

  • On the issue of energy, you say "John McCain will establish a market-based system to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, mobilize innovative technologies, and strengthen the economy."

    John, we're not stupid. We allowed deregulation of the financial markets and a "market-based system" approach. Look where we are now. We allowed deregulation of the food and drug markets. For at least two years we've had nonstop horror stories about the contamination of our food and drug supply. We know you've never held a real job in your life, John, so let us explain a few things to you.

    Businessmen go into business to make money; not to improve the health and welfare of their fellow citizens or fellow humans. A market-based system rewards the most rapacious businesspeople, not the most careful stewards of our resources. We have already caught you and your fellow Republicans out in some dreadful lies regarding the advantageousness of drilling in our beautiful coastal waters and nature reserves. You want nuclear energy. Can we put nuclear plants next to your multimillion dollar homes, John? If not, where can we put them? In the gated communities of the rich? Or in the vulnerable communities of the poor?

    Have you forgotten Three Mile Island, John? Have you forgotten Love Canal? Nobody wants nuclear plants or the resulting byproducts in their neighbourhood, John. If you'll set an example of that self-sacrifice you praise so highly by putting a nuclear plant next to each of your homes, maybe others will agree to do the same. Right now, John, your energy plan is based on giveaways to big corporations and gouging the poor and working people of the country.

  • On the issue of ethics, you say "America needs leadership devoted to the public interest, not the special interest [...]."

    That's nice. That's what we'd all like to see. So, how come you had 60 lobbyists raising money for you in January? And look how many of them are actually working for your campaign! Even while you were calling lobbyists "birds of prey," you had 160 of them working for your campaign.

    Now, because you've never had a real job in your life, John, having lived off first the taxpayer, then your rich wife, let us tell you something. Nobody gives anybody anything for free. Especially not businesspeople. If a businessman gives you a penny he expects two to five pennies in return. So these 160 lobbyists who are working to get you elected? They want something back, John. Salaries are not enough. So what are you planning to give them, John? Because if you're sitting in the Oval Office, whatever ROI they're getting is not coming out of your pockets but ours. We the people. We the taxpayers.

    It sure doesn't look like these lobbyists are trying to get you elected for the sake of the people. They have a stake in this. And from here, it don't look good.

    In the meantime, could you speak to Ms. Palin about "the willful setting aside of taxpayer dollars for the pet projects of special interests"? Because there's a certain bridge in Alaska that she was supporting when she ran for governor. And now she's saying she was against it. But she kept the money for it anyway.

    And then there's that stadium she got the city of Wasilla to agree to build, for which she raised the sales tax, but due to her failure to do her homework, she left the city $20 million in debt. And that was after hiring lobbyists to get the city $27 million in earmarks (or "pork," to use your favourite word, John). For a town of 6,000 people? $47 million dollars? Sounds a lot like pork, John.

  • As for natural heritage, you say you have a "commitment to clean air and water, and to conserving open space," and that you have been "a leader on the issue of global warming with the courage to call the nation to action on an issue we can no longer afford to ignore."

    Is that right, John? Because at the RNC, all we could hear was "Drill, baby, drill." Or perhaps those drunk Young Republicans were referring to your Veep candidate. In a non-sexist manner, of course. How do you reconcile clean air and water with offshore drilling, John? Remember that week you were going to make a speech on an oil rig, and then Hurricane Gustav warnings forced you to drop that photo-op? Or maybe it was the oil spill on the Mississippi River?
Sorry, John, and to all our regular readers, a heartfelt apology. Our waders were becoming encrusted with the bullshit through which we had to schlep. We can't read this crap no more.

Final word to John: Frankly, we think you picked the wrong Palin.

Tomorrow, we discuss John's Veep pick, with analysis.

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Wednesday, August 06, 2008

2008 Elections: Republican "Family Values"

What is wrong with these people? First Rude Ghouliani had his pedophile priest. Now John McCain has his teenager-raping "theocon."

Oldy McMoldy has been asked by three religious groups to remove Deal W. Hudson from his campaign, but has refused. The guy is a total creep. He blames his sexual abuse of a freshman on campus on "homosexual" priests. WHAT? Did some gay member of the clergy slip you Viagra and hold a gun to your head so you could get somebody's teenage daughter drunk and slip her the old salami? You disgusting PoS. How did the homosexual clergy force you to get some little girl drunk and force your disgusting ancient flabby wrinkly self on her?

Naturally, Bull Donohue, that patriarchal putz who gets his flabby jowls in a pother anytime anyone even hints that maybe, just maybe, he is not the sole arbiter of what his Deity would like the world to be (and a pretty hateful, nasty vision it is, Donohue) thinks that his criminal friend Hudson's apology suffices to pardon his crime.

Do you think saying sorry should let you off for rape? How about murder? We can't imagine any Catholic who takes their religion seriously letting either of these ancient bigots represent Catholicism to the world at large. Shame on you both, you vipers and serpents! Crawl back under a rock and let God, if there is one, speak for itself.

Incidentally, the victim in question was an 18-year-old freshman at the college where Hudson was a tenured professor. She was clearly a troubled teen, often initiating conversations about her personal life with him. Some of his supporters are alleging that she seduced him, or came on to him, or was an adult woman who flirted with her professor. This is all balderdash. If it was your daughter, we guarantee you'd be singing a different tune.

Recent studies have shown that teenagers' brains are still developing, and that they might not have the same understanding of concepts like risk and responsibility as adults. Teenage brains are also more susceptible to substance abuse. Why a tenured professor of philosophy fails to understand this is incomprehensible to us.

Moreover, anyone in a professional relationship with young people — teachers, doctors, psychiatrists, social workers &mdash knows that there are certain acts that are considered more reprehensible in people who have authority and responsibility over our young. Sex with your underage charges tops that list. How could this professor have failed to absorb that lesson?

Finally, when an adult and a youth are involved in something society considers wrong, it is the adult, not the youth, who bears the greater burden of responsibility. Even if that girl had stripped naked before him and begged him for sex, as a responsible adult, we expect him to understand that the girl was troubled and to immediately leave her presence and never again be alone with her in order that temptation would not arise. You'd think a Christian, a practising Catholic, a professor of philosophy would understand these concepts. And this is the man John McCain selects to be in charge of outreach to Catholics?

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Friday, August 01, 2008

Human Rights: Children

La Casa de Los Gatos generally skirts children's issues because they're so upsetting. We do not believe reproduction is a right. It is, or ought to be, a privilege. Because if you do not want children with all your body, heart, and mind, you really shouldn't have them.

As we said recently, our Mummy's popped her clogs, which means we're free to state a few things that we couldn't risk saying while she was alive. For what it's worth, she had a terrible relationship with all her children, two of whom haven't spoken to her in decades. She had children because "that's what you do when you're married." Surely, condoms and birth control, even of a rudimentary sort, were available even back in the dark ages when she was born. She liked babies in the simpering way that some women affect. Babies, after all, are like flesh-and-blood dolls, to be dressed and cooed at. They're not ambulatory so you can dump them when they bore you. If you have enough money you can hire other people to deal with their screams and tears.

Of course, when you're getting paid to look after someone else's child, you are under no obligation (except a general, moral one) to treat it well. Basically, you can get away with pretty much anything, and no matter what people say only their own children are attractive, everyone else's children are a royal pain in the arse. So it comes as no surprise that people, whether biologically related to a child or not, often abuse children. They're a lot of work, kids. From the day they're born till the day they leave home, they require cleaning, feeding, amusing, managing. You have to plan their activities for them, take them to school or to the doctor or to camp or daycare. You have to make sure they're clean, fed, and healthy regardless of your own condition.

And they're yours for life. If your 50-year-old kid has to move home because they've lost their job and their home, well, what do you do? You take them in, of course. So, if you're not ready to devote a substantial part of your life to putting someone else first, for mercy's sake, get your reproductive bits snipped or removed. Because from the day your sprog is conceived to the day it dies, that sprog must come first. Sure, once it's an adult, you get part of your life back. But that takes at least two decades of love and dedication. It's a tremendous sacrifice.

The downside is, if you fuck up the job of raising your kids, you're not the only person affected. Your kid gets their hands on your gun collection and goes all Columbine on their high school; or grows up to be Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer, and countless other people and their families and the taxpayer as well gets stuck with the cost of your kid's mental and emotional health, or lack thereof.

Today's collection of stories for your edification about raising your kids right should suffice to make you sufficiently gloomy about the whole business. Maybe you'll even decide to send money to Planned Parenthood or NARAL or any of the fine organizations that deal with health issues for women. Yes, the consequences of reproduction can be pretty bad. It should be a privilege that you have to get licensed for, or work towards, or something. For your delectation:

  • When your kid prefers prison to home or school, we gotta wonder what the hell kinda useless parents and teachers/administrators they had;

  • How on earth do you justify locking your kid up and starving them to death without a drink of water?

  • This is a big reason why children should not have children. Not that age improves things.

  • Nixzmary Brown — the poster child for horrendous child abuse cases. Prosecutors are adding a charge to the long list her mother will face, in the hope that it will increase their chances of a conviction.

  • Who the hell raised these creatures to believe you can force love with a gun?

  • The parents of this princess should have been spayed

  • Negligent parenting can have fatal consequences

  • Your children are your responsibility and yours alone. You can't hand them off to your druggie sister or anyone else just because you need a break.

So, why are we raising this issue today? Because the Bushies have just launched a sneak attack on women's reproductive freedom — and men's as well. Pertinent snippet:
Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services proposed a new rule that would force hospitals and clinics to hire people who refuse to provide the full range of reproductive options to women, denying women important health care information and access to basic forms of contraception.

Bush's new rule would deny federal funding to health care institutions that refuse to follow the new rule, limiting health care access when more Americans are struggling with rising health care costs. Further, this rule could allow health care providers, driven by their own personal ideology, to deny emergency contraception to sexual assault victims.

By redefining abortion to include the most common and effective methods of birth control, including oral contraceptives and emergency contraception, the Bush Administration is attempting to deprive basic contraceptive services to women around the country.
Unwanted children are at a much greater risk of abuse. This increases if the mother has a difficult pregnancy or delivery, or if the child has physical or developmental disabilities. Additional risk factors include poverty, premature delivery, lack of societal support, mental health problems in either parent, domestic violence, a history of child abuse for either parent, and poor coping skills.

Given that middle-class and upper-class women tend to be (a) educated; (b) able to procure contraception or abortion; (c) not at risk of poverty, lack of societal support, or poor coping skills, it is not unreasonable to assume that the impact of Emperor Jor Jee's law will fall on the already burdened working class and lower-middle-class women. So, if you have a shred of human decency or feeling, consider the plight of all those unwanted children Emperor Jor Jee is about to create for his puppet masters; and consider the plight of the women who will have to bear the consequences of caring, or failing to care, for such children. And do something.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

2008 Elections: Uh-Oh

Something tells me Carly Fiorina, the world's most-hated CEO, is not a good match for the fumbling, bumbling campaign of John "Where's my fresh Depends, you cunt?" McInsane.

First, she stuck her right foot in her mouth by bringing up the issue of the many health care plans that cover the male erectile dysfunction drug, Viagra, but refuse to cover the cost of birth control for women. NARAL was only too happy to point out to Fiorina that McCain has repeatedly voted against birth control coverage for women.

Then she stuck the left foot in, calling for a fully-funded NCLB &mdash which her boss, John McCain, voted against. Says the Huffington Post:
McCain has consistently (though not always) voted against providing complete funding for the education legislation. According to the National Education Association, "Since 2003, McCain voted repeatedly against fully funding No Child Left Behind, resulting in an unfunded mandate that has continued to further tap local communities and states during an economic downturn."
If she'd had a third foot, she would have stuck that in when she "misspoke," or rather, lied about McCain's position on Roe v. Wade:
Fiorina's public reassurance to a group of former Hillary Rodham Clinton supporters in Columbus, Ohio, raised hackles after she said the Arizona senator "has never signed on to efforts to overturn Roe v. Wade."

But McCain has repeatedly underscored his opposition to abortion and has said on the campaign trail that the landmark law that protects a woman's right to abortion procedures "should be overturned."
Here's her fourth foot:
[...] she said that if the Bush tax cuts are repealed, as Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has proposed, "23 million small businesses will see their taxes raised." That's because "23 million small businesses file their income tax as individuals. And so, when Barack Obama blithely says only the wealthiest are going to be taxed, he is ignoring the fact that 23 million small businesses file as individuals," she said.

Swampland writer Jay Newton-Small called the statement "terribly misleading."

"In fact, 94.5 percent of all (self-employed) entities ... had receipts under $100,000 in 2007," he wrote. "When running HP, did 23 million equal a few hundred thousand? No wonder she got fired."
A fifth foot should follow, based on her record with outsourcing jobs and her hideous performance as CEO of HP. She took a fine old Silicon Valley company and ran it into the ground. Of course, her response to this merited criticism is to cry sexism, but check out her own words on the issue:
"Carly Fiorina has talked about outsourcing and defined it as 'rightsourcing,' " [...].

And Fiorina, who laid off 18,000 HP workers during post-merger restructuring, once noted that her big mistake was that she didn't lay some off fast enough [,...].
Nice going, Carly. Be sure to tell the electorate that you walked away from the mass slaughter with a $21 million dollar package.

Finally, running out of mouth for feet, she managed to pull a doozy when interviewed by Bloomberg, says HuffPo:
Then she mentioned, in an interview with Bloomberg's Al Hunt, that McCain would be open to raising taxes on the wealthy, if in a creative enough fashion - a position sure to incur the wrath of anti-tax conservatives.
First off, McAncient has already stated
[...] that he would not raise taxes under any circumstances.

"In fact, I could see an argument if our economy continues to deteriorate, for lower interest rates, lower tax rates and certainly decreasing corporate tax rates, which are the second-highest in the world," McCain said on ABC's "This Week."
Something tells me Fiorina is not going to be McCain's Veep. Her stunning incompetence at HP was visible only to Silly Valley insiders. Her incredible incompetence at (potential) VP is visible to the entire electorate. Luckily, unlike the rest of us, she doesn't need to work. She's financially set for life. Bet there's a lot of former HP employees out there still hurting, though.

Hey, Carly &mdash be sure to get McAncient to tell you his favourite jokes. Here's one:
John McCain made this odious joke about Chelsea Clinton back in ‘98.

Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno.”

– Sen. John McCain, speaking to a Republican dinner, June 1998.
Any supporters of Hillary Rodham Clinton find this amusing? This is an insult to Bill and Hillary Clinton, to their teenage daughter, and to a dedicated public servant. It's an insult to women everywhere. It reveals clearly what John McCain thinks of strong women. It lends credence to the story that McCain called his wife a trollop and a cunt in front of members of the press.

Here's another one:
In Arizona, we’ve seen a pattern of this sort of humor. Long time Arizonenses remember the “seizure world” comment that poked fun at the elderly, ironic now that he’s the oldest candidate for president (I guess it was inevitable that it would become ironic). I managed to dig up this gem from his 1986 race for US Senate, as quoted in the Tucson Citizen:

Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, ‘Where is that marvelous ape?’
You know, there's a real violent streak of misogyny in that business about the woman being beaten senseless and left to die. Most of us who were born in the 20th century heard plenty of rape "jokes," growing up. Not all of them are this violent and repulsive. Here's one I heard as a teenager. The subject is repulsive, but it's more of a play on words than a paean to rape:
Woman: Officer, officer, I've been graped.

Officer: Don't you mean "raped"?

Woman: No, there was a bunch of them.
Still repulsive, but much less violent and nasty. So, Carly, you should ask Johnny Depends how he really feels about women, gal. Especially strong women. Maybe he'll treat you to a couple of inside jokes about brutal rape.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

2008 Elections: A Question For Women

And the men who love and support them. Please watch this video clip first:

Do you agree with Senator McCain? Twice, he voted against measures that would have required insurance companies to cover birth control. Mind you, these same insurance companies cheerfully cover Viagra (sildenafil, also known as Mycoxafloppin), a drug known to have very dangerous side effects including death. So Senator McCaincient has no problem with giving old guys boners but a huge problem with giving women control over their pregnancies.

Interesting. In his own words:
"John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned, and as president he will nominate judges who understand that courts should not be in the business of legislating from the bench."
More about McCaincient's blather and misogyny available here.

Finally: Is it just us, or was that lengthy pause on McCaincient's part reminiscent of a certain Dumbass McChimpitude on 9/11?

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Politics: Joe Lieberman Is a Boil

... upon the collective behind of humanity.

Our dear readers know quite well how fond we are of Senator Lieberman (I-Me). His placing the State of Israel's interests above America's interests has done more harm to Israel than good.

Frankly, we find the repellent little bottom-dweller (in every sense of the word) utterly unbearable. He is a sanctimonious, whining, liar. A greedy shill. A pathetic, craven little man, cowering at every shadow and willing to give up not just his, but our, collective civil liberties to assuage his pathetic, weak-kneed fears.

So, it is with great delight that we at this fine blog announce today that the Huffington Post is reporting that Brave New Films has collected some 43,000 signatures in a petition to the Senate Democratic Caucus' steering committee to strip Lieberman of his various positions of power within that Caucus.

From BNF's site:
We CANNOT tolerate a leader of the Senate Democratic Caucus who supports George Bush and McCain's War in Iraq. We CANNOT tolerate a Democratic chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee who endorses and stumps for McCain. We call on the Senate Democratic Steering Committee to strip Joe Lieberman of his chairmanship and his leadership role.
I should think not! This cowardly lyin' went to Iraq in full body armour with hundreds of ordinary GIs forming a human shield around him to stroll around the marketplaces of Baghdad and had the gall to come back here and declare that Iraq was "safe." In essence, telling the parents, siblings, lovers, children, neighbours, and friends of men and women in the uniform of the nation that it was OK to send their loved ones out there to be shot, wounded, maimed, and killed.

Jowls quivering with faux indignation, Holy Joe screeched and wept crocodile tears over Bill Clinton's sexual indiscretions with an adult woman in a voluntary liaison. Yet he has shed, to date, not a single tear for a million murdered Iraqis, or the 4.5 million refugees, the wounded and maimed. He has not shed a single tear for American soldiers and civilians killed, injured, and suffering because of that Barsoomianly bisyllabic bozo, Jor Jee Bush. Children of both nations have lost their parents, and parents have lost their children. But Holy Joe's children are not in harm's way, so what does he care? His children - Matt Lieberman, his son by his first marriage, Rebecca Lieberman, his daughter by his first marriage, Ethan Tucker, his stepson, and Hana Lieberman, his daughter with his lobbyist wife Hadassah - are all sitting safely in the U.S. out of harm's way.

Matt is, apparently, the head of the Katherine and Jacob Greenfield Hebrew Academy of Atlanta. He's unlikely to be killed or wounded unless the nerdy students of the Academy decide, a highly unlikely event, that he has inherited his father's nasal, complaining whine and decide to remedy such genetic inheritance by machine-gunning him right out of the gene pool.

Rebecca, when last publicized by the NYT, was making $75K p.a. at the New York City Board of Education; but that was eight years ago, and she's probably pulling down six figures now. Although we understand that New York City is probably more dangerous than Atlanta, Rebecca is also highly unlikely to be wounded or killed in the line of duty. It's our understanding that the Board of Ed in NYC may be more highly charged than similar bodies in other cities and states, but we have not heard any rumours of board members offing each other or undesirable employees. Let us fervently hope that she did not inherit Daddy Dearest's vocal chords. If there is one thing that could drive otherwise peaceable people to murder, that voice would probably be it.

Stepson Ethan Tucker is a Rabbi, according to the Jewish Ledger. Fortunately, he is the biological spawn of Lieberman's wife Hadassah, from a previous marriage. As a result, he is not likely to inspire anyone to wound or kill him to stifle the trademark Lieberwhore whine. To his credit, Rabbi Tucker is a committed supporter of Barack Obama.

Daughter Hana, now 20 years old, is in college. Hopefully, her father's vocal chords have died out with him. Otherwise, the poor child might find herself Darwinized, as the Sanctimonious Bleat that is the very life and trademark of Holy Joe is not to be borne by mortals.

While these four Lieberspawn live their lives untroubled by such matters as PTSD, destroyed limbs and lives, TBI, and inadequate health care and lack of support from the warmongers such as Lieberwhore himself who cheerfully send other people's children to die in places they would never send their own sacred spawn, we observe the daily body count in Iraq and Afghanistan and note that Usama bin Laden is still at large and the Iraqis are now demanding a withdrawal timetable from the U.S. Will wonders never cease?

At any rate, if you are as fond of the Liebergasbag as we are, we urge you to hie yourself forthwith to this site and sign the damned petition. Surely there's more than 43,000 of us that would like to see this sanctimonious prick cashiered.

Any feminists or nonfeminist women who might consider censuring us for stomping the pathetic old weasel are advised to consider Holy Joe's sanctimonious support for the right of medical personnel and hospitals to refuse contraceptive assistance to female rape victims. Consider this in the light of Holy Joe's support of Catholic, anti-women's-rights judges John Roberts and Samuel Alito. Holy Joe may pay lip service to women's right to choose, and how could he do anything else given the position of the majority of his constituents on the issue? But his support for women goes no further than his lips. He's pretty sanguine about telling a rape victim to get herself to another hospital if the one the ambulance takes her to won't help her exercise her right to choose.


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Saturday, June 14, 2008

2008 Elections: Women and McCain

Dear women,

Here is what Planned Parenthood would like you to know about John McCain's position on issues that affect women's health:

Remember, your right to vote was dearly bought. Exercise your best judgment and vote in the best interest of your sisters, daughters, lovers, and friends.

In case you're not sure what the issues are, or not convinced that a vote for McCain is a vote against women's rights, please register for an account at the NYT, log in, and read this fine article, brought to our attention by Susan of EasyBakeCoven (via the incomparable Maru).

Because it must never again come to this:

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

2008 Elections: Women

This election year for many of us was marked by firsts: the first woman candidate with a good chance of winning faced the first African-American candidate with ... well, no one believed he had a chance, really, till he won. It was also the first time (in our lifetime) that citizens participated so eagerly, with crowds in the tens of thousands showing up to see &mdash well, some of &mdash the nominees.

The misogyny of the media and the Powers That Be revealed itself to a degree that surprised most of us. The racism, likewise. But this past Saturday, Senator Hillary Clinton did herself proud, conceding the race to Obama with unmatched grace, wit, brilliance, charm, and a terrific speech. Nothing in the struggle became her like the leaving of it. We're actually very sad because we've been wanting her for President for many years now.

She has always been a champion of women's issues, and deserves plenty of respect and kudos for that. More to the point, her candidacy, and her loss, had many people worried. Who will speak for women, in the coming Administration? Gee Dumbya and Dick made it clear that, in their book, women keep their mouths shut and their heads down. From the attacks on working women's pay, benefits, families, rights, and bodies it was clear that the Republicans are no respecters of women.

Once Clinton bowed out, it was time to look for evidence of what the candidates had to offer women. We were pretty sure that McCain would not have a lot to offer women. He's a Republican, after all, and most Republicans don't like or respect women enough to trust them to decide on their own damn bodies, for goodness' sake.

Well, here's some of the evidence. McCain opposes the Lily Ledbetter Equal Pay for Equal Work act because "it'll lead to lawsuits." Hey, dumbass, there wouldn't be any need for lawsuits if employers paid women equally for equal work.

See for yourself. Pertinent snippet:
McCain skipped the vote to campaign in New Orleans.

"I am all in favor of pay equity for women, but this kind of legislation, as is typical of what's being proposed by my friends on the other side of the aisle, opens us up to lawsuits for all kinds of problems," the expected GOP presidential nominee told reporters.


The Arizona senator said he was familiar with the disparity but that there are better ways to help women find better paying jobs.

"They need the education and training, particularly since more and more women are heads of their households, as much or more than anybody else," McCain said. "And it's hard for them to leave their families when they don't have somebody to take care of them.

"It's a vicious cycle that's affecting women, particularly in a part of the country like this, where mining is the mainstay; traditionally, women have not gone into that line of work, to say the least," he said.
Yeah, well, that was then, Johnny. These days, women work at coal mining too. Sheesh.He's insane. What century does this guy live in? What does he mean, "women are heads of their households, as much or more than anybody else"? The dog is also a co-head of the household? What, the cockatoo? The cat?

And what about single women without children? Are they not also part of the workforce? Should they be forced to accept lower pay? What about Lily Ledbetter, after whom the damned act was named, who HAD the requisite education and training and was STILL paid less? Doesn't he realize that if you make less during your working years, your pension, retirement, social security benefits will be lower than someone who made more? What an idiot.

The SPTimes thinks women should worry about McCain taking power. No shit. Here's snippets from their article on the issue:
Due to McCain's reputation as a maverick, many voters seem to attach more moderate abortion views to him. In Florida's primary, for example, 45 percent of those Republicans who said abortion should be legal voted for McCain. Whereas the prochoice Rudy Giuliani won over only 19 percent of the prochoice Republican vote.

But McCain's voting record is solidly antichoice. He said directly in South Carolina that Roe "should be overturned" and strongly reiterates that position on his campaign Web site. He told the American Conservative Union that one of the three most important goals that he wants to achieve as president is to promote "a nation of traditional values that protects the rights of the unborn."

In accordance with these views, McCain promises to "nominate strict constructionist judges," which is code for "will overturn Roe if given half a chance."
The article goes on to say that McCain supports the global gag rule, one of the most hideous things to come out of the religious right's attitude towards women as uteri with legs (but not brains, hearts, or minds). Basically, the food crises we're seeing? The starvation, the fierce competition for water, fuel, and other resources? These all result from the death of the Zero Population Growth movement.

Back in the late sixties, people all around the world looked at themselves and the planet they lived on and came to the conclusion that we were soon going to exceed our planet's capacity to feed, shelter, and care for us. The ZPG movement was born with the intent of keeping the world's human population at sustainable levels. Then along came the Religious Right, those fundies who won't spend a penny to feed hungry children or even give their possibly illegal immigrant parents amnesty or an education so that they can afford to feed the fruit of their collective womb.

One of the first rules they forced through was the gag rule. In essence, what the gag rule does is, it prevents providers of women's healthcare services from offering, or even discussing, any alternative options other than forced birth. Clinics or even "barefoot doctors" who offer information about birth control can lose all their funding. Even if their sole abortion-related activity is to lobby to legalize abortion in their own country, or to refer their patients to other providers of services that might include abortion, and even if that activity is funded by other monies, they lose any money that they might otherwise receive from the U.S.

What this has done is turn the world and millions of women into one vast forced-birth experiment. Denied the ability to control the size of their families, women who become pregnant must give birth. While the gag rule contains a supposed exception for rape and incest, anyone who has lived or worked in the Third World knows how unlikely a woman is to allege rape or incest if she becomes pregnant.

In many countries, rape laws don't exist; in those where they do, they are selectively enforced; often, social opinion turns against the victim of the crime, not the perpetrator. Women brave enough to publicly allege rape or incest face penalties including jail, beatings, loss of their family, loss of their children, if any, loss of livelihood, and, often, death.

Thus, they are forced to birth unwanted children. If a woman does not want her child, forcing her to give birth to it can only have bad consequences for the child. Parenting is a tremendously difficult task, and requires a great degree of self-sacrifice. The same mealy-mouthed hypocrites who force women to birth unwanted children cry the biggest tears when asked to fund food, shelter, and education for such children. Even when wanted by their mothers, such children are at a tremendous disadvantage, especially in poor communities where they start off with a single parental income instead of two. In countries where the maternal mortality rate is high, they might not even survive their childhood. A child without a mother is at greatest risk of death through neglect or abuse.

Small surprise that parents who have many children that they cannot feed sell their children as slave labour. Thus is their misery perpetuated, the misery of their parents who have to give up their child, the misery of the children who are exploited by cruel and greedy people.

Now that we are in competition for the very basics of life, and world population has increased by 50 per cent since the ZPG movement, we see how much suffering and misery the Religious Right's attitude towards women's reproductive bits has caused.

John McInsane will perpetuate this inequity leading to even greater overpopulation, greater competition for scarce resources, more death and suffering.
An intelligent person might think that someone as rabidly antiabortion as McCain would be backing approaches to prevent unwanted pregnancies, thereby, ipso facto, fewer abortions. Well, think again.

McCain is an antagonist of sensible family planning and effective sex education. In 2005, he voted "no" on a $100-million allocation for preventive health care services targeted at reducing unintended pregnancies, particularly teen pregnancies. In 2006, he voted against funding for comprehensive, medically accurate sex education for teens.
Those women who claim they will vote for McCain need to look at some of the linked sites here. They might change their minds in a hurry.

Some women have said that McCain's positions on women's reproductive rights and health don't concern them since they're past the age of reproduction. Fine, whatever. What about your kids and grandkids? Is it OK if they die from back-alley abortions? What about your sons and grandsons? Is it OK if they get killed in a war? And unless you're as rich as Mrs. McCain, what about your job? Is it OK if you don't have one, or yours gets shipped overseas? What about your retirement benefits? Is it OK if they tank like the Dow, and our economy? What about your house? Is it OK if you have to live in a cardboard refrigerator box? Is it OK if he privatizes Social Security?

Now, what's Barack Obama's position on women? We went to the candidate's Web site to find out. Here it is.

We already know that he earned a 100% lifetime rating from Planned Parenthood and NARAL, that he is committed to equal pay for equal work for women, that he wants an end to the war in Iraq, that he wrote to Ben Bernanke about the dangers of the subprime housing loan market a year before it collapsed, that he plans to work with Elizabeth Edwards on universal health care, that he plans to increase taxes on the wealthiest Americans and give the middle class and working poor a tax break ... What's not to like?

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