Julie Magers Soulen Photography" name="description"/> Julie Magers Soulen Photography: abstract
Colorado Photography of the American West

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Showing posts with label abstract. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abstract. Show all posts

18 October 2010

Botanical Nature Abstract - Aqua Spray

A tuft of grass bursts into a fountain of aqua color.As I gaze at the natural view of autumn grass I am inspired by the beauty and invent a playful landscape. In the magical world of imagination a tuft of grass is transformed into a fountain spraying aqua blue water reminding me of the jets of water skyrocketing at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Daydreaming can be great fun.

A tuft of grass bursts into a fountain of aqua color.

Aqua Spray
A tuft of grass bursts into a fountain of aqua color.
click here for purchase information on this photo


14 October 2010

Botanical Abstract - Midnight Sparkle

A common seedhead is transformed into sparkling fireworks in blue, green, aqua and lavender.The moon turns the sky a cobalt blue as the stars wink above. Below delicate filaments catch tiny jeweled drops in the midnight air as if to catch the stars themselves and bring them to earth. The fluffy seed turns color and looks like a fireworks of frozen evening colors. Time passes slowly if you can catch a star.

A common seedhead is transformed into sparkling fireworks in blue, green, aqua and lavender.

Midnight Sparkle
A fluffy seed is transformed into sparkling midnight fireworks in blue, green, aqua and lavender.
click here for more information on this photo


03 March 2010


A framed photo of a brilliant red sunrise is an abstract explosion of bright red with a silhouette of the horizon.
According to astrology some of us are ruled by the sun and some by the moon, not to mention many other planets. The sun is hot, dry and masculine in nature; whereas the moon is associated with the feminine and dark energies. There are sun worshipers and folk that like to howl at the moon. We have early risers and night owls. Whichever group you prefer I hope that my photographs bring light to your day or your night. Tell me which of our celestial bodies brings out the best in you.

A brilliant red sunrise is an abstract explosion of bright red with a silhouette of the horizon.
A brilliant red sunrise is an abstract explosion of bright red with a silhouette of the horizon and will look perfect as an accent piece in your decor.
click here for purchase information on this photo

A glowing blue moonrise is an abstract explosion of color with a silhouette of the horizon.

A framed photo of a glowing blue moonrise is an abstract explosion of color with a silhouette of the horizon.
A glowing blue moonrise is an abstract explosion of color with a silhouette of the horizon and will look perfect as an accent piece in your decor.
click here for purchase information on this photo

A photo set of a moonrise and sunrise.
Sunrise Moonrise Photo Set
Two different presentations of a rising glowing sun or moon against a dark horizon. One brilliant red the other illuminating blue.
click here for purchase information on this photo set

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05 January 2010

Abstractions in Winter

A framed photo of a jagged bare bush pokes through the fresh snow providing a contrast between the soft snow and sharp thorns.
A winter's walk turns into a meditation. As I amble down the narrow snow banked lane the quietness of the forest seeps into me. The mind's chatter of the many things to do fall away and are replaced with an eternal moment. The common thorny brush turns into a work of art against the fresh snow. A single pine needle catches my attention and becomes center stage, highlighted by the soft glow of a winter sun. I pause and gaze at the beauty, my attention so totally focused on the pine needle that time freezes along with my breath.

A jagged bare bush pokes through the fresh snow providing a contrast between the soft snow and sharp thorns.
Thorns in Snow
A jagged bare bush pokes through the fresh snow providing a contrast between the soft snow and sharp thorns.
click here for purchase information on this photo

A single pine needle rests lightly on a bed of icy crystals producing a moment of zen.

A framed photo of a single pine needle rests lightly on a bed of icy crystals producing a moment of zen.
A single pine needle rests lightly on a bed of icy crystals producing a moment of zen.
click here for purchase information on this photo

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02 August 2009

Sunday Morning Gallery - Playful Color

Today I wanted to play with photography so I dug through my vast archives to look for photos that sparked my whimsy. Cartoon cities with cartoon cars and buildings, superheroes scaling tall structures, and comic book villains floated through my imagination. A summer day of relaxation turns into an unconventional shot of summer toes. A hidden alley turns into a photo inspired by Modrian. Tell me what you think of my sudden spark of intense color and eccentric musings.

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12 July 2009

Sunday Morning Gallery - The Nature of Abstraction

Fine art photography has grown into a true art form of its own. One only has to look in the finest art galleries to find "photos" of fantasy worlds, surreal landscapes, or abstract art. The digital age has given powerful tools to the skilled photographer to be able to create something beyond what the lens sees in reality. Because of this creative well spring, I have become more and more fascinated with abstractions in nature photography. It seems the only limits are the ones we place on ourselves.

I hope you enjoy my dabbling and let me know what you think.

A summer weed goes to seed in the golden light.

Friends in colorful summer shirts sit at a glass patio table creating an instant Monet.

A springtime tree in bud creates fractals in the blue sky.

The winter woodstove shimmers with heat.

29 May 2009

Friday Favorites - Desert Color

I have always loved vibrant desert color. The color of a Sedona sunset, coral and turquoise jewelry, and the giant red mesas in the old John Wayne movies of my childhood send a warm happy feeling right through me and down to my toes. Enjoy these gorgeous pieces from some very talented artisans. Please visit their shops by clicking on the piece's title. Enjoy!

by Original Art Studio

by Kenna Foster

Desert Oasis Necklace
by Kelley Livingston

The Horseman
by Uncle Lee

03 April 2009

Friday Favorites - Using Shape and Form in Photography

I love the dynamic movement of these following three photographs. The old Packard seems to be flying down a Chicago street on a get away. My eye is naturally drawn to the back of the car perpetuating the forward motion. "Noctournal Stucco" beckons me to go around that corner as my eye follows the curving archway. And "Galaxies" bursts like the Fourth of July, coming right off the page at you!

They are all very different but all are excellently composed using form and shape to accentuate motion. The black and white nature of each encourages the eye to follow the form giving them an even greater impact. These photographers have mastered shape and form!

The last photograph of the turbulent water is my own contribution.  The solid rock and swirling water lend the illusion of movement to a static art form.  I hope you like it!

Classic Packard Automobile 5 x 7 Photograph

classic silver packard automobile

Noctournal Stucco - 8x12 Photographic Print

night time architectural columns

Galaxies- Fine Art Print-8x8

botanical plant

And here is an example of my own work using shape and form. Hope you like it!

Rushing Water
Colorado river rapids photo, of swirling rapids of water around a rock in a turbulent wild mountain river. Perfect for adding the dynamic power of a wild mountain river to your home, office, or bathroom decor. St. Vrain River, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.

06 March 2009

Old Style with a New Edge

Sometimes what I see with my "mind's eye" is not always the same as the raw data that the camera captures. It is fun to look at something old, rusty, and broken and see new beauty in a different way. These photos have been altered to change the focus and target specific elements that I saw when I shot the original photo. Here is what I saw.

17 February 2009

Abstractions in Nature

Abstractions in nature always catch my eye. I'm always the first in my family to see wildlife and I think it is because I see patterns in nature. If there is an interruption in pattern it draws my eye everytime.

On a cold winter morning I happened upon the graceful feather prints left in the snow by a wild turkey flapping its wings. It took me a couple minutes to figure out what I was looking at but a nearby prehistoric looking footprint tipped me off.

Rose hips are a favorite subject of mine and the green background set them off perfectly.

A summer walk along the Colorado River in Rocky Mountain National Park found a beaver pond just as the sky opened with a gentle rain.

Woody stems from last summer poke up through the crusty snow to form shadows of an ancient alphabet.

A Colorado blue sky framed by tumbleweeds catches the flight of a single raven.