Julie Magers Soulen Photography" name="description"/> Julie Magers Soulen Photography: photographs
Colorado Photography of the American West

Interested in purchasing any of these prints? Click here to visit my gallery of fine art Colorado photography for sale.

Showing posts with label photographs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photographs. Show all posts

09 January 2013

Rustic Mountain Outhouse in Independence, Colorado

Colorado outhouse photo, of a primitive rustic privy located in the alpine ghost town of Independence, Colorado.
Last September I took a trip to Aspen, Colorado. On the way up to the Continental Divide east of Aspen there is a little ghost town called Independence. I took this photograph of the outhouse with a great view there. It could be one of the highest outhouses in the USA at 10,830 feet elevation.  I did it in two versions; color, and black and white. I like both versions but for different reasons. I think the color version has better depth of field. However, the black and white fits the subject matter. Which do you like?

I'll be sharing more Colorado photography shot in Independence soon! Thanks in advance for your comments and shares.

Colorado outhouse photo, of a primitive rustic privy located in the alpine ghost town of Independence, Colorado.

Mountain Privy
Colorado outhouse photo, of a primitive rustic privy located in the alpine ghost town of Independence, Colorado. A perfect way to add the rustic beauty of the west to your home, office, or bathroom decor.

Colorado outhouse photo in black and white, of a primitive rustic privy located in the alpine ghost town of Independence, Colorado.

Mountain Privy BW
Colorado outhouse photo in black and white.
Independence, Colorado.

Photography PrintsArt Prints

As always, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts in my comments here or on my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed.

11 April 2012

A Wish for Spring Cherry Blossoms

The first touch of green adorns a springtime cherry tree.

Spring! A time of renewal, rebirth, rejuvenation! After a winter of stark whites and tired browns the sudden resurgence of green to the landscape is uplifting. When the first tiny little buds appeared on the tree outside the kitchen window of my new home I was watching with excited anticipation. I had thought from the shape and bark of the tree that it might be an ash. But as I watched those buds unfurl it soon became apparent that this tree was going to blossom. And then I had the quick realization that one of my wishes had come true. I had a cherry tree. 

The first touch of green adorns a springtime cherry tree. 

The first touch of green adorns a springtime cherry tree. 

The first touch of green adorns a springtime cherry tree.

Sweet fragrant cherry blossoms on a sunny spring day. 

Cherry Blossoms 
Sweet fragrant cherry blossoms on a sunny spring day. 
Sweet fragrant cherry blossoms on a sunny spring day.


As always, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about editorial, photography, and anything in between in my comments here or on my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed.

21 March 2012

Red Tulips from the Spring Garden

a brilliant red bouquet of spring tulips fresh from the garden

This week spring came to the northern hemisphere. My mind has been on flowers or the lack of at my new home. I am itching to get out and start tearing up sod and removing stone to make new flower beds and plant some trees. 

Gardening is a close second to photography for me and shooting flower photography is a natural fit. This photograph of a bouquet of tulips occupied quite a bit of my studio time. I fiddled and fussed with it playing with a couple different backgrounds to put behind those red beauties. But after some sage advice from Flickr and Facebook friends the purist version won out. 

a brilliant red bouquet of spring tulips fresh from the garden

Red Tulips
A brilliant red bouquet of spring tulips fresh from the garden. Perfect for adding a springtime bouquet to your home, office, or bedroom decor.
Tell me which one you like. Do you agree that the plain background is best? Tulip 2's background was created by yours truly. And I have Pixal Dust Photo Art to thank for the beautiful background on Tulip 3. 

Tulip 2 Tulip 2 Tulip 3 Tulip 3


As always, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about editorial, photography, and anything in between in my comments here or on my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed.

07 March 2012

An English Bulldog Day in Pictures

Bulldog plays tug of war with owner. 

Now why does she want my toy? 
No! Don't throw it away!

Bulldog with toy 

Back and forth. Back and forth. Geesh! 

  Bulldog stands over toy 

Okay, I got it under control. 

Bulldog guards toy from another dog 

Don't even think about it.

Bulldog guards toy from two dogs 

Hey! No ganging up on me! 

Bulldog and brown dog play with toy 

Now where the heck did he come from? 

Bulldog and brown dog play tug of war with toy 


Bulldog Retrieves toy 

Mine again.
My work is done.


As always, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about editorial, photography, and anything in between in my comments here or on my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed.

08 February 2012

The Face of Fort Collins 2 - Steet Photography

I received just enough encouragement to test your patience with more urban street photography. Here are my latest with a couple very different approaches. The first image of the woman is pretty straight forward. I did virtually nothing but bump up the contrast and vibrance in this one. The second I decided to alter drastically. There was an element about this young man that made me think of graphic novel heroes. Do you like the straight approach or the graphic one better? Color or black and white?

A woman in a white coat next to a red wall grabs a cookie for a quick snack on her way to an unknown destination.

Cookie Contemplation
A woman in a white coat next to a red wall grabs a cookie for a quick snack on her way to an unknown destination. Fort Collins, Colorado

A graphic inspired black and white image of a hoodie cloaked young man gazing back at me from behind dark glasses in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Graphic Hero
A hoodie cloaked young man gazes back me from behind dark glasses in Fort Collins, Colorado.

As always, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about editorial, photography, and anything in between in my comments here or on my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed.

19 July 2011

Bodega Bay, Home to Hitchcock Movie "The Birds"

A seagull sitting on a log.On a recent trip to California we visited the northern coastal town of Bodega Bay. It was not until we arrived that I realized it was the home of Alfred Hitchcock's movie, "The Birds." I remember watching that scary movie as a kid, and with that in mind, I set about recording the sights of this sleepy little coastal town. Now how on earth did Hitchcock manage to scare us with this tranquil setting?

The old schoolhouse used in Hitchcock's movie,
The old schoolhouse used in Hitchcock's movie, "The Birds." Bodega Bay, California

Ellen Orr Grave
Ellen Orr's Grave
Ellen Orr's grave is located at St. Teresa of Avila Church, Bodega, California.

An architectural photo of a white clapboard Christian church with rays  of light shining down from a cloud filled sky.
God's House
An architectural photo of a white clapboard Christian church with rays of light shining down from a cloud filled sky. St. Teresa of Avila Church, Bodega, California
purchase information

An architectural photo of a beautiful wooden Christian church door.
Church Door
An architectural photo of a beautiful wooden Christian church door. St. Teresa of Avila Church, Bodega, California
purchase information


As always, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about editorial, photography, and anything in between in my comments here or on my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed.

05 July 2011

Street Life in San Francisco, USA

San Francisco is my favorite American city. Street life is diverse, entertaining, and poignant. You can play and relax, as well as, grow and expand. And you can see just about anything; including a carriage full of pug dogs, a man with a smile bright enough to light an entire stadium, and a baby bundled in a colorful scarf. For me it is a photographer's delight. I hope it also delights you.

A homeless man in San Francisco smiles big for the camera as he sits on the sidewalk begging.
Smiling Man
A homeless man in San Francisco graciously allowed me to shoot his photo after explaining to me that he had no teeth and couldn't smile. I disagree.

A carriage full of pug dogs.
I was watching the street life from a curb side cafe when this carriage full of pug dogs came into my view. I was so surprised I almost missed the shot!

A black and white photo of a man in Chinatown, San Francisco, plays music on his traditional bowed instrument.
Street Musician
A man in Chinatown plays music on his traditional bowed instrument.

A group of women push a cart of food down an alley in Chinatown, one with a baby strapped to her back.
Baby Bundle
I was watching a group of women push a cart of food down an alley in Chinatown. Once they were past me I was surprised to see the baby bundled in a colorful scarf that I hadn't noticed before.

As always, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about editorial, photography, and anything in between in my comments here or on my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed.

06 June 2011

Shifting Gears in San Francisco

A red hot Ferrari tours through Chinatown in San Francisco.The bustling international city of San Francisco is a big contrast to my daily life of quiet living off-grid in the northern Colorado Rockies and I love it! It has always been our favorite city destination and still is. It is fun to look at the haute couture on Union Square, shop for souvenirs in Chinatown, and have a martini in the famous Redwood Room at the Clift.

San Francisco is full of contrasts too. Seeing the red Ferrari in Chinatown was not that unusual but still a major contrast to the primarily walking crowd. Our room at the Monaco was very cosmopolitan but kitschy as well. And if you want to see street vendors next to shops of famous designer couture then Union Square is where you will be.

Next visit will definitely have to be longer!

A red hot Ferrari tours through Chinatown in San Francisco.
Chinatown Ferrari
A red hot Ferrari tours through Chinatown in San Francisco.

A room at the Monaco Hotel in San Francisco has the rich kitschy colors of Moulin Rouge.

A room at the Monaco Hotel in San Francisco has the rich kitschy colors of Moulin Rouge.

Monaco Suite
A room at the Monaco Hotel in San Francisco has the rich kitschy colors of Moulin Rouge.

a store front mannequin displays the latest haute couture in chartreuse for the a night at the theatre

Chartreuse Diva
Near Union Square in San Francisco a store front mannequin displays the latest haute couture in chartreuse for a night in the Theatre District.

As always, I appreciate you sharing your thoughts about editorial, photography, and anything in between in my comments here or on my Facebook Page and Twitter Feed.

08 November 2010

The 2010 Holiday Greeting Card Collection is Finished!

Holiday Greeting Card 4 Pack SaleThis is the last new card of my 2010 Holiday Greeting Card Collection. There are eight different designs in total with eight different holiday greetings on the inside. To see the other seven holiday greeting cards visit Holiday Card Sale on this blog or my Etsy Shop. Complete details on ordering are available on each card and package deal in my Etsy Shop and of course, you may contact me here too! I hope you enjoy the new collection and visit soon.

Holiday Door Holiday Christmas Card

Holiday Door
The inside reads, "May the warmth and peace of the holiday season be yours today and always."
click here for purchase information on this Holiday Greeting Card


04 November 2010

Holiday Card Sale

Holiday Christmas Card 12 Pack by Julie Magers SoulenI can hardly believe it myself but the holidays are almost here! I have been working steadily like one of Santa's elves on my new 2010 Holiday Card Collection. I am almost done and I could not wait to share with you what I have finished. I hope you like them and would love to hear your comments!

Click here for puchase information on the Holiday Card 12 Pack, 8 Pack or 4 Pack.

Roses in Snow Holiday Card
The inside reads, "Wishing you a beautiful holiday season."
click here for purchase information on this holiday card

Winter Love Holiday Card
Winter Love Holiday Card
The inside reads, "Wishing you that Christmas feeling all year long."
click here for purchase information on this holiday card

Silver Present Holiday Card
Silver Present Holiday Card
The inside reads, "Wishing you the gift of joy and wonder this Christmas."
click here for purchase information on this holiday card

Peace on Earth Holiday Card
The inside reads, "May you have the spirit of Christmas which is peace, the gladness of Christmas which is hope, and the heart of Christmas which is love."
click here for purchase information on this holiday card

Golden in Snow Holiday Card
Golden in Snow
The inside reads, "Wishing you a bright and delightful holiday season."
click here for purchase information on this holiday card

Morning Snow Holiday Card
The inside reads, "May the spirit of nature bring you peace this holiday season."
click here for purchase information on this holiday card

Champ Joy Holiday Card
Champ Joy
The inside reads, Christmas is in the air! Wishing you all the joy, hope and wonder of the season."
click here for purchase information on this holiday card

Thank you very much for looking!
