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Showing posts with label stamps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stamps. Show all posts

Sunday 30 July 2017

Better Late Than Never

How often do you start a layout but never finish it? Or start a layout and then change the whole direction half way through? This happens to me a lot when I go away to a retreat, or when I get sick. I started this layout back at the end of June, at the Escape 2 Create retreat. It was my first ever attempt to do a Kraft+ challenge. If I remember correctly, June's challenge was to do a monochromatic layout. I got the base done, with the intention of finishing it when I got back home. Yeah, it never happened. So, now I am sharing it a month later, finally completed as a DT project for D-Lish Scraps, and with the challenge requirements for the Kraft+ July challenge (use roses three different ways). 

I shared this project (and extra photos) on the D-Lish blog, right here. There are lots of D-Lish goodies on this layout, all available in the D-Lish store, right here

So, I am of the theory, better late than never, lol! At least I can now say I have completed ONE Kraft+ challenge. If I keep my fingers crossed I might be able to make it two. Time will tell. 
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you are having a lovely scrappy time. xxx
Cheers and hugs, xxx

Saturday 21 November 2015

Odd One Out...

Time for another share. :) This layout is from October, 

Since I don't have "boys", I went with the next best thing - my rabbit, Mr Lamington. :)
Isn't he a cutie!!! 

I've used some of the new release chipboard designs, and teamed it with lots of oranges, golds, and blues. And finished off with lots of stars and Swiss crosses.  

Thanks for stopping by. :)
I hope your weekend is as awesome as mine.

Cheers and hugs, xxx

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Imaginarium Designs May Project...

Where is the time going? I can't believe it is May already. 
One more month, and we are half-way through the year. Eeeek!!!

Today, I am sharing a quick and simple layout the I did as my Imaginarium Designs May project. All the details and product list can be found on the Imaginarium Designs blog

I just love this photo of my girls showing their usual sisterly love. How could I not scrap it, lol!!! 

If you would like to know how I created the swirl effect on my title, just check out the ID Blog.

Thanks for stopping by!
Big hugs and cheers, xxx

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Cards and Tags For Imaginarium Designs...

Wow, life has been SO busy! My hubby is home between jobs, so we are trying to make the most of the family time together (as a big break between jobs doesn't happen often). My bestie Annette Gearside came down to spend 10 fabulous days with me, and to attend the annual Escape 2 Create retreat at Port Lincoln. We seriously had the best time EVER!!!!!
But now it is time to go back to reality. :)

So, I thought I had better start by catching up by sharing a card and tag that I created for Imaginarium Designs. The Design Team project theme for March was Cards and Tags, so these two pretties are my contribution. If you would like to see some of the other projects created by the team, just click here, on the Imaginarium Designs blog link.

You all know how much I love colour, so I had an absolute blast playing and creating this tag. Every time I create something like this, I remember why I love spray mists sooooo much. :) No wonder my collection keeps growing. 
Keeping it short today, as I still have a lot to get done on my "To Do" list today. 
Thanks for stopping by, 
Cheers and hugs, xxx

Saturday 28 February 2015

This is What Love Looks Like...

I'm away at the Scrap & Chat retreat in the Dandenongs, Melbourne, but thought I would pop in for a minute to share an Imaginarium Designs layout. The full ID blog post is here

I decided to play with Marion Smith's Posh paper range, a Dina Wakley stamp, and a little spray mist, and some embossing powder. When I first thought I had finished the layout, it looked like it was missing something, so for a change I grabbed a black marking pen and started to doodle and draw in random places.  I was much happier with the end result. It just needed that extra definition. :) 

I'm totally in love with the new Dina Wakley stamps, so you can expect to see much more of them on work. Plus, I've just finished reading her "Art Journal Freedom" book, and my head is full of ideas and inspiration. I've decided this is going to be a big year for me - time to branch out and try new things. 

Thanks for stopping by and joining me today, but make sure you come back tomorrow for a REALLY BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!!! :-D
Cheers and big hugs, xxxxx

Friday 4 October 2013

PaperHaus October Sketch Challenge...

The October sketch is now live on the Paperhaus blog!
Go check out the amazing inspiration from the Design team. Are you going to join in and have some fun?  

I couldn't resist using this photo of Miss K. Isn't she just adorable with her piggy hat, lol! 

I followed the sketch fairly closely, adding lots of layers, strips, and details. 

 And a little journalling to tell the story. :-)

And I have a new favourite stamp from Bo-Bunny. Love, love, love this cup stain stamp.
Products Used: My Mind's Eye papers, Bo-Bunny stamp, Prima flowers, Martha Stewart punch, and My Little Shoebox alph stickers. 

Are you ready for the weekend? I AM!!! :-)
Happy scrapping one and all. xxx