Showing posts with label social cost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label social cost. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

The tobacco economists network - overview of chapters

In the next year (or so), I'll explore the network of 100+ American economists professors recruited by the Tobacco Industry

This posts lists all the different posts:
  1. Introduction
  2. A network led by a core group 
  3. The activities of the core group and the full list of members
Tobaaco industry vs the social cost issue
  1. The path towards the social cost strategy
  2. Turning social cost in a lobbying strategy, the first research by the consultants (1979 - 1984)
  3. Towards an operational social cost strategy - the 1984 Cigarette Excise Tax Plan
Setting up a network
  1. Recruiting the economists through the personal network of the core members
  2. Committee on Taxation and Economic Growth
  3. Lobbyists or useful idiots ?
Activities of the economists network
  1. Activities
  2. Political hearings
  3. Overview of testimony of Robert D. Tollison
  4. Evaluating the economic witnesses
  5. Side step: the scientific witness program
  6. Savare gets audited
  7. Training the economists
  8. The industry keeps evaluating
  9. Economic experts witness team orientation
  10. Requesting an economist
  11. Buying the economists names
  12. Ryan C. Amacher
  13. Economic Associations meetings
  14. Overview of meetings
  15. Presentations
  16. Op-ed campaigns
  17. Several op-ed rounds
  18. Letters to senators
  19. Tollison writes a letter
  20. Robert D. Tollison writes pro-tobacco books
  21. Robert D. Tollison writes pro-tobacco books (bis)
  22. Robert D. Tollison writes more tobacco books
  23. Promo-tours all over the USA
  24. Buying positive book reviews
  25. Even more pro-tobacco books
  26. The last pro-tobacco book
  27. The "scientific" output
  28. PHASE I - II - III
  29. More Corrections by the Tobacco Institute
  30. Benefit-cost analysis of EPA's workplace smoking policies
  32. The one where the industry knows the funced papers are flawed
  33. Another example where the 'independent academics' allow the Tobacco Institute to alter the draft versions of their work
  34. More tobacco publications
The end of the network
  1. Towards the end of the network
  2. Post 1998 tobacco output
  3. How much did they earn ?
  4. A secret network of lawyers. Different people, same dishonesty
Work for other tobacco companies
  1. Tollison working for British American Tobacco
  2. Robert D. Tollison working for Philip Morris
A new path

1. Tim Hyde's cunning plan 3. The final turn in astroturfing

The role of think tanks