This posts lists all the different posts:
- Introduction
- A network led by a core group
- The activities of the core group and the full list of members
- The path towards the social cost strategy
- Turning social cost in a lobbying strategy, the first research by the consultants (1979 - 1984)
- Towards an operational social cost strategy - the 1984 Cigarette Excise Tax Plan
- Recruiting the economists through the personal network of the core members
- Committee on Taxation and Economic Growth
- Lobbyists or useful idiots ?
- Activities
- Political hearings
- Overview of testimony of Robert D. Tollison
- Evaluating the economic witnesses
- Side step: the scientific witness program
- Savare gets audited
- Training the economists
- The industry keeps evaluating
- Economic experts witness team orientation
- Requesting an economist
- Buying the economists names
- Ryan C. Amacher
- Economic Associations meetings
- Overview of meetings
- Presentations
- Op-ed campaigns
- Several op-ed rounds
- Letters to senators
- Tollison writes a letter
- Robert D. Tollison writes pro-tobacco books
- Robert D. Tollison writes pro-tobacco books (bis)
- Robert D. Tollison writes more tobacco books
- Promo-tours all over the USA
- Buying positive book reviews
- Even more pro-tobacco books
- The last pro-tobacco book
- The "scientific" output
- More Corrections by the Tobacco Institute
- Benefit-cost analysis of EPA's workplace smoking policies
- The one where the industry knows the funced papers are flawed
- Another example where the 'independent academics' allow the Tobacco Institute to alter the draft versions of their work
- More tobacco publications
The end of the network
- Towards the end of the network
- Post 1998 tobacco output
- How much did they earn ?
- A secret network of lawyers. Different people, same dishonesty
Work for other tobacco companies
A new path
The role of think tanks
- The Independent Institute
- Alexis de Tocqueville Institution
- Heartland Institute
- Atlas Economic Research Foundation
- National Center for Policy Analysis