Sunday, September 9, 2012

Being a Mommy is Hard!

Goodness! Being a mommy is hard! Are kids always testing your patience or do they ever take a day off? Yesterday was excellent! I got laundry done, did all the dishes, vacuumed out the van, mowed part of the lawn, had several good play times with the kids and finished my day watching a movie with my sister. ..Except that by nine o'clock I was spent and was ready for bed. So we didn't actually finish the movie. But oh well! Next time!

But today was rough. I think Sunday's are hard. Especially when you get all the kids up and ready and you still have an hour left to kill and so you spend the morning reading stories to them and then when you finally pile all the kids in the van, with plenty of time to spare of course, you discover that the van wont start! And THEN your little sister has to come and rescue you and by the time you get there you're late and the one year old decides that she wants to talk all through Sacrament Meeting so you spend the rest of the meeting out in the hallway!

..I mean ...Not that that's ever happened to me or anything. Just saying.

Anyway, for those who haven't heard: I'm babysitting my cousin's four kids for two and a half weeks while she and her husband are out in France. Like France, France. The real deal! And babysitting is going great! Of course I don't think I have EVER talked so much in my life, in fact I think I'm loosing my voice because of it. And my staying-up-late kick is just about dead. I'm noticing that I'm going to bed earlier and earlier and earlier. Pretty soon I'll be going to bed the same time the kids do! And every time my sister comes I bombard her with all the "adult conversation" that I'be been craving all day because, of course, you can't talk to the kids, and yet I spend that time talking about the kids!

And I sure love these kids! And they're all so very different and awesome in their own little way. And babysitting is great. I highly recommend it to every girl before they start having their own kids. Especially if it's for several days. ...I actually just got asked a few days ago if I could babysit ANOTHER family! But it's only for a few days, not quite a week. I think if I could have this as my job instead of making sandwiches all day, I would be a much happier person. Not that I'm not happy. I am... It's just. You can't have wrestling matches with a sandwich. Or tickle fights with vegetables.