Monday, November 14, 2011

New Place, New People, No Worries

As some of you may know, I am moving to Utah in January. My dear friend Nikole is taking a "traveling nurse" position in Provo and I am tagging along. We still don't know the specifics about where it is that we will live, but we are doing our homework. has two or three pages of housing listed that we have been looking through.
Anyway, it seems as though January is coming as fast and as slow as it possibly can. When you think of it on a twelve month scale, two months really isn't that bad. Especially since they should be flying by super fast because of the holidays and finals and what have you. However, these two months seem to be dripping by as slow as molasses, almost as if time knows how anxious I am for this move and wants me to suffer. Suffer is kind of a strong just seems that when there is something huge going on time slows down.
I have never lived outside of Missouri, or outside of my family's homes for that matter. This move is a pretty big step in my little life. I hear a lot of really neat stories from cousins and siblings about how wonderful Utah is and the people and the activities and how full of life and young adults it is. I am kind of nervous though now that my expectations are a little high for Provo. Sort of like when everyone talks about how great a movie is and you get all excited for it and then you finally see and it wasn't that wonderful, you know? But I hope that it is everything that everyone says it is.
I think that moving to Provo will be a great opportunity to really find myself. To break free of the small-town mentality where everyone knows everyone and just have at it. Words cannot express the excitement/nervousness/anticipation that I have been feeling over this move. I can only hope that it will be everything that I want it to be :)

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