Sunday, August 5, 2012

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission

Well, you've probably heard, I'm not getting married. We broke it off a week before the end of term and I think it was the right thing to do. Of course, it's been somewhat difficult, but the Lord has truly been helping me.

When I got back from school and got all moved in with my grandma I was very distressed. I had no direction in my life at all. Nothing really to work for, other than paying off my school loans. BUT, when my grandma mentioned for the second time my going on a mission a light came on inside me. I felt like I had a purpose again. So I fasted and prayed and interviewed with the bishop. My papers all almost all done! The only thing I really have left is to get my physical and I have that scheduled for two weeks.

I am SO thrilled with the prospect of serving the Lord for eighteen months! I've been pouring over my scriptures every morning and night and I've been picking up any other piece of work put out my the church that I can get my hands on. And grandma, of course, has been very helpful! I'm not sure who is more excited about my going, me or my grandma! We've gone shopping for missionary clothes and it seems like we're constantly talking about the missions she's served and about grandpa and about life! I love it here! Anyhow.. I may or may not blog soon, but, until then, happy blogging!


Sheri said...

How exciting!!! You'll be an awesome missionary!

And keep blogging. It's important to me.

Sarah said...

I heard that you were thinking about going on a Mission, that is SO awesome!

The Crisps said...

I couldn't think of a better idea in the world. Brilliant! Can't wait to hear where you are going. Maybe NE Washington??

The Crisps said...

I couldn't think of a better idea in the world. Brilliant! Can't wait to hear where you are going. Maybe NE Washington??