Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Eyes on the Road

My little brother (well all my family really) is pretty funny. He never fails to make me laugh, sometimes with him sometimes at him! Come on, what are older brothers for? Take this picture for instance. It seems like a pretty normal picture, that is until you take a look at his eyes in the rearview mirror. Like I said, my little brother makes me laugh.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

On the Lookout

Don't let the innocent looks fool you, this child is a bully. After she steals your heart she will most likely hit you in the face. But since it is done with a smile you can't help but laugh and ask for another. Plus could you really stay mad at that face? I didn't think so.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Olympic Memories

With the 2010 Vancouver Olympics in full force, I am reminded of when my little corner of the world hosted the Winter Games in 2002. The Salt Lake 2002 games were a blast. I had the opportunity to go to hockey game (Ukraine vs. Belarus) and to go Downtown during the height of the games. As you can see from above Downtown was all dressed up for its world debut and bustling with excitement. It was just fun to be down there and take it all in. The best part of the games is of course the competition that it brings but the excitement of the games is something that I will always remember. Go World!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Caitlit!

It's Caity's Birthday. We had a little party. It went a little something like this:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sweet Tooth Overload

Awhile back me and the Fuzz made some Upside-Down Apple French Toast and I can tell you it was an overload for any sweet tooth. It went a little something like this:

For the recipe click here and if that isn't enough to satisfy your craving click here for more.