Showing posts with label thrift find. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thrift find. Show all posts

Friday, April 25, 2014

What's on My Table: Tulip Edition

I thought it might be fun 
to occasionally share with you 
what is gracing the top of my coffee table.
It's a spot I enjoy changing out often. 
If I need a quick pick-me-up that's one of 
the first places I'll decorate. 
Yet for many, coffee table accessorizing is a chore. 
Hopefully my quick and easy changes
 will inspire you.

I started with a pot of freshly planted tulips
that I just dug up out of the ground so I could enjoy their beauty indoors. They were a bit top heavy
and even though I tried my best to tie them upright 
they insisted on flopping over.

 I actually preferred their floppy, more relaxed  appearance so I just added in a little nest 
to balance things and hide the dirt.
Then I finished things off with a, 
thrift store acquired, silver leaf and branch.
It was quick, easy, and cost next-to-nothing.  

 I think it shouts, "Springtime is Here!" 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Trophy Love Two

When I saw this metal urn at the thrift store it reminded me of 
a huge loving cup trophy. 
When I got it home I began to 
strip off the layers of paint

Unfortunately those layers were hiding rivets and seams and different tones of metal.
 To unify the piece I rubbed on a coat of Rub n'Buff. Then I gave it a little age with a dark glaze. I think it looks great! 
It's almost like a real vintage loving cup trophy 
but for a fraction of the price.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Trophy Love

I have a love for vintage trophies. Unfortunately I cannot afford their 
high price tag. 
I've been lucky to find a few  
small ones at the thrift store, even though 
I've also gathered a couple of newer metal trophies but I wasn't fond of the
 shiny yellow gold.
I tossed around a few ideas for giving them  
a little age. I could spray paint them but I wanted a warm silver not a shiny one so I decided to try removing the shiny finish with 
paint stripper and steel wool. 
It worked perfectly! Although I would still love to find 
a real vintage trophy,
  this small collection of faux vintage trophies makes me happy too.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Stalking a Trough

One day at the thrift store I noticed an item in another shopper's cart. It was a lovely, perfectly aged, long, skinny trough. I was in love, yet sad that I had missed such a wonderful piece. Because it was love at first sight for me, I had a hard time letting it out of my sight. So I very nonchalantly stalked the pretty little trough. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who stalks other thrift store shoppers hoping that they'll put back a coveted item! Actually I already know that I must not be because one thrifter told me that she had a woman come up to her after she purchased an item and offered her more than 10 times what she had just paid. Fortunately I did not have to go to such extremes for this trough. The other shopper put it back on the shelf and walked away. That's when I swooped in to make that little trough mine and we have lived happily together ever since! It's been such a fun piece for decorating for summer and fall.

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Imaginary DIY World

In my imaginary DIY world I would have limitless time, energy and money for projects. And, even more importantly, I would have outstanding upholstery skills! With these abilities and skills I would buy these really dirty, but very unique chairs, recover them, and use them at my kitchen table.In my imaginary world I would also buy this awesome fainting couch, paint the wood a dark brown and cover the body with a lovely linen. Then, I would place that beautiful couch in my imaginary art studio.
A girl can dream, right?

What are your outstanding skills
in your imaginary DIY world?

Monday, February 27, 2012

A Fresh Mantle

I found this beautiful oil painting at the thrift store for a $1.50. The painting and my newly crafted moss monogram were the inspiration I used to freshen up my mantle.Making a moss monogram was so easy! I simply traced around the letter onto the back of a moss mat (ready-made moss glued onto netting, purchased at the craft store). Then I cut and hot glued the moss pieces onto the monogram. I added faux nature onto my mantle---a flower resembling those in the painting, and a pot of grass to balance the moss letter. On the other side I placed two yellow ceramic artichokes and a tall pink orchid that mimic the colors in the art. All that was needed to complete the mantle was a few brightly colored books and a couple of shiny candlesticks (my favorite go-to items in decor!).
And there you have
a fresh, ready-for-spring mantle!

This post linked to:
The Lettered Cottage

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Following a Trend

Garden stools are very popular in home design. Their versatility and unique design help to promote their popularity. I've been intrigued with them for some time but I could never justify their price. When I found them at discount stores their quality seemed a bit lacking and I knew they likely wouldn't hold up to my rowdy crew. So I gave up on having the trendy little stool, until I found one at the thrift store for only a few dollars. It's color was not what appealed to me. It was it's weight---it felt like it was made of cement! As I muscled it to the check stand I envisioned it's makeover.
It seemed that it's previous owners likely abandoned it because it had a serious injury.
I pulled out a glob of plumbers epoxy putty, made the necessary repair, and waited for the putty to dry. Once dry I sanded the area and then applied a few coats of paint-plus-primer.
The little stool has a new life and I am a proud trend follower!

Friday, November 18, 2011

My Neighbors Might Wonder

I'm sure that if my neighbors looked into
my home in the evening
they would stop and take a second look.
They might be puzzled or bewildered.
They might wonder if I had lost my sense of style.
Wouldn't you if you saw such a sight?
It's just my way of trying to decide
which style of shade I like most for my thrifted,
, oversize lamps.
Tell me, which style do you like most?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Back In Love

I have loved my long green table for years. It was a thrift find that may have once been a school science table---the old gum stuck underneath, as well as the holes from a pencil sharpener would indicate that that was it's previous life. I painted and distressed it to match my home decor but that was a few years back and my style has evolved since then.
A couple of weeks ago I stopped to look at the mis-tints at the big orange box store. I fell in love with a quart of muddy gray paint that someone else did not care for. A few coats of paint and it looked like new.
Wanting to keep the story of the science table in tact I gave it a glaze, darkening it over the dings and scratches, to bring out the previous chapters of it's life.Then to give it a little more interest and height I added some casters.
I am back in love with my table!
***Enter for a $100 Wal*mart gift card HERE***

Friday, October 7, 2011

Topped Off Topiary

While thrift store shopping I found this sad,
yet potentially awesome, topiary. It just needed to be
stripped of the things
that were weighing it down
old lights, faded greenery, and the too tall stem.

With the help of several bags
of dollar store moss rocks cut in half,
a bunch of glue sticks . . .

a few hot glue blisters . . .a couple of hours . . .

and a fresh dabbling of paint to the pot . . .

the topiary was re-born!

***Don't forget to

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