Showing posts with label paint. Show all posts
Showing posts with label paint. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2013

Painting a Rock Fireplace

Several months ago I had the opportunity, along with several others, 
to help give some friends a home makeover. It was a fun experience! 
One of my favorite transformations in their home was the fireplace. The original fireplace was rock. The rock was dark, multicolored, dated, and had been colored on by their children. It was in desperate need of an update.
I was so excited get my hands on it and give it a coat of paint 
but several of the other volunteers didn't agree with the idea. 
Luckily I've met with opposition on paint makeovers before 
(usually with my own family members) so I knew just what to do. . . 
go ahead and PAINT!
I used a primer/ paint combo along with a paintbrush and roller. 
In less than an hour the fireplace went from dark and dated 
to fresh, clean and modern.
 Even the naysayers thought it looked awesome!

The volunteers had another inexpensive idea to update the home. 
They used wide baseboard, turned upside down, as crown molding. 
It cost less, is easier to install, yet still adds architectural detail.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Updated China Cabinet and a KILZ Giveaway

A few months ago the people with KILZ

asked me if I wanted to try their newly launched zero-VOC primer, KILZ Clean Start. Of course I'm always willing to try out any new product---especially one that makes painting easier and doesn't have a strong smell.I've been wanting to update my built-in china cabinet, to give it a fresh new look. Years ago hubby and I added trim and crown molding to this cabinet to dress it up and hide the imperfections from it's original contractor build. I then painted the original sad looking oak a beautiful dark green with copper highlights. Wanting to freshen it up with a lighter paint color KILZ Clean Start was the perfect product since it's always good to use a primer when painting a lighter color on top of a darker. Priming first means less top coats and less chance of shadowing or bleed-thru from the darker paint.The KILZ went on smooth and there was hardly any odor. . . No, the KILZ people did not pay me to say this. They gave me a gallon of paint and I'm giving you my honest opinion about it.
I'm really happy with the china cabinet's new look!
The people at KILZ want to give
one lucky Joys of Home reader
their own gallon of KILZ Clean Start.
All you need to do to win is leave a comment here
and tell me the project you'd like to use KILZ Clean Start.
For an additional entry go to the KILZ Facebook page,
"like" them then come back here
and leave an additional comment.
The giveaway will be open until midnight (MT)
Wednesday, January 25th.
The winner will be announced soon after.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

What's Old Is New

This is one of the last remaining original cabinets in our home that has not been removed or had a paint make-over. It will eventually be replaced with a beautiful thrift store piece that we will fit a bathroom sink into. When we first moved into our home I was overwhelmed with the amount of cheap, ugly, cabinets and hardware. But little by little we have managed to turn ugly into lovely on a very tight budget, which even surprises me.
I remember our first year in this home when I counted all of the cabinet handles on our first floor. It amounted to over one hundred!
I knew if I could only replace the ugly antique brass it would update the cabinetry, but with so many pieces even that could prove costly. So little by little we removed some doors, some entire cabinets, and then primed and painted what remained until our home began to look like ours instead of a contractor's bargain build.
Years ago I couldn't wait to get rid of the antique brass hardware but, ironically, just a few weeks ago I added antique brass back.
It looks beautiful against the now painted, but still original (cheap) cabinetry. Of course I would love to have all new cabinets in my home but I am very content with the beauty that I have been able to achieve with a small amount of money, time, and energy. It's very rewarding to be able to make a house
your home!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Adding a Few Coats

The weatherman has predicted warmer weather (finally!).
And while many will be shedding their coats,
this area of my home is calling for me
to put on a few coats today.I'm so happy to finally be able to do some painting!
Do you have happy plans for today?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Paint Transformations

Paint is really among the quickest, easiest, and least expensive ways to transform the look of what you own into what you love.
Here are a few examples from my client's home.
Before: Blah CeilingAfter: Warm CeilingBefore: Boring BenchAfter: Cozy SeatingBefore: Noticeable DetailsAfter: Delightfully Detailed DetailsAnd my favorite paint makeover....
Before: Nice DoorAfter: Gorgeous Door!!!Are you inspired to pick up a can of paint and
transform something?

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