Showing posts with label velvet teddy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label velvet teddy. Show all posts

Smokey eye: Plums

Hello there my friends of the internet- I've decided to post this bad boy online. I accidentally came upon this look ( which is how I come across most of these looks to be honest) but it seemed to work out alright. Its not a whole eye look (sometimes I do that and It looks like I was punched. 

If you've ever asked me what my favorite palette is, I have told you LORAC, LORAC, LORAC. I will attempt to make a video on this sometime. I used both one and two for this look- but you really could use the pro palette 2.

1: I used lt. brown and taupe with a big fluffy brush in the crease of my eyelid, windshield wiper motion
2: made it a little deeper in the crease with sable using a mac 217 brush. I'm not sure this step is completely necessary.
3: this step is important! I used nyx black bean jumbo pencil and smudged a little bit off it next to my lash line. Using a shader brush (flat brush much like with comes with a naked palette) and press plum into the crease. press most product close to the lash line and smaller and smaller amounts as you approach your eye crease.
4: I chose to repeat the pressing motion of step 4 with deep purple. its a darker shade and has little bits of glitter in it. I'm a fan.
you can continue to build color with the purple shades as many times as you need- I did blend my crease with a light brown in between each repeat, as not to have harsh lines
5: with the tip of the shader brush use either black (they're the same) and press little amounts very close to the lash line- and blend! if you want it more black than purple, add more bits of black but always blend it out!
6:I almost always finish my eyes by blending white and cream from the pro palette 1 and putting that product on my brow bone, under my brow arch.
*7: blend those brown colors under the eye with a pencil brush. I didn't do a ton because I have some major raccoon circles, but the smokier you want to make it, go for it! You can use some black in the outer corner of the eye. just don't forget to blend!

And that's all there is to it! I'm really hoping to make videos soon, or maybe little clips. I think it would make it much more clear- do you agree with me? Just don't judge my weirdness if I decide to make them...
Hair: a bit of a throwback to my sophomore year of high school when I used a small Ginalli wand on pretty much every drill team girls hair. You can find those wands HERE.

Lips are Mac Velvet Teddy
If you have any questions- ask away! Let's talk hair and makeup my friends!