......for all your kind words & hugs on my last post. This is my motto for the week :)
It's not been easy because although it's only a cat to me they're like children, I've given up a lot in the last 3 years caring for them so I'm at a loss.
Well at least I still have Nanny.....although he's never been a loving lap cat, not like Zoe who rarely left my lap. If I needed to get anything I would just tuck her under my arm & go get it.
We loved each other so much but I know the time was right. At least I did stay with her until the end (something everyone said I wouldn't be able to do it) so the last thing she saw was me :(
It's been hard this week at work because to be honest I don't really care if the sale gets set up on time or what colour sofa you're looking for!!! I'm also finding it really hard that no one wants to talk about it.....every one's forgotten about it while I on the other hand think about it 24 - 7.
We have to go back to the vets to collect her by the end of the week......when I say we I'm hoping OH will do it as I'm too embarrassed to show my face!
I've got through this before with Charlie, which is why I started blogging, & I will do it again but in my own time. I just know that after Nanny I never want to go through this again.....far too painful. I've loved all my pets more then any human.....does that sound really bad??
So moving on to nicer things.........
The next Show and Tell Sunday will be 4
th July.
I'm taking a break for the next 2 months so it will be hosted by
Justine......go on say hello.
The next topic will be your favourite song......
mmmmm that's a hard one as I have lots.
Maybe we could have more than one Justine?
I'll have to get my thinking cap on for this one.
I'm really behind this week with making things so I best get on....... I have so many birthdays but what do I make???? I'm really stuck for ideas......Slippers??? Lavender hearts??? Brooches????
Oh decisions, decisions...........