Showing posts with label retro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retro. Show all posts


ReCycLeD InSPiRaTioN

A Retro Designer Fabric Flower
was the springboard for this letter art.

I stitched it onto a plain white 4 x 6 card
and added colored pencil elements.

It wouldn't be one of my stitch artworks
if it didn't sport one of my signature thread tails.

I carried out the color scheme to the envelope
and the handmade recycled flat magnet surprise.

The black & white & pink library card pocket
is a first. I am inspired to make more. They
will include one dozen handmade
~ recycled, of course ~
recipe cards
and will be offered in my joonwalk shop.

Until next time...



The Crafty Housewife Graces Etsy's Front Page!

What a lovely surprise on this January Day. Front page exposure stats: 34 shop hearts and 17 item hearts in the 30 minutes of FP Fame. The item, itself got over 600 views! That little housewife's got something, eh? Stay warm, friends. Speaking of friends, thanks to all who text messaged, twittered, convo'd and posted kind comments about the event. I LoVe my friends.
oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo joon