i made the word buttons today and i am really pleased with them. i want to list them when i am supposed to be saving them for the spring fair. !!!
i know i will be making more. these were quite a bit of work and time but oh so much fun.
i can't decide which ones i like best. i love the sing button because i made the plaid design. and the fell short cracks me up and i also added a wee design. but i could name a reason i love each one so i'll spare you, kind readers. if you have one that stands out to you i'd love to read your comment. working alone i often wonder if anyone shares my reaction.
decisions, decisions.... and now for a special treat ...
last night i made some apricot bars after i had posted for the evening so here is an iphoto - the best i could do at 10 PM - and my sis asked for the recipe so i am sharing it here for her and you all. they are so quick and delicious. we make this size which is half of the original recipe because we know we'd eat double if we made double. if you have a large family go for the 13 x 9 pan by all means. just double this recipe. come back and post a comment if you make them. i'd love to hear from you.
joon's apricot bars
1/2 c butter {always}{and we use unsalted}
1/2 c sugar
1 c flour {king arthur}
1/4 t. soda
1/2 t. salt
3/4 c. coconut {bakers}
9 oz. apricot jam {bon maman}
1/4 c chopped pecans or almonds {we did not have any last night}
cream butter and sugar. add flour, soda and salt. add coconut. pat 3/4 of mixture into a 9 x 9 un-greased pan. {a pie plate works perfectly also.} i sprinkle a little flour on which prevents the dough from sticking to the fork or spatula and aids in spreading it evenly. spread with jam. mix nuts {if you can afford them!} into remaining 1/4 mixture. sprinkle on top of jam. bake at 350 for 30 minutes. heavenly.
sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon