i am working on getting together a packet of recycled art to send to australia. i was invited to participate in a fund raising event.
these are a few of the items i gathered and i am making a few more small things. i don't have much time. i was supposed to mail them out today but that just didn't happen. tomorrow is another day.
most of these are my inkadilly folios. i haven't made any - other than that cute mouse notebook - in a long time. i miss them. i need to make more.
i placed these items in the protective bags today and started on a few corner bookmarks. i started on this whale bookmark today.
tomorrow i will add to it and make some calling cards and soon everything will be on its way across the world. i hope my items help them raise money.
sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon