Showing posts with label corner bookmarks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corner bookmarks. Show all posts


5.23.11 ... getting some goodies ready


i am working on getting together a packet of recycled art to send to australia.  i was invited to participate in a fund raising event.


these are a few of the items i gathered and i am making a few more small things.  i don't have much time. i was supposed to mail them out today but that just didn't happen.  tomorrow is another day.


most of these are my inkadilly folios.  i haven't made any - other than that cute mouse notebook - in a long time.  i miss them.  i need to make more.


i placed these items in the protective bags today and started on a few corner bookmarks. i started on this whale bookmark today.


tomorrow i will add to it and make some calling cards and soon everything will be on its way across the world.  i hope my items help them raise money.

sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


1.17.11 ... centigrade farenheit

look! SUNSHINE. woo hoo! i happily worked on my zine today. slowly but surely i will get that project done. meanwhile, remember that centigrade -> farenheit conversion note i wrote about the other day? it was cracking me up. today i made this recycled envelope corner bookmark as a tribute. not as funny as reading it in the cookbook but colorful and useful. ok maybe only colorful and fun. just my little way of supporting math and science. i plan to make a second one with the opposite formula. if i can keep from falling out of my chair from laughing so hard. between this and the sunshine i'm downright giddy.

what kind of odds are these ... that i would grab a magazine for a page prop, flip it open and it reads about kitchen science???? unbelievable.

did you catch the harry's law premier earlier this evening? we loved it. go kathy bates and nate corddry. love them both. sweet dreams, everyone. thanks for stopping by. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart. ox joon


1.1.11 ... and the kindness of strangers

a new beginning ...

i want to create and post every day this year. without any more structure than that one goal. so here we are starting together on day one
i recently created these two recycled corner bookmarks for a kind stranger who bought a cookbook of mine. i had consigned it at a local church run thrift shop and this woman found photographs inside that looked important. she called the shop. the shop called me. i gave permission for the woman to call me. she did. she described the photos, which were vintage family snapshots. i did not believe they were mine but agreed she should send them along to me. when they arrived i was shocked to find they were, indeed, family photos including one {original} of my father at age 18 in his army uniform during world war ii. i have no idea how they wound up in that cookbook or how i missed that they were in there. but i am very glad a thoughtful stranger purchased my book. i hope she will enjoy the little thank you note, my recommendation for a favorite recipe in that volume and these kitchen-y bookmarks. i enjoy creating these and had a brainstorm yesterday... more on that another day. until tomorrow. happiness to you. from me. with heart.  ox joon


Wow! And Thank You...

Map.Whale.1942 Photo.Woodstock

My re*mark™ listing was nominated for Team Eco Etsy's "Read Across America Day and Dr. Seuss' Birthday" week. And it's a winner. Thank you so much to my fellow earth loving team mates, Kitty's Heart of Nature and Brass Paper Clip Project for nominating me. You made my day. Pour yourself a cup of tea, pull up a chair and take a few minutes to browse their beautiful shops and see all of their uniquely wonderful offerings.

The Team Eco Etsy blog article featuring the winners can be seen HERE.

Thanks, again, Kitty and Cindi.
