I still can't believe I am a mother to three. Three beautiful girls!! Can I just say again how woefully inadequate I feel at being their mom? I know they are going to grow up realizing all the different ways their mom was crazy and wrong, and they'll be right! Maybe someday they will read this and recognize that I know more than anyone how far I am from being a perfect mother. Girls, I want you to know that I pray everyday that I will be a better mother to you. Hopefully that counts for something...
Whoa, that was a lot more serious than I intended to go. Let's focus on how adorable baby Holland is! She is gorgeous!
Right now (at 5 months) she is an easy smile and a little more willing with her laughs, although it is still rare enough to warrant a lot of attention when she is giggly.
She almost always sleeps through the night (knock on wood). She doesn't have regular naps during the day. I don't know when that is going to start happening. Maybe it is a side-effect of being #3, but she normally gets cat naps throughout the day and maybe one or two good long ones. Never at the same time from day to day. I should probably try to put her on more a schedule...
Her blondish-brownish hair is growing so much faster than Miriam's did. It is almost always wet with sweat and spit-up. This girl is a drooling machine!! Her bottom gums are swollen with teeth, but they haven't poked out yet. Those baby blue eyes seem to get bluer every day. And her skin is so soft. (I know babies are supposed to have soft skin, but really it is
so soft!)
She is just getting to the stage of grabbing onto everything (unintentionally)--my hair and her binky are particularly noteworthy. Mostly because it is surprisingly painful to have her get my hair, and she makes herself so upset when she inadvertently pulls out her own binky (around 50 times a day).
I love, love nursing her. She likes to hold my finger while she nurses. When she is really in the zone she drapes her top arm across her face, over her eyes. It is adorable! When she is less in the zone, she just watches me and if she catches my eye, she splits into a huge grin that dribbles milk all down us. I seriously love it. (Although we both often smell like sour milk...stinker.:) )
Holland loves the attention from her older sisters. And they just adore her. They fight over who gets to be in her face, trying to get her to smile. They are both convinced she is actually learning her numbers and letter sounds, and that she is actually communicating things in her grunts. What funny girls!
Holland is starting to really love bath time, which is good because she
needs a bath everyday. She squirms and wiggles in the bath, which makes her splash herself. This startles her, but she likes it. Little cutie!
She smells so good after her bath. Seriously smelling her (especially her breath--I know, it's weird) sends my hormones into overdrive. My body screams at me--care for this baby!!!
What an angel! We are so lucky to have her! |
Oh yeah, this is what these pictures are about---Holland's blessing was at the beginning of August. My parents came down for the blessing. Included in her blessing was a blessing for good health and strength, to be a good example and share the gospel, to accomplish her goals, be a peacemaker, to help and serve others, to put a high priority on her family, to seek righteousness and God's will, and to know God's love for her. It was beautiful.