Showing posts with label Milestone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Milestone. Show all posts

Thursday, September 5, 2024

April 2024


April started out with the rest of Spring break. We took advantage of our time and tried to fit in the things that we really wanted to do along with the things we decided were important to do. On our first day back from St. George we had a play day with friends. Holland had a couple of friends over, and Miriam did too. They were all good kids--the kind of friends that I want them to have. One even came looking for Holland, which I really appreciate. 
The next day we decided to have a little adventure and hike to Battle Creek Falls. The kids were so much faster than I was going up the trail. Holland stuck with me, and we traded "would you rather" questions. Darcy really wanted to carry rocks with her...while she was in the carrier on my back. This means she just wanted me to carry a bunch of rocks jammed between our two bodies. 
The waterfall was beautiful, and it wasn't too hard that it wasn't enjoyable. I was surprised how many people were on the trail that weren't moms with kids on Spring Break. Lots of people hiking with their dogs. We ate a snack lunch at the top of the waterfall and made our way back down. It is pretty steep right by the waterfall.
One fun Spring Break activity was pulling out the massage table and doing massages for everyone. Ellie was the mvp because she had recently had a YW activity about giving massages, and she was fantastic at it. So so nice! 
I took Miriam to get measured for her back brace over Spring Break. She was right on the edge of needing a back brace full time, so we decided to get her just a night time one to see if we can prevent the scoliosis from getting worse and needing a full time brace. I really hope she can get used to wearing it soon so it can actually help. 
We decorated Easter eggs a couple of days after Easter at Cherilee and Jess's house, with egg spinners and markers. It was a hit! Now I have a reminder to buy one of those on my calendar when it is close to next Easter. Darcy is always so chatty with them--randomly talking about humpback whales, telling them she never gets a turn (she had had 3 turns). Holland loved their kickboxing dummy and kept calling him "darling" and pretending to kiss him. Darcy called the hot dog pizza "weird but tastes good." 

We did a last minute tea party with friends that was decided upon morning of. It was a good time. I loved seeing all the kids with their buddies. I loved how seriously they all took my "Would you rather" questions. We had lots of delicious food and fancy dishes. I love all the girl things. 
That evening Miriam and I went on a Mommy/Daughter date to go bowling. She improved so much throughout the two games. It was so fun, even if there were some stinky men next to us. Literally, they smelled bad. 
One funny moment during the tea party was when Darcy told me she likes the smell of bleach. Nope, I am pretty sure that is false. 
Daddy and Holland went on their date to the Brick Oven. Holland had John change into nicer clothes for their fancy date. She had received a free meal from something at school, and she loved caching it in. 
Spring Break Calendar!
We finally got rid of these pallets! Someone came to pick them up after John posted them for free. It was pouring rain, but the woman took them all!
General Conference was wonderful. I really felt the spirit in the talk about testimony being rays of light instead of a pillar of light. I also loved the talk about David's 5 stones--surprisingly it felt like an answer to prayer about my new calling. I loved hearing the many witnesses about prayer and the temple. There are so many promises associated with the temple, prayer, and reading the scriptures. "The temple is the best way to build your testimony." "Reading the Book of Mormon every day will help you make better choices every day." 
The next day there was a partial eclipse. Darcy and I went outside a little after noon and watched it with eclipse glasses. She was so cute in her glasses. Even though the glasses came with a camera cover to take a photo, I couldn't really get a good photo of it. The video is better. 
Even with an eclipse, Darcy was pretty disappointed that day. We had a jam packed fun spring break, and it was just back to boring old mommy. "I don't even have very many sisters, and I don't have anyone to play with when others are in the bathroom." (She was talking about me in the bathroom, obviously.) *growl noise* I do love how she plays "give me five"-- "Upward, sideward, downward, too slow!" 
The next I made the mistake of trying to do something fun and took Darcy to the park with Jenessa and Samuel. Everything was exceptionally fun until it was time to leave, then Darcy had more negative feelings than positive or neutral feelings from the rest of the time. While we were at the park we met up with the Sorensons from the last ward. They were at the park to fly kites. They let Darcy fly one for a while, and she was actually more successful than anyone getting it to fly. It was kind of magical to see her run with it again and again. The next day Darcy told me, "Do you know why I like doing things with you? It is because I love you." 
John and I started a decluttering project, and we really only got through two bedrooms. This was satisfying even though we didn't get that far. 
I had a dentist appointment which was only noteworthy because I didn't have any cavities and got told congratulations at least three times as I made my way out of the office. It was hilarious! 
Darcy told me a prayer time one day, "I love when you're around." She gets so animated when playing the plate matching game--you'd think she just won the superbowl when she matches two trains. 
One day I went plant shopping with Darcy. Fingers crossed that the plants grow! Later that day I walked with Holland to the pit and saw her play with friends. That evening I watched a movie with Miriam and cuddled. She is such a sweetheart. Another day we had dinner with the Davises. I love the easy comradery with them. 
Another sweet phrase from Darcy, "You're room is the best place for me to be when you're there." 
On April 14 we had such a tender experience with Eliza receiving her patriarchal blessing. I got teary party way through the blessing as soon as she was told she would have a long life. She was told she would be a teacher to small children and a leader of women in the church. I felt God's love for her. It really gave me a clear vision of how short of a time I have with her. The rest of her life is coming fast! After hearing Eliza's patriarchal blessing, it made me want to study mine. Going through it slowly was uplifting. It made me really consider my prayers and my friends. I have been more thoughtful about my prayers the last few weeks and it makes all the difference. 
Eliza: This was such an amazing experience! I loved it. The patriarch, Brother Wishart and his wife were really kind. They chatted with us and then talked to me one on one for a few minutes. He just asked me things about my life and future plans. Then Mommy and Daddy came in to his little office and he gave me my blessing! It was amazing and I felt the Spirit so much. I was so happy I would get it the next day! I got to read it that Tuesday which was great. After, Sister Wishart gave us some delicious banana cake. She also gave us some to give to Emily Bundy, which was funny. It was such a great experience, and I'm really glad I got it!!

Such a cute rainy day. We found a giant worm trying to make its way across the street so we rescued it and put it in our flower bed. 
Darcy's prayer one lunch, "Thank thee for Mommy and that I love her. And for Daddy and I love him too." 
Miriam and her friends did battle of the books again! They worked so hard on it, reading books they weren't really interested in and staying after school to practice on Wednesdays. Their hard work paid off. They won their school competition (apparently that was the harder competition to win), and then the next week they competed against the other middle school to win the district title. This is the second year in a row that this team has won their school and district competition. 
This April we have been thoroughly enjoying our Thanksgiving Point pass by going to the Tulip Festival several times. It is no secret that I love plants and gardens, but it is extra fun for me to see my kids exclaim over loving it too. They had a big blow up slide in the middle of the gardens, and I was glad I went down it even though normally I would skip. The kids told me it was scary, but I was brave. :) Seeing all of the tulips at the festival really made me want to have a bunch in our flower beds. Not only that now I have dreams of having color coordinated flower beds. They are so pretty! 
I think it is so sweet when Darcy spontaneously kisses me--at lunch, on the cheek and neck, after a prayer. 
We went two times the first day--once with Samuel and Jenessa and once with our family and a picnic dinner. 
We have orange fritillaria in our flower beds at home. It was fun to see them incorporated into the tulip beds. 
I loved their plantars with the ranunculus. 
The fragrance garden was a fun surprise. 
Love having Darcy as my little buddy on these adventures.
She kills me.
The Dutch Fields exhibit was in such perfect bloom that we didn't want to wait another day to bring the whole family so we came back that evening. So glad we didn't wait.
It made me wish I had brought my mom to come see it. 
This section of tulips reminded me of peonies rather than tulips. They were huge with tons of petals.
Holland to Darcy: Pretend like you're flying so high. Darcy: I am flying so high!
Eliza to Miriam: Here's the thing, there are no special scholarships for fairly well off white girls from Provo. 
Holland: Sometimes the boys in my class are annoying. Miriam: Get used to it. They are annoying from your age until college. Holland: How do you handle it? Miriam: Try not to talk to them. 
Holland propogated some clover, but it didn't like living in its cute pot, unfortunately. 
Match Canada shirts.
King Benjamin scripture study. 
One evening we went over to the Provo City Center Temple to see the beautiful flowers. The flowering cherry trees were also putting on a show. I love being with my family looking at the beautiful flowers. Later that week we took Jess and Cherilee to the Tulip Festival. We had a nice time with them, but we could only fit it in while the older girls were at YW. We missed having them with us. Later that week, Kayla and I met up at the Tulip Festival and also went to dinner as a girls' night. It was fun and delicious. It has been fun to see the tulips throughout the season, and share them with people we care about.
We also did some hosting on Sundays during April. We had Kayla's family and my Dad for dinner one Sunday. Another week we hosted Norma's family, Matt, and Marie. We had a fun time playing Hand and Foot. 
John got called to be the executive secretary without notice over the pulpit. I am a little bit nervous about how much time it will require when we are stretched so thin, but I am trying to have faith. 
Darcy asked me: "How do you spell coconut?" When did she even learn the phrase "how do you spell?" 
Another day she asked me, "So some people encourage books to have sad endings??" 
Holland posed us for this photo. 
Holland had to roll down the hills. 
I love when Darcy sings so loud in our yard that it feel like she is serenading the whole neighborhood. What a fun stage of childhood!
I tweeked my back pretty back while doing a little exercise video. I am grateful for my family's patience while I healed from that. 
Darcy at breakfast one day: How come everyone is talking except me? And I am the only one who is bored? 
While I was with Kayla for my girls' night, John and Miriam made a giant cookie!
Miriam always makes her chore list so pretty!
John and I went on a date to see Big Fish. His coworker was in the play. I love going to the theater. This one did make me cry because the father figure died, and it hit too close to home with my mom dying. Miriam and Eliza each went to their school plays with their friends. We all saw different plays in the same weekend.  
Darcy to me: You're my favorite girl!
Looking fancy for church!
We started some flower seeds one rainy Saturday. 
Prepping for upcoming MCO concerts. Long rehearsals make for wonderful concerts...I have to keep reminding myself.
Eliza's end of year Pop Concert for her school choir. I am a little sad she isn't doing it next year, but I understand that she wants to prioritize different things. It does put the pressure on to keep doing MCO because she loves it so much.