Thursday, August 24, 2023

Sept and Oct 2022

September and October were a blur of school activities, extra curricular activities and yard work. We were really pushing to get the grass in before it got too cold, but the compacted soil really challenged that goal. We tilled and pick axed and shoveled and hammered until we couldn't see straight but we made it! Thank heavens. 
But even in midst of all that manual labor, life still went on. Holland went to a birthday party and got face paint. We met up with friends from AZ on Labor Day and went to Onion Days in Spanish Fork. It was so nice to see them and the crazy giant slide was extra cool. 
We visited the Davises and loved seeing our babies together. Okay, they're toddlers now, if we must be precise. That day that we visited the Davises, Darcy said some pretty cute things. Darcy called it "zucchini" instead of raspberry when I blew on her tummy. When she saw the moon out the window and said "moon home." She decided to go potty on the toilet and successfully did it five time! When she said "Brielle contacts" because she doesn't wear glasses. :) 
We started the extra curriculars for the Fall. We probably went overboard with signing them up for extra curriculars. We let them pick something they wanted to do. Holland picked ballet. Eliza and Miriam picked ice skating. They also all did MCO and swim. Miriam and Eliza also do piano with John at home. 

I love their toes sticking out when they knelt the same on the stools.

Holland was so cute in her little ballet class. She was with another bunch of darling little girls that loved to prance around, and she was just a little pea in the pod. I loved her little rabbit dance game, stretching cake game and just how cute everything was. 

Fall weather came early to this AZ girl!

Teeth are falling out!

Sleepy baby. 

"Oh there is a hole at my knee, challenge accepted! Let me see how big I can make it."

Both teeth are out now!

MCO practice

John's work did a health fair day, where they served burgers, fries, and had a rock wall. The best part (I am sure the children would disagree) was that they gave the whole family free flu shots! We were so so happy not to catch the flu that winter. And it was so convenient to have them all done in one swoop and 0 doctor's appointments.
There was an event at Provo High School called AuthorCon. My girls were ecstatic to meet Jessica Day George, but didn't quite manage to get a picture with her. 

Eliza is such a good big sister. She watches Darcy a lot and has totally earned her devotion. Darcy loves to cuddle with Ellie on the swing. It is darling. 

John got a new front tooth! At least part of one. This is the before.

This handsome guy turned 39, and it looks good on him! We planted grass (finally!) on his actual birthday and celebrated a day late. Shrimp tacos and cheesecake are always a win. 

Sometimes I have fun while I give him a haircut. 

We're a family of cactuses!

Much overdue haircute for Holland. See how much I had to chop in order for it to get evened out? Crazy!

Morning snuggles with sisters!

One of my favorite memories from these two months was when John and I met up with Marc and Miriam for Prom for Adults. We got all fancy and even got a corsage and boutonniere for the occasion. There were yummy snacks and Italian Sodas, fun conversation, and so much fun dancing!  

She has been taking a lot of naps on our bed recently.

Choir concert time!

How strong in Mama with all this yard work. But seriously I love how much we do group hugs as a family. I am the luckiest. 

I need a nap like this. One day, Darcy called the Madagascar Palm the "Pokey Plumeria." That girl keeps us laughing.

Summer was too fast, but we need a break from yard work.

Mommy is creeping in the background.

School picture day.

They are both adorable.

Catsandra is a fixture.

Taking advantage of the pool heater.


Holland came in the kitchen with a hat on her head and said as serious as could be, "Don't laugh, don't even smile." It was so out of the blue and hilarious.
Another time she came in the bathroom while I was getting ready for church. Her hair was in a clip at the back of her head, and there were a few locks of hair falling around her face. "Oh my goodness, I look just like Taylor Swift!"

Holland's teacher told her about Bora Bora and got her fixated on it. It is the #1 places she wants to go now.

Honestly... Darcy was so funny tone day saying things were "so pretty," including her new potty (not pretty at all) and John's new red shirt. She told us that she and Holland need pink shirts. 
Another day she came up to me out of the blue and said, "Out of strawberries, order more, Same's Club." It was so unexpected and funny. That girl is getting to be quite the talker. 

Fall Break fun: getting sprayed by the sprinklers, and three sided spinny swing. A playdate for each of the girls and a double date with the Davises. A happy fun social day. 

Another day of fall break fun: picnic at the park with John and the girls. everyone was so happy and sweet. They went on the zipline about 50 times. Then a Mommy-daughter date with Miriam to the antique store where she charmed everyone with her darling enthusiasm. 

One evening we visited the Davises and took Sophie's baptism photos. They turned out really cute. We love hanging out with them. 

One morning we got a note under our door from a concerned Holland "Strange things are happening!" She didn't like that the sky was yellow.

We went to a BYU game! Even though we arrived late and left early and BYU ended up losing it was still a really fun evening. There is just so much excitement and energy in the stadium. When we got home Darcy game me the sweetest hug and said, "Miss you" without any kind of prompting. 

This was the time that I started noticing how much of a better place Holland was in than she had been. She was just so much happier and sweeter. I can't quite believe the transformation. Holland told me, "Has anyone ever told you you're the best mom ever?" 

There are a lot of things that I miss about AZ but something that is fun is here is that the kids' school does a Halloween parade. It was fun to cheer for them.

Princess Anastasia. 

A pig, a wizard, and a fairy! They all had big opinions about what they wanted to be. :) 

She refused to wear the pumpkin costume on Halloween, but she wore it often the next little while. Don't worry, she mainly wore it while she also had other clothes on too.