I love being a mom. I really do. It is so fun to watch my girls interact. One of the favorite routines is waking each other up from naps or for the day. They both just squeal when they see each other. Eliza loves dumping toys in Miriam's crib for her to play with, and Miriam nearly jumps out of my arms to climb in bed with Ellie. I don't know what it is about my little three year old, but she wakes up with the worst tangles in her hair. She is normally pretty good about getting it combed out though.
As indicated in the last post, Miriam has had a bad run with sleep recently. She had some molars coming in and got sick. This led to an ear infection, which led to a discovery the hard way of an allergy to penicillin. We are in a much happier place these past few days. She has only been getting up at night once or at most twice a night. (knock on wood)
Miriam loves stories, making noises with her tongue, stories, and licking things (notice a pattern?). She brings us books and just whines until we read it to her. Her tricks include pointing at lights, playing peek-a-boo, clapping, waving, shaking her head, and ripping books. She loves baths and shoes. Miriam really is such a sweetheart. She understands so much even though she doesn't really talk yet.
The stories she tells really are hilarious though, mostly because of the facial expressions that she uses while telling them. She has really expressive eyebrows. I wish I could describe it better. She usually ends the story with "So...pretty good..." with a little purse to her lips. It is so funny.
She is also old enough to know time and quantity words, but not really understand them. She told me to today that I was going to count and she was going to hide for three hours. Also, she told me once that she has at least a thousand stuffed animals. Not quite.
She still loves stories, but she has a new love too. Cinderella. We took her to see a community production of the play (the Armstrongs were in it), and she fell in love. Since then whenever she has been a little grumpy I just mention Cinderella dancing (her favorite part) and she cheers right up. So fun! She met Cinderella afterwards and can't get enough of princesses and fairies since. She thinks she is a princess, which is cute, but less so when she talks about her mean step-sisters.
The other day she said, “Mom, I brought this doll with me, in case
I need a toy that is princess-y.” We have a daughter that plans for every
contingency. J
She also said to us last night, “Why don’t you cut your bed in two so that you
guys can have your own beds.” So funny. We also had a conversation about Uncle Matt
where is seemed pretty obvious that Ellie thought Matt was the best thing ever.
One of the best things was when John said, “Ellie, did you know that Matt is my
little brother?” “No, he isn’t, he’s big.” “Well, I am older than him.” “When
was he little, I don’t remember?” She is so funny.
She really
is into princesses. So. Much. Everything colored blue is Cinderella’s.
Everything pink is Sleeping Beauty’s. Everything yellow is Belle’s. She is so
We have started doing a preschool with a friend. It is really fun. I like having a more organized time to teach her. She is starting to make more progress towards sounding out words, assuming they are really short and only use short vowel sounds. Teaching your child to read is pretty intimidating. We also love doing playtime with friends.