Occasionally it hits me how fast time goes. Seriously I wonder how I went from being a tween to a mommy of two little girls so quickly. Recently I have noticed some changes in our family that I can only attribute to getting older.
Baby M:
Is actually trying to smile at us.
Has a record of letting mommy and daddy sleep for 5 hours straight!
Lost all of the hair on the top of her head at about 1 month old. (The same thing happened to Ellie.)
Is starting to hold up her head.
Is definitely an eater, not a sleeper.
Her vocabulary is expanding all of the time. A couple of examples:
If I put a headband on baby M, Ellie tells me how much "more girly" M looks.
Wants to play with her "jewelry."
Identifies "moles, freckles, and zits." I can't wait for the day when she tells a stranger that she has a zit.
Is learning the art of negotiating. We have been struggling to get her to use the toilet before her nap and normally try to bribe her with a variety of fun activities, the most common being a bath. I normally say to her, "Do you want to take a bath? Okay, well push out your poopoos, and then you can have a bath." One time this week she responded with, "You start the water and then I try to push."
Ellie loves, loves to sing...the tune of ABCs. (It is also the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Baa Baa Black Sheep.) She puts any word or phrase to that tune and sings it all the time. Most common is "No-Nee, No-nee, No-Nee, Nee" But she'll do any word or phrase, "No messes, no messes, no messes-ee." The best part is that she belts it for all she's worth, especially if we are somewhere noisy. The other day at Winco, I realized that we were the people with the crazy loud child who it is funny to watch. John took her to the bathroom and said that there was a guy in the stall next to theirs who couldn't stop laughing at Ellie's singing. Of course she comes out shouting that she used the potty. Excellent. I am reminded of the line from Pride and Prejudice, "She sings and plays all day long." That's Ellie to a T.
I have started to try to teach her that when you put letters together you can make words. Now she has started making up her own words that are at least 10 letters long and that amazingly spell words like "doggie" and "water."
She still hasn't figured out words for time. Anything that ever happened before the last time she slept is "Yesserday." I hear all day long things like "Member when Uncle David came yesserday?" "Member when we went camping yesserday?" It is one of those things that I feel like I should teach her what's correct, but it is pretty cute so I don't want to.
We just love watching her learn and grow.
I feel like I am a grown-up when:
I hear myself saying things like, "Don't play with your food."
I realize that I can name off the top of my head the best price for flour per ounce.
My only outings are the store, gym, and church (for the entire month).
If I get a chance to have some down time online I almost always look up new recipes on allrecipes.com.
It makes me angry to hear people talk about how tired they are from staying up late by choice!
I hear myself say, "Don't eat play-dough, that's gross."
Seems grown up when:
He recently said that he's looking forward to setting his alarm again.
Told me last night that he is like a teenage boy, just a little more careful. :)
Said "Yay, a bow!" to Ellie this morning.