Showing posts with label platform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label platform. Show all posts

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Platforms Don't Change Votes (Because No One Reads Them)

The Republican Party just passed its platform. It's full of horrible ideas. But don't worry about that because I doubt anyone but the party's activists will ever read it (and they've already decided they will vote for Trump).

The Republican Party platform is 16 pages long. Most Americans are not going to take the time to read a political statement that long.

The Democratic Party will soon meet and pass their own platform. In 2020, their platform was 44 pages long. They'll probably do something like that again. And just like with the GOP platform, no voter (except party activists) will ever read it.

I have long wondered why the parties do this. If they tried, they could boil their party's beliefs down to only one or two pages. Something that short could then be mailed out to all voters, and its likely that many of them would actually read it!

I suggest the following for Democrats (but sadly, don't expect them to adopt something similar):


* Democrats believe women should have control over their own bodies, and no state should deny them that control.

* Democrats believe the minimum wage should be a livable wage.

* Democrats believe workers should have the right to form and join a union.

* Democrats believe Social Security should be protected and full-funded.

* Democrats believe the rich (and corporations) should pay more in taxes.

* Democrats believe all citizens have the right to decent and affordable health care.

* Democrats believe in NATO and want to keep it strong.

* Democrats believe the Justice Department should be separate from the presidency.

* Democrats believe all countries have the right to choose their own government.

* Democrats believe all citizens have the right to vote and it should be easy for them to exercise that right.

* Democrats believe all citizens should have a decent standard of living.

* Democrats believe all citizens should be equal under the law and no one should be above the law.

Isn't that a platform that all Democratic candidates should be able to successfully campaign on? And one that voters would be likely to actually read?

Monday, June 03, 2024

Texas GOP Platform Is MAGA's National Wish List

The Texas Republican Party just passed a terrifying platform. But don't think the nutty ideas contained in it are just for Texas. Crazy Texas GOP ideas have a way of becoming national GOP ideas. Andrea Grimes (at explains:

I covered my first Texas Republican Party Convention in 2010, during the Tea Party movement’s ascendance at the state and the national levels. My editors warned me ahead of time that I would see and hear some wild stuff, but cautioned me against taking any of it too seriously in my reporting. This was “red meat” for the base, not serious policy. I got the memo: my coverage, for the Dallas Observer alt-weekly, was full of snark and derision.

But 14 years later, many of the priorities for which I mocked the Texas GOP’s faithfulest-of-the-faithful have indeed been realized, both here in Texas and nationally. Now, their latest platform, which delegates voted on last weekend, endorses the conspiracist “great reset” theory, declares that “abortion is not health care, it is homicide,” and calls for a new election law requiring candidates running for statewide offices to win a majority of Texas’ 254 counties, effectively barring any Democrat from the position. And that’s just the start. . . .

 I would hope that, by now, we political writers have realized that the “fringes” of the Republican Party — in Texas or anywhere else — are the primary drivers of politics, policy and personnel. I would hope that we finally take seriously the idea that the Texas GOP platform is a statement of intent. 

As the Dallas Morning News’s Gromer Jeffers wrote after the party’s 2022 convention, “many proposals once thought too extreme are becoming public policy.” Of course they are; between the Tea Party and Trump, the farthest-right factions of the Texas GOP have amassed a tremendous amount of power and influence. From Gov. Abbott to Lt. Gov Dan Patrick and Attorney General Ken Paxton on down, Texas Republicans now take their orders from the blathering, criminal bigot from New York City. 

American conservatism, bent as it always has been toward authoritarian rule, white supremacy and xenophobia, has long been ripe for this kind of takeover. For decades, even supposedly more moderate and mainstream Republican politics have been dominated by public pledges to do, well, exactly what Republicans are now doing: outlawing abortion, censoring free speech and terrorizing immigrants, queer people and religious believers (even Christians!) who fail to comply with the GOP’s vision for America as an evangelical Christian theocracy.    

There are many, many horrors to behold in the latest platform, and they must be taken seriously not in spite of how terrifying the document is, but because of how terrifying the document is. It is because the latest Texas GOP platform endorses “prohibiting the teaching of sex education, sexual health, or sexual choice or identity” that we should take it seriously. It is because the platform equates abortion and murder that we should take it seriously. It is because the platform aims to ban any Democrat — and indeed, any noncompliant Republican — from ever holding statewide office, that we should take it seriously.

This stuff cannot and should not be written off as outsider, fringe crankery. Because it isn’t. And the rightward, increasingly fascist swing in the GOP in Texas and nationally is far from complete. We have seen it amplified year over year in Texas, and with Trump’s takeover of the RNC, we are going to see much more of this across the country. We dismiss that fundamental truth at our peril.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

GOP Has No Platform - It's Now Officially A Cult Of Trump

Political parties have a platform -- a document voted on by convention delegates that explains what the party believes in and the policies they support.

Democrats passed a platform during their convention. It was far too long, about 91 pages, and few people will ever read it. But they have one, and anyone wishing to know what the Democratic Party supports can easily access it online to find out.

It's what political parties do. Without a platform, a party is rudderless and the public cannot know whether they agree with the party or not.

This year, the Republican Party decided it doesn't need a platform. Instead, they passed a resolution saying that the party accepts and supports the agenda of Donald Trump. They don't say what that agenda is, and evidently it doesn't matter -- whatever Trump does is what they support.

That's not a political party. It's a cult bowing to whatever their leader wants -- the Cult of Trump. If you agree with Trump, you're a good Republican. If you don't, then you're not a Republican.

Here is their pathetic resolution:

Monday, July 02, 2018

The Guiding Principles Of The Texas Democratic Party

Texas Democrats met in Fort Worth on June 22nd and 23rd, and adopted the party platform. The platform is dozens of pages long -- far too long for most people to ever read (even Democratic voters). But the platform contained some guiding principles, and these principles effectively show what the party believes in, and neatly summarizes what's in the full platform. Here are those guiding principles:

Principles of the Texas Democratic Party

Texas Democrats believe democratic government exists to achieve as a community, state, and nation what we cannot achieve as individuals; and that it must serve all its citizens.
We believe every Texan has inalienable rights that even a majority may not take away:
  • the right to vote;
  • the right to fair and open participation and representation in the democratic process;
  • the right to health care; and
  • the right to privacy.
We believe in freedom:
  • from government interference in our private lives and personal decisions;
  • from discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression or any other improper grounds;
  • to exercise civil and human rights; and
  • of religion and individual conscience.
We believe in responsibility:
  • that religion and individual conscience can never serve to excuse hatred and discrimination;
  • that people are responsible for their actions;
  • that we, who have benefited so greatly from our state and country, have a responsibility to support and give back to all our communities and public institutions; and
  • that corporations are not people and should not be used to shield individuals from the responsibilities of their actions.
We believe in equal rights:
  • guaranteed in Section 3 of the Texas Bill of Rights;
  • equality under the law guaranteed in Section 3a of the Texas Bill of Rights; and
  • that no state may deny any person equal protection of the laws or due process under the law as guaranteed in the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
We believe in equal opportunity:
  • to receive a quality public education, from childhood through college;
  • to find a good job with dignity;
  • to buy or rent a good home in a safe community;
  • to breathe clean air and drink clean water; and
  • to have our voices heard and not be drowned out by the power of unlimited money to influence or buy elections and legislation.
We believe a growing economy should benefit all Texans:
  • that the people who work in a business are as important as those who invest in it;
  • that every worker should be paid a living wage of at least $15-an-hour;
  • that good business offers a fair deal for customers;
  • that regulation of unfair practices and rates is necessary;
  • that the burden of taxes should be fairly distributed;
  • that government  policy  should  not  favor  corporations  that  seek  offshore  tax  shelters, exploit workers, or pollute our environment; and all people, including those with disabilities.
We believe that our lives, homes, communities and country are made secure:
  • by appropriately staffed, trained and equipped military, law enforcement and emergency services;
  • by retirement and pension security;
  • by responsible gun ownership;
  • by encouraging job security where it is possible and providing appropriate assistance and re- training when it is not;
  • by the preservation of our precious natural resources and quality of life;
  • by ensuring that families have easy access to good food with clear understanding of the food quality and source, so they may make informed decisions on their family’s health and well-being;
  • by compassionate policy that offers a safety net for those most vulnerable and in need; and
  • by family values that are promoted through policies that value all our families.
We believe in America:
  • made stronger by the men and women who put their lives on the line when it is necessary to engage our military to secure our nation; and
  • made more secure by competent diplomatic leadership that uses the moral, ethical, and economic assets of a powerful, free nation to avoid unnecessary military conflict.
We believe in Texas:
  • made stronger by the individual strengths of our diverse population;
  • blessed with opportunities provided by agriculture, “old” and “new” energy sources, renowned medical and research institutions and high tech industries;
  • and we believe in the need for an honest, ethical state government that serves the public interest, not the special financial interests of those who “pay to play.”

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Once Again, The Texas GOP Platform Is Ridiculous

Texas Republicans had their state convention this last weekend. In that convention, they produced a 30 page platform -- and as usual many planks in that platform would make Texas a much worse place to live if they are realized. Here are just a few of the terrible planks in their platform.

Carbon Tax: We oppose all efforts to classify carbon dioxide as a pollutant. We further urge the US Senate to defeat the “Cap-and-Trade” legislation, as it is outside the authority of the US Constitution.
Environment: We oppose environmentalism that obstructs legitimate business interests and private property use, including the regulatory taking of property by governmental agencies. We oppose the abuse of the Endangered Species Act to confiscate and limit the use of personal property and infringement on a property owner’s livelihood. “Climate change” is a political agenda promoted to control every aspect of our lives. We support the defunding of “climate justice” initiatives and the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency and repeal of the Endangered Species Act.
International Organizations: We support United States withdrawal from the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, and the World Bank. 
Minimum Wage: We believe the Minimum Wage Law should be repealed.
Prevailing Wage: We oppose prevailing wage laws.​ 
Dodd-Frank: We support the immediate repeal of Dodd-Frank legislation.
Social Security Opt-Out: ​We support reform to Social Security that allows people to opt out.
Trade AgreementsWe support free trade as a necessary component of American capitalism and of the United States’ influence in the world. We strongly oppose the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the Trade In Services Agreement (TISA), and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). We demand the immediate withdrawal from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). We demand the repeal of the current Fast Track Authority/TPA.
Vehicle Inspection: No non-commercial vehicles should be required to obtain a state safety inspection.
United States Senators: We support the repeal of the 17th Amendment of the United States Constitution and the appointment of United States Senators by the state legislatures.
Executive Orders: We call upon the President of the United States to revoke all of President Obama’s executive orders that violate our platform.
Flag Desecration: We call for a constitutional amendment banning desecration of the flag.
No Taxes for UN: We condemn any mechanism that allows US citizens to be taxed in order to fund the UN.
Constitutional Carry: We support constitutional carry legislation through any legislative means so law-abiding citizens may carry any legally owned guns openly or concealed while maintaining the option of a permit for reciprocity purposes only.
Gun-Free Zones: We oppose governmental prohibitions on citizens who have a constitutional right to own and carry firearms and knives from doing so. We oppose state-mandated location restrictions, the Federal Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990, and the National Firearms Act.
Firearms Storage: We oppose mandates on personal firearms storage, maintaining that it is the responsibility of an individual to safely store his or her firearms and choose responsibly when and how to make them available to minors.
Weapons Restrictions: We support all legislation and policies that reduce restrictions on legal gun owners to purchase, own, or carry any type of gun, ammunition, accessory, knife, or other weapon, and oppose all that hinder the same.
Abortion Homicide Exemption: We support repeal of the physician homicide exemption of the Texas Penal Code Section 19.06 unless it is absolutely required to save the life of the mother.
Hate Crimes: We urge the complete repeal of the Hate Crimes Law since ample laws are currently in effect to punish criminal behavior towards other persons.
Unborn Child ProtectionWe believe that a person who injures or kills an unborn child should be subject to criminal and civil litigation.
Abolish Department of EducationSince education is not an enumerated power of the federal government, we believe the Department of Education should be abolished, and prohibit the transfer of any of its functions to any other federal agency.
Sexual Education: We demand the state legislature pass a law prohibiting the teaching of sex education, sexual health, or sexual choice, or identity in any public school in any grade whatsoever, or disseminating or permitting the dissemination by any party of any material regarding the same. All school districts, individual schools, or charter schools are prohibited from contracting with or making any payment to any third party for material concerning any of the above topics. Until this prohibition goes into effect, sexual education shall only utilize sexual risk avoidance programs and promote abstinence outside of marriage.
School Security: The Texas Legislature shall pass a statute that allows Texas school teachers, or other school employees, who are certified and insured, to be authorized to carry a concealed gun on the premises of their assigned school for security and protection purposes. The Texas Republican Party supports teachers and staff, who obtain concealed carry licenses, and obtain additional training required by the district, to have the right to carry firearms on school premises.
Voter RegistrationWe support restoring integrity to the voter registration rolls and reducing voter fraud. We support the repeal of all motor voter laws, re-registering voters every four years, requiring photo ID of all registrants, proof of residency and citizenship, along with voter registration application, retention of the 30-day registration deadline, and requiring that a list of certified deaths be provided to the Secretary of State in order that the names of deceased voters be removed from the list of registered voters. We should give the Secretary of State enforcement authority to ensure county registrar compliance with Secretary of State directives. Revise the Title 19 funding to avoid incentivizing retention of ineligible voters.
English Only Ballots: English, and only English, shall appear on any ballot for any election in the United States of America and in the State of Texas.
UN Treaty on the Rights of Child: We unequivocally oppose the United States Senate’s ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Closed PrimaryWe support protecting the integrity of the Republican primary election by requiring a closed primary system in Texas.
Federal Welfare Programs: We support the abolition of all federal welfare programs, as they are not an appropriate role of the Federal Government.
Gender Identity: We oppose all efforts to validate transgender identity.
Medicaid ReformWe support Medicaid block grants to the states and returning Medicaid to its original purpose to be a temporary assistance. We oppose any further expansion of Medicaid.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”)We demand the immediate repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which we believe to be unconstitutional.
Planned Parenthood: We support completely eliminating public funding for Planned Parenthood and any other abortion providers and all their affiliates, and we oppose their digital or physical presence in our schools and other public institutions. We also support elimination of public funding for embryonic stem cell research, research on fetal tissue, or human cloning.
Abolish Refugee Resettlement Program: We call for the abolition of the refugee resettlement program.
Citizenship Qualification: We call on the United States Congress to pass a constitutional amendment that defines citizenship as those born to a citizen of the United States or through naturalization.

Sunday, July 03, 2016

2016 Texas Democratic Platform

The image above is of the preamble to the Texas Democratic Platform, adopted by delegates to the state convention on June 18th. I would love to bring you the entire platform, but it is far too long -- a whopping 43 pages long.

It's not a bad platform. In fact, it's a very progressive platform. I have no problem with what's in the platform. I just think it's far too long. No one will read a 43 page state party platform. I don'y understand why we can't cut it down to no more than two or three pages. At that length, people might read it and decide the party represents their views -- and the media might even print it. As it is, it is little more than an exercise in futility.

I understand that everyone in the party wants to get their own pet belief in the platform, and the party wants to be inclusive, but is a 43 page document going to accomplish anything if no one reads it? This is especially true in the internet age, when everyone expects documents to be short and sweet.

Now that I'm done with my every two years rant, if you want to actually read the platform you can go here.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Democrats Are Developing A Very Progressive Platform

The temporary platform committee of the Democratic Party is hard at work developing a party platform to present to convention delegates for approval. And representatives of both Clinton and Sanders have been trying to negotiate a platform that can be accepted by both camps.

The Sanders people are unhappy because they are not getting everything they wanted, although much of what Sanders campaigned on has been included in the platform. The sticking point seems to be the TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) -- a free trade agreement supported by President Obama. Opposition to the TPP has been left out of the platform.

The Sanders delegates will probably initiate a floor fight to try and get this in the platform, but I expect they will fail. And they should fail, because the Democratic Party (and the Republican Party) are split over the issue. This is an issue that will have to be settled in a bipartisan fashion after the election.

The Democrats will have a very progressive platform though -- perhaps the most progressive platform in many years. It supports a $15 an hour minimum wage, and goes even further -- supporting the indexing of that wage to the inflation rate. It also supports eliminating the below-minimum wage pay that some workers get (like waiters and waitresses).

That's a very good thing. But it's not all. The platform also has other progressive positions, including:

Calling for urgently needed voting reforms, rejecting the vilification of Muslim-Americans, ending the death penalty, enacting a financial transactions tax to curb excessive speculation, expanding Social Security, banning golden parachutes for taking government jobs, establishing a new surtax on multimillionaires, allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, using government contracts to support good jobs, honoring and strengthening our relationships with Tribal Sovereign Nations, passing a modernized Glass-Steagall law, and moving our economy to 100% clean energy by 2050.

It's time for Democrats to unite, and I think this is going to be a platform that they can all unite behind.

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Dueling (And Overly Wordy) Texas Political Platforms

Last month the Republican and Democratic parties in Texas held their state conventions -- and one of the things they did at those conventions was to finish writing and finalize their party platforms. And saying those platforms were a bit wordy is a gross understatement. The Republican platform droned on for about 40 pages, and not to be outdone, the Democrats wrote a platform that was 62 pages long.

I honestly don't know why the political parties do that. No one but a political junkie is going to even skim through a platform that long (and those political junkies already know who they support). No undecided voter is going to read a political tome of that size -- and even if they were inclined to do so, the parties could never afford to mail out to all voters those massive platform statements (and no newspaper has the space or TV station has the time to thoroughly examine those huge platforms).

It has always seemed to me that these platforms don't need to cover everything. They should just cover what the party thinks is most important for voters to consider in the upcoming election. Personally, I think a platform should just be a short mission statement and a series of bullet-points covering the most important party beliefs -- and should not be any longer than two pages (and one page, if it could be done, would be even better). A two-page platform could easily be mailed out to all voters (and many of them might even take the time to read something that short) -- and it could (and probably would) be thoroughly cover by the media.

I know that probably makes too much sense though, so we'll probably never see it in our lifetimes. Politicians, and the political junkies that support them, are far too fond of their words. So, I have tried to go through these 2014 party platforms, and pulled out what I consider the most important differences between the two major parties. Here are the "dueling ideas" in these platforms:

REPUBLICANS -- Oppose expanding Medicaid, and supports the full repeal of Obamacare.
DEMOCRATS -- Believe medical care is a right. They would not only support Medicaid expansion, but would support going to a full single-payer system covering all citizens.

REPUBLICANS -- Oppose the adoption of national education standards, and would support cutting additional funding for schools at all levels.
DEMOCRATS -- Support the adoption of rigorous national standards, and want to restore the school funding cut by Republicans in the last legislative session.

REPUBLICANS -- Want to prohibit undocumented immigrants from attending public schools.
DEMOCRATS -- Support providing a good education for all of the state's children.

REPUBLICANS -- Want to abolish both Social Security and Medicare.
DEMOCRATS -- Support maintaining the benefits provided by Social Security and Medicare, and opposes privatization of either program.

REPUBLICANS -- Supports abolishing the minimum wage.
DEMOCRATS -- Support raising the minimum wage and indexing it to the rate of inflation.

REPUBLICANS -- Support the reversal of Roe vs Wade.
DEMOCRATS -- Opposes all attempts to overturn Roe vs Wade, and wants women to have easy access to birth control.

REPUBLICANS -- Want to fully repeal the 1965 Voting Rights Act and the 17th Amendment.
DEMOCRATS -- Support the right of all citizens to vote, and to choose the officials who represent them.

REPUBLICANS -- Want to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency.
DEMOCRATS -- Support the EPA, and it's new rules governing carbon dioxide emissions.

REPUBLICANS -- Support the use of "fracking" to produce more natural gas.
DEMOCRATS -- Oppose the use of "fracking", which endangers scarce water resources.

REPUBLICANS -- Support the use of racial profiling by law enforcement.
DEMOCRATS -- Oppose the use of racial profiling by law enforcement. 

REPUBLICANS -- Want to abolish all federal firearms restrictions.
DEMOCRATS -- Want to close the loopholes in the federal background check law for gun purchases.

REPUBLICANS -- Support the use of the death penalty.
DEMOCRATS -- Want to abolish the death penalty and replace it with life w/o parole.

REPUBLICANS -- Oppose legalizing same-sex marriages, and would deny federal courts the right to determine the constitutionality of same-sex marriage bans.
DEMOCRATS -- Support equal rights for all citizens, including the right to marry the person you love (regardless of gender).

REPUBLICANS -- Want to eliminate the separation of church and state.
DEMOCRATS -- Support the separation of church and state.

There are other differences in those documents, but I think that's enough to highlight the huge differences between the two state parties -- and to show why the Republicans need to be voted out of power (for the good of all the citizens of Texas).

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Extremist Platform Of The Texas Republican Party

I wrote earlier this week about the Texas Republicans including in their platform their support for therapy to cure gays and lesbians (like it was some kind of illness). But even though this bigotry is reprehensible, it is far from the only idiotic thing in that teabagger platform (which runs on for 40 pages). I don't have the space (or the time) to bring you all of the nonsense in that silly document, but here are a few more examples of just how weird and out-of-touch Texas Republicans are:

* They want to repeal the 17th Amendment, and let state legislatures appoint senators.

* They want to abolish all federal agencies not specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.

* They want the state legislature to have the right to nullify federal legislation it doesn't like.

* They support the use of racial, ethnic, and religious profiling by law enforcement agencies.

* They oppose issuance of Executive Orders (unless approved by Congress).

* They oppose any kind of affirmative action.

* They want to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

* They want to abolish the law that prohibits tax-exempt organizations (like churches) from engaging in partisan political conduct.

* They want employers and individuals to be exempt from laws preventing bigotry in the workplace or business.

* They want individuals who have not completed a program in a law school to be able to become an attorney.

* They support the Electoral College system, and oppose the direct election of the president.

* They want to fully repeal the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

* They want to fully repeal the McCain-Feingold Act (limiting political contributions).

* They want to be able to display the 10 Commandments and other religious symbols on government property.

* They want to adopt English as the official language of Texas and the United States.

* They want to deny federal courts the right to determine the constitutionality of same-sex marriage.

* They want to eliminate the laws creating "no-fault" divorce.

* They support the reversal of Roe vs. Wade.

* They oppose Senate ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

* They want welfare recipients to be drug tested.

* They want to phase out Social Security and go to a system of "private pensions".

* They want to repeal Obamacare.

* They want to prohibit undocumented immigrants from attending public schools.

* They oppose the adoption of national education standards for Texas schools.

* They oppose reality-based sex educations programs for Texas schools.

* They want to abolish the Department of Education.

* They want the Texas Legislature to affirm that all Texans have the right to "open carry" and "campus carry" of firearms, and declare null and void all federal firearm restrictions.

* They want to eliminate the separation of church and state.

* They support capital punishment, and want to impose a swifter path to it.

* They want to cut all non-military spending to pre-2008 levels.

* They want to reduce funding for all levels of education.

* They support "fracking" in natural gas production.

* They want to abolish the minimum wage.

* They want to abolish the Federal Reserve Banking System.

* They want the U.S. to withdraw from the United Nations.

* They oppose any cut to the defense budget.

I find it abhorrent that anyone could actually believe the things above, let alone put it down in writing -- but that's what the Texas Republicans have done. There may be states as bad, but there is no state with a more extreme Republican Party than Texas. The teabaggers are fully in control of the Texas GOP, and they have proudly put their ignorance on display for all the world to see.

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Texas GOP Writes Bigotry Into Their Platform

Whenever large groups of Texas Republicans get together, they just can't help but do something stupid to embarrass themselves before the entire nation. This weekend they are meeting in Fort Worth for their state convention, and it didn't take long for them to express their ignorance.

Two years ago, they became the laughingstock of the nation by writing into their party platform that they opposed the teaching of "thinking skills" in Texas schools. Evidently they realized that their political philosophy and ideology was doomed if the next generation was taught to think for themselves (instead of just being fed the approved propaganda) -- and they were probably right.

This year they decided to make sure the people in the rest of America knew that bigotry was alive and well in the Texas Republican Party -- so they wrote it into their platform. Their platform says:

We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. Additionally, we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values.

Of course, no one (including the entire LGBT community) has ever asked for any special rights to be granted to homosexuals. In fact, they have repeatedly said they would be very happy just to have the same rights that all other Americans enjoy. And no one has ever tried to impose "criminal or civil penalties" against those who oppose homosexuality "out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values". People are not punished for their beliefs, but their actions in violating the rights of other people.

But fundamentalist Republicans must spread the lies about being punished for "beliefs" and gays/lesbians wanting special rights -- because to tell the truth would be tantamount to admitting their own bigotry. But this year's batch of GOP bigots went even further by also writing this into their platform:

We recognize the legitimacy and value of counseling which offers reparative therapy and treatment to patients who are seeking escape from the homosexual lifestyle, No laws or executive orders shall be imposed to limit or restrict access to this type of therapy.

Now no one with half a brain these days, including nearly all psychologists and psychiatrists, believes that homosexuality is some kind of sickness that can be cured through prayer and counseling. And this "christian therapy" has been shown over and over to be ineffective and damaging to those forced to go through it.

But the fundamentalist Republicans can't afford to admit that. If they did, then their preaching that homosexuality is a choice or a lifestyle would be meaningless. They must say homosexuality is a "curable" condition, or admit they they are denying equal rights to people for something that is natural and unchangeable (just like they have tried to do over race, sex, ethnicity, and skin color).

It's one thing to be bigoted, and doing your best to change the bigotry you were taught. But these fundamentalist Republicans don't want to change. They are proud of their bigotry -- proud enough to put it in writing. I would say they should be ashamed of themselves -- but I'm not at all sure they are even capable of feeling shame.

Friday, September 07, 2012

God And The Party Platform

I think the Democrats have had a good convention so far. The speakers have been great, the delegates are fired up, and the case has been made for the re-election of President Obama. But everything has not been perfect, and on Wednesday the Democrats bowed to media opinion and Republican posturing and did something very silly.

After the Democrats released their platform (a platform I believe was a very good one), someone (probably a Republican) noticed that the platform did not contain the word "god". And the media jumped on that with vigor. They wanted to know why the Democrats had taken god out of their platform. Had they done it intentionally, or was it just an oversight?

The truth is that this was a silly argument to begin with. A party platform, any party platform for any party, is a secular document -- not a religious document. It is not to describe what god is, will do, or even whether he even exists. It is simply to outline the policies and goals the party will try to achieve if elected. Those are secular goals, and should have nothing to do with any religion -- especially in a country with a guarantee of religious freedom (which by definition must include the right to be free from religion).

The Democrats got scared, or at least too many of them did. They worried that the Republicans (who had sprinkled god throughout their platform -- at least 10 times) would accuse them of being against god. It would have been a silly accusation, but it scared them -- so they changed their platform by re-inserting the word god.

Will it make any difference in the election? Of course not! The only people who think a party platform is a religious document are Republican fundamentalists -- and they aren't about to vote for a Democrat no matter how many times the word god appears in the platform. It was just an exercise in silliness.

But so is the claiming of god by the Republican Party. This rather disingenuous use of religion to hopefully get votes is not a Republican tradition. As the graph above clearly shows, for the first hundred years or so of the Republican Party's existence, they also believed a party platform was a secular document. And they felt no need to mention god in their platform. It is only in the last few years, in an effort to claim christianity as their party's religion exclusively so they could get religious voters on their side, that the Republican Party began putting god in the platform.

People of all parties have the right to believe in god, and to worship as they please. They also have the right to be free of any religion. Party platforms are about how the people of America, all the people of America, will be governed -- and that is not the place to insert god or religion. I'm very disappointed -- and I'll bet there are 30 to 50 million other Americans (atheists, agnostics, skeptics, or just non-religious people) also disappointed.

P.S. -- Both party platforms also now say that Jerusalem is, or should be, the capital of Israel. Frankly, I don't think it is the business of any American or any political party in the U.S. what the capital of Israel is or should be. Why do our political parties think they should have any say at all in this matter? We certainly would not care what anyone in a foreign country thought about which city should be our own capital. This is just more silliness.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Excerpts From Democratic Party Platform

The Democratic Party kicked off its national convention yesterday in Charlotte, North Carolina. And one of the first things they did was to approve the party platform. There are those who say there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans. While Democrats are far from perfect, they are light years apart from the Republican Party. This is easily seen by perusing the platforms of the two parties. You can read the full text of the Democratic Party Platform, but here I'm going to give you some excerpts -- some pieces of the platform that show you just how different the two parties really are. Here's what the Democrats say:

Democrats believe that the right to organize and collectively bargain is a fundamental American value; every American should have a voice on the job and a chance to negotiate for a fair day's pay after a hard day's work. We will continue to fight for the right of all workers to organize and join a union. 

We will raise the minimum wage, and index it to inflation. We believe in an America where people looking for work can find good jobs, where hard work pays, and where responsibility is rewarded.

President Obama and the Democratic Party are committed to continue cutting red tape for small businesses, helping them sell their goods around the world and access the capital they need to grow. This includes tax cuts for small businesses that make new investments, hire more workers, or increase wages.

We support campaign finance reform, by constitutional amendment if necessary. We support legislation to close loopholes and require greater disclosure of campaign spending. President Obama and the national Democratic Party do not accept contributions from federal lobbyists this cycle. We support requiring groups trying to influence elections to reveal their donors so the public will know who's funding the political ads it sees. 

Democrats are strongly committed to enacting comprehensive immigration reform that supports our economic goals and reflects our values as both a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants. The story of the United States would not be possible without the generations of immigrants who have strengthened our country and contributed to our economy. Our prosperity depends on an immigration system that reflects our values and meets America's needs. 

President Obama and the Democratic Party are committed to keeping the sacred trust we have with our troops, military families, and veterans. These brave men and women and their families have borne the burden of war and have always made our military the best in the world. We will not only continue to support them in the field, but we will also continue to prioritize support for wounded warriors, mental health, and the well being of our military families and veterans. We will keep working to give our veterans the health care, benefits, education, and job opportunities that they have earned.

Democrats appreciate agriculture's role in securing America's food security and making our country an ambassador of food aid to countries across the world. That's why Democrats support a strong farm safety net, with increased availability of crop insurance and emergency disaster assistance to help farmers and ranchers keep their farms in business after natural disasters and crop loss. 

Democrats are proud of our support for arts funding and education. We are committed to continuing the policies and programs that have already done so much for our creative arts industry and economy. Investment in the arts strengthens our communities and contributes to our nation's rich cultural heritage. We will continue to support public funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, for the National Endowment for the Humanities, and for programs providing art and music education in primary and secondary schools. 

We believe in an America where everybody gets a fair shot and everybody plays by the same set of rules. At the core of the Democratic Party is the principle that no one should face discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability status. 

We are committed to ensuring full equality for women: we reaffirm our support for the Equal Rights Amendment, recommit to enforcing Title IX, support the Paycheck Fairness Act, and will urge ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. 

The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay. We oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right. Abortion is an intensely personal decision between a woman, her family, her doctor, and her clergy; there is no place for politicians or government to get in the way.

 We believe the right to vote and to have your vote counted is an essential American freedom, and we oppose laws that place unnecessary restrictions on those seeking to exercise that freedom.

We support the right of all families to have equal respect, responsibilities, and protections under the law. We support marriage equality and support the movement to secure equal treatment under law for same-sex couples. We also support the freedom of churches and religious entities to decide how to administer marriage as a religious sacrament without government interference.

We recognize that the individual right to bear arms is an important part of the American tradition, and we will preserve Americans' Second Amendment right to own and use firearms. We believe that the right to own firearms is subject to reasonable regulation. We understand the terrible consequences of gun violence; it serves as a reminder that life is fragile, and our time here is limited and precious. We believe in an honest, open national conversation about firearms. We can focus on effective enforcement of existing laws, especially strengthening our background check system, and we can work together to enact commonsense improvements—like reinstating the assault weapons ban and closing the gun show loophole—so that guns do not fall into the hands of those irresponsible, law-breaking few.

We will continue to fight inequalities in our criminal justice system. We believe that the death penalty must not be arbitrary. DNA testing should be used in all appropriate circumstances, defendants should have effective assistance of counsel, and the administration of justice should be fair and impartial. 

Democrats are committed to protecting our natural resources while creating jobs, preserving habitats, and ensuring that future generations can enjoy our nation's outdoor heritage. From investing in clean energy to protecting our air, land, and water, Democrats have made protecting the environment a top priority. Today we are responsibly developing our natural resources to create clean energy jobs here at home while encouraging conservation, reducing energy waste, and protecting the environment.

We know that global climate change is one of the biggest threats of this generation—an economic, environmental, and national security catastrophe in the making. We affirm the science of climate change, commit to significantly reducing the pollution that causes climate change, and know we have to meet this challenge by driving smart policies that lead to greater growth in clean energy generation and result in a range of economic and social benefits.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Party Platforms - Worthless Or Not ?

I've always thought one of the most useless things a party could do was waste the time to write and approve a party platform. This is especially true on the state level, but I thought it was probably just as bad on the national level. After all, how many people do you know who have actually read the latest platforms of the two political parties (other than those who helped to write them. But it looks like I may have been wrong about that.

One of the latest surveys from the good folks at the Pew Research Center shows that a majority of the people want to know what is in the party platforms. In fact, more people are interested in the party platforms than are interested in the presidential and vice-presidential speeches and the roll call of the states (normally the most interesting things at a convention).

The survey was conducted between August 23rd and 26th with a random sample of 1,010 adults (with a 3.6 point margin of error). The poll doesn't necessarily say most people want to read the platforms, but they do want to know what is in them. You can expect both the Democrats and Republicans to be interested in what their own party does and not so interested in what the other party does, and the numbers bear that out. But what I found really interesting was the interest of the general public and of those who identify as Independents. Here are those numbers:

Republican Party platform...............52%
Democratic Party platform...............55%
Mitt Romney's speech...............44%
barack Obama's speech...............51%
Republican roll call of states...............43%
Democratic roll call of the states...............42%

Obviously, I was wrong in thinking only a few people (the media, the pundits, and a few of us political junkies) would be interested in what is actually in the party platforms. It looks like a lot of people are interested. Which makes me think the Republicans might want to print as few copies as possible of theirs -- since it is one of the most extremist platforms a political party has produced. It might shock most American voters.

For instance, their platform contains an anti-abortion plank that has no exception for rape, incest, or the life and health of the woman. An incredibly large portion of the American people don't like that. Another poll taken recently, the Daily Kos/SEIU State of the Nation Poll, shows this very clearly. Look at these numbers:

Not sure...............12%

And that's only one of many extreme far-right-wing positions in the Republican platform. I like the idea that people are interested in the platforms. That can only help President Obama and the Democrats.