Showing posts with label uni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label uni. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It is not as bad as I thought

I came up with this motivation to update my blog when I don't really have much things to say. My life is just a routine, sleeping at 11.30pm and wake up at 7.30am now sounds really reasonable to me. At least I have eight hours of sleep. I have not been very keen to do honours from the start, if its not for the sake of a better job opportunity and scholarship opportunity, I will definitely bail, like some other friends, whom now happily doing his bible studies and preaching, and she is working hard while studying for the GAMSAT enrty test to masters in pharmacy. And then I thought, at least they have some other goals to achieve, but me? So I guess sticking back to doing honours isn't that bad.

I have been trying really hard to do a lot of readings, despite planning for my lab works, which is how research works. It requires a lot of self-discipline and time management, but there seems to be endless things to do. The only resting time to look forward to is our lunch break, which is shorter and shorter everyday(decreasing from an hour to 20 minutes). All of us were just talking about our experiments, if we have started our 20 pages introduction, our directed studies assignment, and we will end our conversation in the same way: I have to get back to my office now I have so much work to do. Everybody just have infinity workloads.

Stressful moment is either before seeing the supervisor, where I have to do so many preparation to present him what I have done, what had gone wrong, what should we do next; or after seeing the supervisors realising there is so much yet to be done, there are so many things that I don't know, and sometimes I don't really get what he is saying. Being around with all native speakers now really intimidates me, my tongue just twist and my brain just couldn't bring the correct grammatical information to me.

But, doing honours felt real to me. Felt so real that I am actually studying in Australia because almost every single person that I encounter and talk to everyday is local. Yeah after 4 years I am finally in the local community lol. Anyways it is a brand new experience to me, and I am just glad I have a motivation to achieve my goal, hopefully I'll make mum and dad proud when they come in December! Can't wait!

Enough of lengthy boring words, peeps into what I'm doing.

Vain me in my office.

One of the instruments I used, bored of waiting so, vain me in the lab.

All that dangerous wirings, everything looks like it can explode.

Last, vain tired me when I got home.
I was so tired yesterday because I went out early morning and I started my study group coordinator job at night. At the end I got home about 9 and I was too tired to fake a smile.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm back!

Yes, I am finally back to a normal entry after all those 'thoughts' entries.
Uni started last wed and I am feeling the pressure already!
I'm doing my honours which is my final year, after years and years and years finally this year comes.
Although I am still in a pretty 'blank' situation, I dunno what to do yet!
I guess I need some time to adapt to research again after my long break.
My life is basically 9 to 5 now, which means I have to get up really early, and go into my office and spend the rest of my day reading, doing lab work, sending emails, writing up my essay. 
Sounds really boring, I hope this year passes quick!

My dearies have all left me so I am so alone in the gong, I even ditched shopping (went to the mall the other day but dreaded to go home after10 minutes). SO guess its a year for me to concentrate better on my studies, and hopefully I can graduate with the best result.

I think I am fat and ugly these days so I even dreaded taking pichas! I don't care about what I wear, how my hair looks and don't even bother if my shoes were matching my clothes. OMG what have I turned into?! Perhaps because there is no one to camwhore with me so I.. I just couldn't do it myself anymore.. (runaway crying)

I think I should really live a normal life again, and be the vain self again.

To the vain me, I am looking forward to your return.

The nerdy Jo

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A little bit of love everywhere

This post basically sum up my weekly life.
The little bits and pieces of me everywhere!
Pictures talk better than words :)
And there are shitloads of me.

Weekends before test: Die die also want to go shopping the second time with S my love.
We have gotta continue buying things that we didnt buy the last trip.
Boost love!

I am a poor autistic child drinking boost and eating banana bread.

Even the rain never stop us from shopping.Bought shoes that day! super happy!!

And say yes to glassless nerd specs : D

Spent some time enjoying other people's cooking. Went over to A's house for dins.

What a talented man making dumplings : P
Thumbs up to a-Liang :)

Seriously no joke OK. See how neat and tidy they are. Even me couldn't do it.

Ready to nom nom! Yay!

Oh this is just a random pic I saw in the toilet. Seriously who piss beside a toilet bowl?

Another cooking day at A's. Yummy yummy! Taiwanese tomato scramble eggs, our love!

Was walking to the bus stop and singing happily. Then he thought I was too noisy so he decided to stuff a banana to shut me up. Who knows? Jo could sing with a banana too! *high five*
(that's a mint, not a tongue pierce)

And there was this Friday that I sulked in the library because I have gotta study for midsession after work!
But I like my hair : D

But we watched Step Up 3D in unimovies! cheaper :) We are a bunch of cheapskate students.

Saturday morning: Overslept and went to Raya's celebration at botanical gardens with swollen eyes.

Ah I am not hunching! just that my cardigan appears to hang there unreasonably. LOL
 food is behind us!

Different kind of malaysian food I misssssssss! greedily scooped a lot *evil laughs*

Yo we have a selamat hari raya banana cakey.

Dessert and kuih muih table... Hmm I am hungry now.

Introducing satay to him.

Greedy fatty us trying all the desserts after eating a big plate of food.

Jiwan & Shazza :)

Oh this scene is so Malaysianish.

People I adore.

Yes we are the celebs, see everybody is trying to take snap shot of us!

Spot me.

Went to uni after that.
To watch youtube.

Started studying after that.

And decided that life is too boring in the library after 2 hours.
So I took a stroll around the peaceful uni on a Saturday :)

Running and skipping happily at the duck pond.

Writing on the sands.

Chasing the duckies.

It has been ages since I felt carefree and young again. It has been ages since I last wrap my arms around nature. And I am glad our uni is green, not some greyish colourless concrete jungle.

Paparazzi snapshot of the girls from the outside of the library.

Look at how Mr Engineer enjoys his lemon poppyseed muffin. He makes the muffin seems like it tasted really great.

converse loves.

And then on a Sunday Morning:
Heading to the library again.

Me and my longtime no use agnes b bag.

On the bus :)

Twitted this pic.. Follow us!

Ending this post with another picture of me,
eating banana again.

That's how I spend my week.

Friday, September 10, 2010


Guess who's on UOW's website today?

From UOW's website.

Media story about our university and Germany's uni tie.

I am so short! : P

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Global Highway 2010

It has been agesss since I last showed up in my blog, I know.
Cause I have gained so much weight and my skin condition is bloody terrible :(
Can someone help meeee?
Ahh well, I am still chubby even without weight gain, just chubbier now.

SO Imma show you the latest me!!! 
Last week!
But well another reason is I have been so occupied by uni I have no time to go out and no time to take pictures at all. I have not been dressing up to uni for ages and I find myself really slouchy and hunched back a lot. Guess my self concious is extremely low when I just wear whatever to uni. And then I became really slacky. So one day when I suddenly woke up from my laziness, I have decided to at least pick something from the closet everyday, instead of wearing whatever that hangs on the wall.

Alrights back to Global Highway, its an annual event where every country set up their own stalls, and you play mini games in order to get a stamp, and when you get all the stamps on your global passport you get to exchange some gifts!

Lia and I early morning with our passports!

Yay! mission completed!

Got T-shirts in return!

And then camwhore abit. Got a Australian flag tattoo from the aussie stall. Damm I looked so exhausted here. See what uni did to me? wrinkles at 20? OMG need more eye cream.

Love the necklace from Aunty Ann, a must have!

Anyways spring is hitting in weeks and my closet is still empty! no floral, no denim, no nothing!
I deffo needed to stock up! and gosh, I haven't been shopping for almost 2 months! what happened to me? Life is all about uni now, ya I deserve it!
I am so sick of uni now I want to go home! I want to just graduate this year and don't do honours!
But well work harder and harder, and earn more money and save up my travel funds.
That's the principle I am holding on to until my birthday, which is the 1st day of summer holidays!

Can't wait for my 21st :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The long awaiting mail

Its like FINALLY I got this mail.
I have been recalculating my average again and again and thought I deserved to be transferred to an advanced degree and finally I got this notice that if I keep it up I will be able to transfer next session!

FROM: dwhitby
TITLE: Distinction Average / Advanced Degree

Dear Faculty of Science Student

After reviewing the grades for Autumn Session 2009, I wish to write to congratulate you on your outstanding performance of a Distinction average or better. Should you continue with this level of performance for next session, you will be eligible to transfer to an Advanced degree.

While you will be completing the same subjects, at the same level, with the same assessment tasks as students who are not in an Advanced degree, there are several advantages to transferring into an Advanced degree. These include:

1) Your testamur, at Graduation, will note that you completed an Advanced degree. This is a flag to potential employers that you are an exceptional student.

2) You will automatically proceed to an Honours program. The Advanced degree is a four-year program.

3) You may enrol in a research project subject in your discipline area, working with an academic with their research project

Haha, very happy right now :) Gotta study harder! Its the first step towards Dean List. LOL very "tai lam tau".

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Pre-holiday mood

I was kinda in a holiday mood ALREADY.
Despite the fact that I have Organic Chem on Wednesday.
LAST PAPER~ woohoo~!

The subject that I am most afraid of,seriously I haven't start studying yet.
Its me u know, I always give myself excuses like if you study too early u tend to forget everything.
Right.And I will get chicken the night before,
regretting for not studying more.
and bugging baby ask him how how how...
and he will answer me :"you never study for SPM also wert, but you still get straight ones"
"yea lar,last time you were watching dramas everytime I called you"
"ohhh"..then I will feel super confident and go to sleep (when I am supposed to study more)

Damm it, that's my attitude, and I can't change.
I knew uni is DIFFERENT.
totally DIFFERENT and I can't get that lucky escaping everytime.
No such thing as last minute should be in my dictionary anymore.

Got a parcel from Chester again, thanks uncle,
he sent me "Little Nyonya" DVDs.
and the whole unit started watching..episodes after episodes.
Yes, aren't we suppose to be studying?

Sarah were studying in the living room one day, and suddenly I saw something huge flew pass.
I was like, IS THAT A DUCK?
And I ran outside.

Can you imagine how superb are aussie ducks?
They are so fat and yet they can fly 3 floors high!

Trying to get away from study.
Sorry for that ugly tissue stucking in my nose,
I am having a flu at that time and guess what,
the tissue is actually full of blood instead of the yucky mucous.
Sarah said I studied too hard, lol.
And the endless eating during study break blew up my face, aha.

And everyday, Sarah and I will be praying for the exams to be over.
Our bond became realllly "intimate" because of the exams.
Cuz others have finished their exam way way too early (not fair at all!)
And both of us have to survive till the last week =(

Just can't wait for the exams to be over this week and we are going to
Babe's trip =)

Counting down the days to freeeeeeedom~!

and yah,
Happy Fathers Day to all great daddies on earth!
No one shall beat my greatest papa~

2 years back during daddy's birthday,
i m missing my coconut hair now.