I have been trying really hard to do a lot of readings, despite planning for my lab works, which is how research works. It requires a lot of self-discipline and time management, but there seems to be endless things to do. The only resting time to look forward to is our lunch break, which is shorter and shorter everyday(decreasing from an hour to 20 minutes). All of us were just talking about our experiments, if we have started our 20 pages introduction, our directed studies assignment, and we will end our conversation in the same way: I have to get back to my office now I have so much work to do. Everybody just have infinity workloads.
Stressful moment is either before seeing the supervisor, where I have to do so many preparation to present him what I have done, what had gone wrong, what should we do next; or after seeing the supervisors realising there is so much yet to be done, there are so many things that I don't know, and sometimes I don't really get what he is saying. Being around with all native speakers now really intimidates me, my tongue just twist and my brain just couldn't bring the correct grammatical information to me.
But, doing honours felt real to me. Felt so real that I am actually studying in Australia because almost every single person that I encounter and talk to everyday is local. Yeah after 4 years I am finally in the local community lol. Anyways it is a brand new experience to me, and I am just glad I have a motivation to achieve my goal, hopefully I'll make mum and dad proud when they come in December! Can't wait!
Enough of lengthy boring words, peeps into what I'm doing.
Vain me in my office.
One of the instruments I used, bored of waiting so, vain me in the lab.
All that dangerous wirings, everything looks like it can explode.
Last, vain tired me when I got home.
I was so tired yesterday because I went out early morning and I started my study group coordinator job at night. At the end I got home about 9 and I was too tired to fake a smile.