Right my blog is so dead, thanks to exams, moving, party, falling sick, and work.
Was so busy right after my exams as I had to pack all my stuff and move into my new apartment, then I gotta prepare for my bday party and get drunk. I had a really great time celebrating my 21st!! except that I am still anticipating for some yet to come presents. *ahem* you guys better be fast. LOL.
Some pichas from my drunk twenty-one.
Best mates :)
Everyone just wana make me drunk.
Yay, pressie from Susan.
By the time I was making a wish I was bloody drunk. I had like 8 shots of tequilla =.=
And guess I was wishing something real hard, but I don't remember my wishes. LOL.
Had a great time with all of ya!
And I kept falling onto the floor. Haha.
Had sucha great and busy time for the start of my holidays, and baybee took me to Sydney to celebrate our little birthday celebration again :) It has been months since we last went out for a date! I cherish every precious moment of it :)
My fav Korean Restaurant in Sydney just because they have this very nice couch. And very yummy potato noodles.
Darling Harbour with Sydney Tower behind.
We watched Harry Potter 7 too! Baby thinks its really boring because he hasn't read the book! It was fab to me though, I teared when Dobby died :( I have read the books over and over like three or four times and still not getting bored because I always forget the story!
We then decided to go to Hurricane's Grill for dinner as they are really famous for their ribs and steaks! We waited an hour for a table on Tuesday!
We have got a table on the balcony, overlooking the stunning night view of Darling Harbour.
Here comes our FOOD! It's masssssive!
He had rump steak and I had beef ribs, but I saw many people had pork ribs, should give that a try nextime.
The waitress had my baby napkin around me.
Then we went to meet up with the gang for my long-time-no-karaoke session.
My loves.
Was super duper tired at that time.
Had some crazy moments shouting stupid songs, playing dices and telling lame jokes. Thats what makes us together. Got home so late that night!
Well, the fun week is over and I am now back to work, gotta get up at 8am everyday which is a pain in my arse. How much I wish I could just sleep in and hang around doing nothing. But I appreciate myself having a job. At least I get to spend my own money since the $$$ in my bank is running low!
Oh yeah, results are out! I am really happy I think its the best results I have ever had in my whole three years! I guess its because I studied really hard this session and its worth it! Not too late to realize after three years! And met with the sub dean together and finally changed my degree to an advanced degree. Yeppie!
Still have a few posts pending. Stay tuned!