Showing posts with label Downunder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Downunder. Show all posts

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Tree Decoration Dinner

Since I had a two hours nap this afternoon, I am barely sleepy at 1am, and I have a day off tommorow! So I can just sleeeeep in as much as I want.. Yeppie, since I have to work everyday it has been ages since I last slept in :(

Last Saturday, Thidarat, who is my ex-boss, invited our family to their place for their christmas tree decoration dinner, which they hold every year as a family tradition because they themselves are too lazy to decorate the tree! And since we have never spent a proper christmas, we have decided to see what its like!

Had Tapas platter as starter.

The 'Before' Xmas tree.

We have to use this to perform our magic.

 Its our first time to decorate a xmas tree and we were all excited!

 The theme was red and gold :)

 Very serious, no joke man.

Tadaa, our almost done xmas tree :)

We were all rewarded with Thidarat's amazing home cooking.

 Thidarat's daughter.

 She wants me to play piano for her.

 The piano is over 100 years old! I really liked that chair.

And the little chamber is cosy and nice.

After dinner, we get to choose a special ornament each and hang onto the tree.

The final step of the tree deco, place the star on top of the tree!

And then, it's time to turn on the lights and wait for xmas!!!

It was a great occasion as we get to taste Thidarat's cooking and get involved with some pre-xmas preparation. And her kids are cute! Make me wana marry angmoh, lol. Hopefully will have more chance to actually celebrate xmas, instead of celebrating it like Valentines in most of the asian countries.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Right my blog is so dead, thanks to exams, moving, party, falling sick, and work.
Was so busy right after my exams as I had to pack all my stuff and move into my new apartment, then I gotta prepare for my bday party and get drunk. I had a really great time celebrating my 21st!! except that I am still anticipating for some yet to come presents. *ahem* you guys better be fast. LOL.

Some pichas from my drunk twenty-one.

Best mates :)

Everyone just wana make me drunk.

Yay, pressie from Susan.

By the time I was making a wish I was bloody drunk. I had like 8 shots of tequilla =.=
And guess I was wishing something real hard, but I don't remember my wishes. LOL.

Had a great time with all of ya!

And I kept falling onto the floor. Haha.

Had sucha great and busy time for the start of my holidays, and baybee took me to Sydney to celebrate our little birthday celebration again :) It has been months since we last went out for a date! I cherish every precious moment of it :)

My fav Korean Restaurant in Sydney just because they have this very nice couch. And very yummy potato noodles.

 Darling Harbour with Sydney Tower behind.

We watched Harry Potter 7 too! Baby thinks its really boring because he hasn't read the book! It was fab to me though, I teared when Dobby died :( I have read the books over and over like three or four times and still not getting bored because I always forget the story!

We then decided to go to Hurricane's Grill for dinner as they are really famous for their ribs and steaks! We waited an hour for a table on Tuesday! 

 We have got a table on the balcony, overlooking the stunning night view of Darling Harbour.

 Here comes our FOOD! It's masssssive!
He had rump steak and I had beef ribs, but I saw many people had pork ribs, should give that a try nextime.

 The waitress had my baby napkin around me.

Then we went to meet up with the gang for my long-time-no-karaoke session.

My loves. 

 Was super duper tired at that time.

 Had some crazy moments shouting stupid songs, playing dices and telling lame jokes. Thats what makes us together. Got home so late that night!

Well, the fun week is over and I am now back to work, gotta get up at 8am everyday which is a pain in my arse. How much I wish I could just sleep in and hang around doing nothing. But I appreciate myself having a job. At least I get to spend my own money since the $$$ in my bank is running low!

Oh yeah, results are out! I am really happy I think its the best results I have ever had in my whole three years! I guess its because I studied really hard this session and its worth it! Not too late to realize after three years! And met with the sub dean together and finally changed my degree to an advanced degree. Yeppie!

Still have a few posts pending. Stay tuned!

Thursday, November 4, 2010




harem + oxford 我的最愛!








昨天回家吃很可憐的晚餐之後還跑去ic的圖書館唸書,看我們多用功!可惜只念了一個小時就關門了 :(






p/s: I am just in the mood to type in chinese today.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


話說我昨天又跟艾倫哥哥游泳去了。(雖然還是覺得很害羞 ><")








Friday, October 22, 2010


Yea normally that's the title for every first draft I made. But then I ended up with 327362746 untitled. So I learned to be more organised.

BTW life has been really lifeless recently. I am just running my old schedule, Monday to Thursdays classes and labs, work on Friday, then sleep in on Saturday and Sunday. Then it repeats again. Oh but I had an exception last Sunday, me and Al went swimming! It has been like 6 years since I last swam? or maybe longer than that. Thank god I could still fit in that almost decaying swimsuit.

I was SO DAMM STRESSED before the swimming session. And Al couldn't understand why. He was like: What? swimming only mah! But seriously, I think swimming is the most embarassing thing ever you could do with your bf.


1. You have to fit into the swimsuit perfectly. (not like I haven't worn bikini before, but I dunno why swimsuit is just so.... ARGH)

2. You have to WAX. And guys, I assure you waxing yourself (especially bikini line) is something so horrible that it is going to haunt you for the rest of your life when you walk pass the shelves that sell waxing strips in the supermarket.

3. You have to WEAR A SWIMMING CAP. I felt like a bloody bold woman, exposing my big piece of face.

4. Then you have to put on goggles. WTF? with the swimsuit + swimming cap, now you add that horrible looking goggles that make you look like a frog?

5. OK let's say you are not that outlook-oriented. How the heck am I supposed to try to swim gracefully in the water? Especially when I only know the froggy style which requires me to open my legs wide? (OMG faint)

With all the points above, I would look like a frog in a black skin, waddling in the water. Just thinking of that just made me more stressed.

But I made it. I turned into a frog right in front of the face of my bf. And lucky I found the skills-oriented bf, who thinks I swam pretty well for a girl. Phew, at least I am still human.

So girls, please think twice before going to swim with male friends. It is definitely not the same with going to the beach, where you can just wear bikini and pretend to sunbathe, or just jumping up and down in the water and scream. Swimming is a serious sport. LOL.

Alrights, I am bored of my writing as well. I really wanted to upload some piccies but since my life was so dead I hardly took any pics at all. Could only find a few from my twitter.

In love with hair bun, found some easy way to do it!

And that was just me, same spot, same pose, same hairstyle. Note I do change my bed sheet and do my laundry ;) 

Going to sleep now. work tommoz.


Monday, October 4, 2010

A stay home recess

First of all, this is a picture of me acting Avatar.
But I like Smurf better.

So I have spent 8 days sitting at home.
Most of the time watching dramas and cooking.

I don't know why I was so stressed before recess due to the endless tests and wanted to party so much, but guess the Canberra trip just sucked up all my energy, leaving me to just sit at home for the whole week to rest. And I actually enjoyed my housewife life a lot, looking up recipe and cook is so much fun! Wish I have that much time after uni starts, which is tommorow. But that's not gonna happen. 1 more month till finals! Gotta work hard since my mid session results are shitty. D:

Gonna spam this post with lotsa random pictures, especially my cooking :)

Cooked tau yiu bak the other day :D
 Ingredients for our Japanese dinner night.

 Our Jap dinner, yakisoba, onigiri, sushi and miso soup!

 Then we had mexican dinner night.


 Painted my toes too.

 Finally back to chinese. Ingredients for steamed chicken and mushroom rice.

Final product!

Uni is starting tommorow. :(  x100.
I really enjoyed myself staying at home doing nothing, cleaning up my room, cooking, watching dramas, chit chat with friends... But life still has to go on.. Hopefully I get really dedicated this time and study hard!

Before I end this post,

I shall present you,

Avatar's Classic

