Showing posts with label baking adventures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baking adventures. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Update - weekend adventures

This weekend was a full one.  Here is some of what we did:

Jasmyne came to Utah to attend the BYU vs. U of U game.  We got together on Friday night and had a nice visit. 

I taught deep muscle relaxation at our Relief Society Super Saturday.  I love this relaxation strategy.  I like it before bed or before getting up.  I took the transcript from this video.  Here it is if you want to try it:
I worked in the garden.  Here are some pictures I took 2 weeks ago of our apple tree and garden  and one that I took yesterday of the tomatoes and broccoli I picked.

At Super Saturday I also learned a new bread recipe.  It is a multi-purpose dough and so far I love it. I'll post the recipe soon.  I made way too many carbs. on Saturday and Sunday:
Saturday - French Bread

Saturday - Hamburger buns, rolls, and long sandwich buns

Saturday - Cinnamon twists and rolls
Saturday - I tried to simplify life by cutting the rolls and bagging them individually so that we can make sandwiches then put them back in the bag and take them to school or work.

Derek loved the cinnamon rolls!
Joshua loved the cinnamon rolls!
Sunday - 2 loaves of bread

Sunday - even more cinnamon rolls
It was a fun baking weekend!

Other weekend projects include studying for classes, and attending a community event to talk about adoption and avaliable counseling resources.