Showing posts with label House hunt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label House hunt. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Home Sweet Home...Soon

It has been a long journey.  Yes, it could have been longer but for me it was long enough.  We have found a home, had an offer accepted - finallly, worked through the loan process - we hope, and will be closing on Thursday. 

The loan process has been more than a headache.  We choose the wrong loan agent and should have walked away sooner.  We did even consider loosing this house is how bad it was.  But finally they came through.  Once they approved the loan though, they messed some things up and when we should have been closed already, then the date was pushed back to this Monday, then Wednesday and now it is Thursday.  We pray it will continue to stay Thursday and that we close just fine. 

One problem this has caused us was that we need to be out of our apartment by Wednesday.  We gave our complex our 30 day notice after we had started the loan process.  It was going to be just fine because the loan officer said she would have the loan done within 10 days.  They have been ridiculous to work with.

The whole story of trying to get this house is long and enough to make anyone disgusted so I won't go into it.  Thinking about it all is not good for my blood pressure either, so it is probably for the best.  We will focus on the good.  We are closing on Thursday.  We have found a wonderful piano in the classifieds and an amazing dresser.  We have yet to get a refrigerator, a stove range and hood, dishwasher, clothes washer or dryer. Priorities.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

House we had an offer accepted on!

Backyard - a great size with a nice deck
Kitchen with no applicances
Other side of the kitchen - it is smaller
Living room - looks out at the mountains
master bedroom - all bed rooms are great sizes.
One of the bathrooms - in all there are 2.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Home buying update

So what happens when you have money to buy a house in a certain price bracket?  Someone else will have more money than you and buy the home you wanted to buy, in cash.

This happened to us this week.  A week ago, we put an offer on a short sale home that had two banks involved.  Within four days of submitting the offer, both banks had agreed and our offer was verbally accepted.  Hooray!!!  But hold you horses.  The title company was sending over the paper work but all the pages with signatures did not come through.  From the time of telling us that our offer was accepted to sending the paperwork again, another offer was submitted at a higher price and in cash. 

Their Realtor went to the banks and asked if they would go with the offer they had said yes to, or if they wanted the higher in cash offer.  The banks wanted the money (I don't blame them).  So after we had been told we had had an offer accepted, it was taken back.  We are saddened and frustrated by this development.  There is nothing we can do as there is a clause in the contracts that says something about a verbal acceptance of offer is not legally binding. 

So we continue the search.  Yesterday we saw some more homes.  It is discouraging to go through so many homes and feel we cannot really get much for our money.  Most of what we see is junky.  We are looking for the diamonds in the rough.

Here is another home we saw and are considering.

It has 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage, and 2,106 sq. feet. It is in Sandy.  Here is the video:
Inside of the house
Outside of the house

Monday, March 7, 2011

House Hunting Progress

Well, we have learned a lot along the way.  We have learned about loans, interest, different styles of houses, common problems for houses from different eras, and more.  We have seen  homes built by the pioneers and their children to homes built in 2010. 

During the last 2 months, we have submitted 3 offers.  Today we had an offer rejected, and also put in another offer.  We should hear back by tomorrow.  It's a HUD home that needs quite a bit of work.  One of the difficult parts about buying a HUD home is you submit you offer and they either tell you yes, or cancel your offer which means no.  There is no counter offer process, which is really unfortunate.  Right now, I feel like we are playing a guessing game. If this offer is not accepted, it is back to the drawing board for us. 

I know we will find somewhere to live.  And when it goes through, it will be the right place for us.