Here is some of what we did this week:
Joshua's school had its NJHS Induction Ceremony. He was in charge of refreshments. I wish we had taken pictures of the beautiful table of all the food. Here though are the brownie bites we spruced up with whipped cream and fruit. We also served, lemon cucumber water, 3 different bunt cakes (Don't know what they are all the rage. We had Red Velvet, Chocolate and Swirl flavored cakes), a veggie platter, and cookies from Paradise Bakery. I think the kids thought it looked beautiful and that it added to the special occasion. For me, I left at the end of the night exhausted. We had some minor/major set backs that we had to work through, like the teacher in charge of bringing the lighter for the candle lighting and the plate, cups, napkins forgot those items and remembered 5 minutes before the program began. I sped to the store, ran through it pulling items off the shelf like a mad-women on the 90's TV show I loved, Super Market Sweep. The store did not love me to say the least. In the end, we were able to set everything up in time. |
Our garden is growing well still. The weather is cooling down so I hope the copious amount of tomatoes growing ripen quickly. Here is a bowl full of green beans I picked this morning. |
It's apple season and our Granny Smith apple tree is producing away. The apples are smaller but they taste great. Here is a bowl full of peeled, cored, and sliced apples that I did tonight. |
Joshua and I decided we would use the apples for an apple pie. We did not agree on the recipe to use, he wanted the one his family used growing up and I wanted the one in my family. So, we decided to do a competition of apple pies. Here he is making his pie. |
His pie finished first and tasted good but the real test was to compare it to my pie. Joshua took my pie out of the oven and placed it on the cooking rack. Unfortunately it did not stay there. |
Joshua tasted the pie anyway. |
Derek tasted the pie anyway. |
I tasted the pie anyway. - Don't worry we tasted the parts that did not touch the ground. |
So who won the pie making contest?
We will have to reschedule our pie making match due to an inability to form a conclusion.
He says he did as mine could not be properly judged. So I had to forfeit. I claim sabotage. Therefore he's disqualified.
Some of the other things we did were:
I started school and a new internship.
Joshua's work is improving.
We rebuilt some of our sprinklers - quite a learning experience and pictures to come soon.
Got our broken car towed to a repair shop and fixed.
Cleaned the house from top to bottom - it is now in need of that cleaning again and it has only been a day.
Both Joshua and I played the piano.
I taught primary and Joshua taught young mens.
We made new friends at work, the store and school.
I visited with an old friend on the phone.
I went to Zumba.