Showing posts with label jewish times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jewish times. Show all posts

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Once Upon a Time 5.14.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 5/14/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1220

Status: Unidentified. Gymnastics Demonstration at Fitness Fair, '81 Owings Mills. Laurie Legum (Sklar) in profile in center

Special Thanks to: Ina Legum

Monday, April 12, 2010

Once Upon a Time 4.2.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 4/2/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1194

Status: Identified. Adult wine tasting at the JCC. Marsha Moreno-Stutz and Gus Frank

Special Thanks to: Martin Stutz, Gil Weisman, Nancy Carp

Once Upon a Time 3.26.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 3/26/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1191

Status: Identified. Nine fifth grade kids showing off seder plates they decorated at Chizuk Amuno Hebrew School. Back Row L-R: Bill Crystal, Mark Schwartzman, Jan Levin, Unidentified, Gayle Kantor. Front Row L-R: Stephen Harris, Marc Silverman or Harvey Gruntman, Barry Cooperman or Jonny Guth and Jeff Rosensweig

Special Thanks to: Mrs. Gruntman, Bill Crystal, Marc Silverman, Toby Mower

Once Upon a Time 3.19.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 3/19/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1153

Status: Partially identified. People standing around a table with Preserves from Israel. Left to right: Jack Green, unidentified, Dina Griner, 4. unidentified 5. unidentified, Molly Griner

Special Thanks to: Leon Yoffee, Rina Levi

Once Upon a Time 3.12.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 3/12/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1149

Status: Partially Identified. Girls and boys in crowns and capes on a wooden jungle gym, celebrating the "Extra Terrific Purim Carnival Family Fun Plus!" Clockwise: Yoni Reishcher (Shapiro),Deena Messing (Davidov), Penina Goldstein, unidentifed, Tami Schabes (Hyatt), unidentified, unidentified.

Special Thanks to: Sarah Schabes, JL Reisher

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Once Upon a Time -- Identity Crisis!

Every once in a while someone will call in to identify someone in a "Once Upon A Time" photograph, and they will be wrong! How do I know they are wrong? When 4 people say "that's my relative John Doe" and one person says "I think it could be John Brown," I trust the family members. Sometimes I don't know who is right, so I post both names hoping to spark conversation.

This week someone called in to identify all three ladies in a photo that was run in Baltimore Jewish Times in June. Maybe you can be the person who helps clearly identify everyone.

PastPerfect Accession #: 1988.142.003

Status: UNIDENTIFIED! Black and white photograph of (L-R) Mollie (Goldstein) Greenberg or Belle Goldsmith holding a Ner Israel Ladies Auxiliary Life Member certificate, Bryna Volosov Kitay or Rebitzen Tova Krasner, and Sadie Tanenbaum or Pearl Schindler, 1977. These ladies have also been identified as Anne R. Jacobson, Rita Langbaum, and Libby Mason of Beth Jacob Congregation.

Who do you think they are?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Once Upon a Time 2.12.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 2/12/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1104

Status: Partially Identified. Shabbat Celebration. 1. Lil Shuster 2. Harriet Schwartz Schlein 3. Ronald Rubin 4. Hal Cohen 5. unidentified 6. Jerry Shavrick

Special Thanks to: Jerry Shavrick, Harriet Schwartz Schlein, Charlotte Stein

Once Upon a Time 2.5.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 2/5/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1101

Status: Partially Identified. Oneg Shabbat, May 4, 1973. Lil Apple, Harriet Schwartz, Sophie Berger or Rose Harrison, 4. unidentified, Dora Collector, Harold Lipsicus, Lil Shuster, 8. unidentified 9. unidentified 10. unidentified 11. unidentified 12. Bernie Rosen 13. unidentified

Special Thanks to: Barbara Ravitz, Jeanne Berger, Rabbi Gustav Buchdah, Jerry Shavrick, Helene Levine

Once Upon a Time 1.29.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 1/29/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1077

Status: Identified. Shellye Attman Gilden and Sally Thorner at the 1987 Purim Carnival Auction at the JCC.

Special thanks to: Bunny Singer, Sadie Fein, Honey Lipman, Sherrie Polsky, Howard Davidoff, Paula Williams, Dr. Cynthia Miller, Carole Silbel, Sandy Krome, Arnold Fruman, Stephanie Attman, Phyllis Brown, Warren Sollod, Luke Sanders, Rochelle Blumberg, Diane Berger Gensler

Once Upon a Time 1.29.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 1/29/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1077

Status: Identified. Shellye Attman Gilden and Sally Thorner at the 1987 Purim Carnival Auction at the JCC

Special Thanks to: unny Singer, Sadie Fein, Honey Lipman, Sherrie Polsky, Howard Davidoff, Paula Williams, Dr. Cynthia Miller, Carole Silbel, Sandy Krome, Arnold Fruman, Stephanie Attman, Phyllis Brown, Warren Sollod, Luke Sanders, Rochelle Blumberg, and Diane Berger Gensler

Labels: , , ,

Once Upon a Time 1.22.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 1/22/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1058

Status: Partially Identified. Front Row: 1. Freda Garelick 2. Geraldine Himelfarb 3. unidentified Back Row: 1. David Himelfarb 2.possibly Jessie Applebaum 3. possibly Frank Applebaum

Special Thanks to: Anonymous; Sherry Zwagil, Freda Garelick, Erika Wasser, Jackie Himelfarb, Ruth Taubman, Carol Alpert

Once Upon a Time 1.15.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 1/15/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1124
Status: Partially Identified. Seniors sitting around a table in a decorated sukkah. Albert Musk is on the left. All others unidentified.

Special thanks to: Fern Swerdlin

Monday, January 18, 2010

Once Upon a Time 1.8.10

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 1/8/10

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1108

Status: Partially Identified. Teenagers around a table and passing a seder plate at a JCC Youth Seder. Left to right: 1. unidentified 2.unidentied 3. Gilbert Kleiner 4. Arnold Tarigan 5. Samuel Esterson 6. unidentified 7. unidentified 8. unidentified

Special thanks to: Morty Esterson, Renee Fromawitz

Once Upon a Time 12.31.09

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 12/31/09

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1076

Status: Identified. Eddie Rogers & Toba (Weinberg) Grant (co-chairs of the carnival) each holding a straw hat in front of a "Purimzappin '77" sign

Special thanks to: Bob Deaner, Carolyn Cooperman, Sharon Sagal, Chana Rogers, Barry Lever, Toba Grant, Ellie Hart, Harriet Cooper

Once Upon a Time 12.24.09

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 12/24/09

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.1056

Status: Partially Identified. Three women standing behind a decorated flea market table at a Purim. Ruth Taubman is on the left, Bebe Hirsh in the middle.

Special thanks to: Ruth Taubman

Monday, December 28, 2009

Once Upon a Time 12.18.09

The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 12/18/09

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.876

Status: Identified. JCC Garden club annual flower show, May 1974. Left to right: Elaine Weinstein, Floraine Applefeld, Jeanette Millstein and Judy Schwaber

Special thanks to: Adele Seidel, Rose Abelson, Eva Slatkin, Myra Fox, Betty Millstein, Debbie Zager, Rita Rubin, Charles Millstein, Shirley Diamond, Frances Klotzman, Harriet Feinglass

Friday, December 18, 2009


The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 12/11/09

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.869

Status: Identified JCC Garden Club, 1967. Phyllis Z. Cohen and Dorothy Cordish stand by a single flower arrangement, which is on a table, by a wall sculpture.

Special thanks to: Sylvia Cordish, Ruth Taubman, Audrey Bornstein, Adelaide Habel, Ann Robinson, Elliott Dickler, Ira Askin

Friday, December 11, 2009


The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 12/4/09

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.844

Status: Identified. Molly Ruthenberg and Chad Kerbel on skates, Noreen Kerbel is on the right.

Special thanks to: Arthur Brown, Molly Ruthenberg


The Baltimore Jewish Times publishes unidentified photographs from the collection of Jewish Museum of Maryland each week. Click here to see the most recent photo on their website. If you can identify anyone in these photos and more information about them, contact Jobi Zink, Senior Collections Manager and Registrar at 410.732.6400 x226 or

Date(s) run in Baltimore Jewish Times: 11/27/09

PastPerfect Accession #: 2006.013.253

Status: Partially Identified. Ruth Levie is the teacher

Special thanks to: Paula Williams, Ruth Hoffman, Ruth Levie