Items above will be on display ONLY at the JMM! Don't miss them!
I wish I’d had more time to let people know that this great show will be with us for a few precious weeks. Of course, people can see the exhibition at other local venues, but really – you should see it here! I hope you will join us for the opening reception this Sunday. You’ll learn that Sadie Jacobs Crockin was a really important and influential woman who made great strides in the early women’s rights movement, and in support of children. She led the Baltimore chapters of the League of Women Voters, as well as Hadassah. At the opening, admission to the Museum will be free, refreshments will be served, and you will be part of a special celebration in honor of the League of Women’s Voters 90th anniversary. Hope to see you there!
A quick sneak peek at the exhibit!
Don't forget to come and see it in all its glory this Sunday at the JMM!
Don't forget to come and see it in all its glory this Sunday at the JMM!