Using Prayer Candles To Make A Hurricane Stove

If you don't want to hear my story and just want to learn about the stove, scroll pass the second picture. Otherwise.... I live in Florida. I don't know if it is due to global warming, but we are getting more hurricanes. It is no longer a phenomenon that happens ever twenty or so years. From June 1 to November 30, we are supposed to be in a state of preparedness. Indeed, you should be. Gone are the days when hurricanes were viewed as a blessing--an excuse to get off work, to get off school, and to eat lots of junk food that normally you didn't get to eat. Sometimes I miss the rather festive mood we used to approach hurricanes with, but I understand why it no longer is the case. When houses started getting devastated, and it was taking FPL longer to restore power (not their fault--Florida's population is larger than it was when I was a child), hurricanes were no longer fun. You need to be prepared, because even a week before a s...