The Difficulties and Frustrations of Becoming Eco-Friendly

I would never admit to being an activist--of anything. To me, activist is a dirty word. Only recently have I asked myself why I feel this way. I suspect that to some degree that it was a prejudice that I was ingrained with before I had any ability to think for myself. At best--so this prejudice has influenced me to think--activists are people who mean well but are ultimately ineffective. At worst, they are people who are transferring their own emotions and anger into a cause, but in the end it has nothing to do with the cause...and that results in them being ineffective. They are actually upset about their uncle molesting them, but they choose to deny it and put their anger into making people aware about all the homeless kitties instead. It isn't that the messages of activism are wrong or terrible. I think you would be pretty hard pressed to find someone who approves of hurting animals, throwing toxins intentionally into the environ...