Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Paper Ornaments for Kids

I have decided that for the month of December I am going to do at least one holiday-related project with Lily (and then blog about it). This week we made ornaments! It took me a bit to think up a way for a 2 1/2 year old to make her own ornaments, but this is what I came up with, and she did do quite a bit of the work all by herself!

Paper Ornaments


Green construction paper
Red washable paint
1-2 Q-tips
Cotton balls
Twine or other string

First, get a smock on that kid if you want less mess to clean up. Give them the paper, paint, and a Q-tip and instruct them to make little red dots on the paper- these dots will represent ornaments on a tree, or berries on a wreath. (Lily insisted I make one, too. You can see the side-by-side of our dot work in the top right corner of image below). Allow paint to dry, then using something to create the desired shape, such as a stencil (I used a wooden shape), trace a Christmas tree or wreath onto the polka-dotted paper. Or, if you have some artistic talent, draw it free hand- the shapes just have to match up exactly so that they can be stapled together.

Next, place a couple of pieces of cotton between 2 of the cut-out shapes, then staple closed, as if you are making a little paper pillow. Staple a looped piece of string to the top so it can be hung from a tree branch. Add glitter glue, sequins, or other adornments if desired.

Lily added some glitter glue drops, and she really had fun with that- so much so, that she decided to decorate the packaging from said glitter glue.

Decorating her ornament

Decorating her piece of trash

I made one shaped like a wreath, but as stuffing I thought it would be clever and less wasteful to use crumpled up scrap paper, and it turned out just as well. So feel free to stuff your ornaments using either method. 

This is a fun and easy project for kids 2 years or older. Have fun!     

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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Meatless Monday: PB&J Sushi

On my Pinterest I have a board that is called "need to try". That is where I found today's Meatless Monday recipe. It's super easy and super cute. Mine may not have come out as cute as they did in the original picture I saw that caught my eye, but they were fun to make and tasty! Your kids will love these...

PB&J Sushi

You will need:

Peanut butter
Jelly flavor of your choice
1-2 slices of bread
Rolling pin

Carefully slice crusts off bread. Flatten bread with a rolling pin. Cut the flattened slice down the middle so it's in 2 halves. Spread peanut butter and jelly onto slice(s) of bread. Gently roll up pb&j bread strips into a tight roll so that it resembles a sushi bite. Serve with chopsticks!

Flattened bread, before being cut into halves
Super easy, right? And totally cute and fun. Older kids can even help make this. This is one way that they will not turn down sushi!

I used Sabra Roasted Red Pepper hummus

I also made some with hummus and romaine. Follow the same steps, only spread hummus onto the bread, then lay a strip on lettuce leaf of top of that, followed by a little more hummus to keep it altogether. Stick a strip of romaine lettuce into top for a little flair.

Lily wasn't sure what to make of these little nibbles when she first set eyes on them, but she managed to gobble them up anyway. When she's older she'll appreciate my efforts at being creative, I'm sure...

You can probably come up with some different "sushi"-fillings for this recipe. What do you think would work well?

Now it's your turn to share your Meatless Monday dish below! No rules, other than please only link-up meat-free recipes. No other un-related links or I will remove them. Sorry to sound so harsh, but let's keep it true to what it is, ok? Link up as much as you want, and feel free to spread the word with the button below. Thanks, and have a great week and a happy Labor Day holiday!


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