Saturday, April 24, 2010


Today was the first saturday that we had nothing to do and Jed wasn't working!!! We decided to go fishing at a little pond (we actually went on Tuesday as well.) Jed of course loves fishing and now Trey does as well. He can cast out and reel in his own pole all by himself and loves it! We caught 3 gigantic 4" whoppers! The kids loved it! Thankfully we won't be eating fish for dinner! :) Best Buddies!
Jed getting Brooklyn's fishing pole ready, so manly!

The cute fishers!

The BIG whopper!


Rachel said...

Oh my goodness. It is so sweet to see your kids. I miss you guys a lot. It makes me a little sad to see how big they are and not be a part of their life. I love you all so much. It is precious to see them out fishing with you guys. XXOO, Rach

Scott & Brittany said...
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Scott & Brittany said...

You have a adorable family. I love that you post on here like once a year! It nice to see your family and hear about your lives. Britt

Juliann said...

cute pictures!!