Thursday, March 11, 2010


So I think that one post a year is reasonable right? I hope to be back :) I really need to do this for my family journal so hopefully we can.
What have we been up to? Jed is currently in busy season. He works... alot...and when I say alot I mean ALOT! But we are of course very thankful for his job and that he is happy and enjoying it. Trey is in the most amazing preschool program EVER. We are blessed beyond words can describe that we were told about this program. It is the Early Childhood Special Education program through the public school districts. He is a new kid, like this program literally saved us all! More on this later. Brooklyn is such a girl. She loves piggy tails, baby dolls, nailpolish and of course her Beary Bear, he goes everywhere with us. She started nursery and after 2 months she will finally stay the whole time. She is very shy and does not like strangers. I am still managing, again we are so thankful for!, and I am currently enrolled in 2 classes, I am working on getting my nursing. I am busy! That is a little bit of my excuse for not blogging. We are doing great and happy and hopefully I can keep up on our "journal". I am doing this so we can publish a book at the end of each year so it will be directed more towards that but hope that you can enjoy it as well.


Brandon & Amber said...

Oh I am glad your back blogging! It was good to see you the other night at girls night!

Scott & Brittany said...

I am glad your a live. Miss you tons Brittany from kansas.

George and Caralee said...

Becky- just curious where your little boy is in school. I worked in that program for truly is the best. I know a few of the teachers that are still around.
Your children are adorable and you look so happy. Glad to hear things are going so well for you!

Jed and Becky said...

He goes to Madison Elementary. His teachers name is Miss Carol Gross. They are amazing!!! Nice to hear from you!

Jed and Becky said...

Brittany!!! Send me an invite to your blog!!! I miss you!!!