Showing posts with label J.Crew Collection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label J.Crew Collection. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

J.Crew Email: Breaking news: Fifth Avenue store reopens. Come see what's new.

As mentioned in the January 7th "J.Crew Email: Our Fifth Avenue store is getting a ..." post, J.Crew's Fifth Avenue store (in New York City) was closed to get a complete makeover.

"Thanks!" to AW, who shared the following email with us which announces that the first (of three) floors is now open for business. She also mentions:
The 5th Ave was my "regular" store as it was the one closest to my work. It used to have two floors, the first being for women (with a shoe section) and the second for men, so I can only surmise from the wording in the e-mail that now there will be TWO floors for women, with the third being for men & CrewCuts. Will be looking forward to the renovation in April!
Another "thanks!" to Roxy (in this post) who shared the following tidbits with us:
I went to the re-opened 5th Ave store (NYC). It's beautiful!!! They whitewashed the floors so they are similar to the Collection store, which I'm ambivalent about. But I love the new product showcase racks on the sides of the floor. They have beautiful new chandeliers and the artwork clusters are fantastic (though a little Anthrolike to me). The floor is much easier to walk around too. All in all, a huge jump from the store previously. It was always a nice place to shop but now it feels luxurious. Bravo, J.Crew. :)
How exciting! I look forward to visiting the store the next time I am in New York City.

Have you stopped by the Fifth Avenue J.Crew store? If so, what are your thoughts on the renovations?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

J.Crew Collection Store: A very private sale...

A big "thanks!" to Cass, who let us know about J.Crew's most recent email, which delivers some very exciting news to J.Crew Collection shoppers in NYC.

The Madison Avenue boutique will be hosting a closed-door event where customers will enjoy 50% off their "top floor Collection designs, including to die for dresses, jewelry and limited edition pieces you won't find anywhere else".

This event will be held on Wednesday, January 19th from 4-8PM. You do need to RSVP as space is limited (212-209-2737).

The location for the store is:
769 Madison Avenue
New York City, NY 10075

Congrats to all those in the area! :)

P.S. "Thanks!" also to Jacquie who let us know the following {related} tidbit: "Just wanted to give a heads up that a few stores will be closing for renovation and (get this) the Madison Ave store has closed and sent ALL of their leftovers to the Annapolis, MD location. So spread the word, if fellow JCAs are looking for collection or hard to find items, they may want to call." Quick update: "looks like I made a mistake, this happens when I think of NYC streets. It's the 5th ave store that's closed for renovations. Also, sometime in February Pentagon City location will also be closed for a week for renovations." Interesting!

Friday, January 7, 2011

J.Crew Email: Our Fifth Avenue store is getting a makeover

"Thanks!" to Marietta, Roxy, & J, who shared the following news with us.

Starting January 8th, J.Crew's Fifth Avenue store (in New York City) is temporarily closing while it undergoes a complete makeover. J.Crew plans to reopen the store in late February.

What to expect when they come back:
  • an even bigger selection of our women's collection
  • a new third floor for our men's collection
  • and the exciting addition of our crewcuts for kids collection
Here's to hoping that the new space will look even better than before! :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

J.Crew Collection Video {what's that song?}

On Thursday, J.Crew updated their website with new arrivals (refer to the "J.Crew Updates Website with New Arrivals!" post). On the homepage, there is a new Collection video which features a model wearing several outfits while dancing. Since then a lot of JCAs have been wondering about the music playing behind the Collection video on J.Crew's homepage.

A big "thanks!" to Kumi (in this post) who shared with us the following insight:
Loveprints- I did a little research, as I really love the song. I found that the text in the song didn't come up with anything on the web linking it to a song or singer. The first lyric is "je ne me laisserai pas seduire" and then some stuff and then "je ne ferai pas l'amour". It's kind of an anti-love song. So I e-mailed J.Crew and here is the response (my e-mail question is in the latter part of this entry):

Hi Kumi,

Wish I had a better answer for you but it's an original song we composed for the Collection Video. It doesn't have a name. I'm sorry for any disappointment.

If there is anything else I can help you with, please feel free to contact me directly. I've provided my contact information below for your convenience.

The video & song are cute. I thought it was clever how the outfits incorporated one item from the previous outfit. :) However, I enjoyed the videos (e.g. Rome, Patagonia, Paris) from previous years a bit more. (Maybe it's an unfair comparison since the other videos included amazing locales.)

What are your thoughts on the song? Do you like the Collection video? :)

Thursday, February 4, 2010

J.Crew's Collection Line for Spring 2010

Last week, J.Crew introduced new arrivals on their website. Part of the new arrivals included the latest additions from J.Crew's upscale Collection line (click here).

"Thanks!" to Sami (from FabSugar), Isabelle (of Pink Lemonade), as well as Yellow Lux (in this post), who let us know that FabSugar is also sharing the images of J.Crew's Spring 2010 Collection (click here for the FabSugar post). They also state the following:
In case you're not familiar with J.Crew's Collection line, it's the brand's exclusive limited-edition assembly of its favorite pieces. Think of it as the crème de la crème of J.Crew. For Spring '10, its compilation includes rose-tinted sequin dresses, silk waterfloral gowns, tulle tops, and standout trousers.
Also, "thanks!" to Rosa In DC who let us know about a post over at Refinery 29's Pipeline (click here) about the styles in J.Crew's latest Collection. The author shares the following:
Looking through magazine editorials for inspiration might be all good and well, but sometimes, we'd like to look at some styling a little easier to digest than looks straight off of Unwearable Runway Trends '10. Magdalena Frackowiak in J.Crew Collection (that's J.Crew's limited edition line) teaches us a lesson or five in what we want to dress like for spring. On the syllabus: How to wear overalls without looking like a doofus (See image no.3), an ingenious new way to tie your scarves (See image no. 7), and the best color combo—that's rose and a fiery orange—you'll want to put together all the time (See image no.13). Trust us. We're taking notes!
Moreover, "thanks!" to Kelly (from the Thread) who let us know about her post over at NBC New York's The Thread (click here). The following are her thoughts on the latest Collection line:
The J.Crew Collection spring look book has arrived, with the brand honing its signature preppy quirk tossed with some bohemian styling and feminine vintage accents. We're digging it.

The Collection represents the top end of the pile, produced in limited-edition in small quanities each season. Sequins are still going strong, coming back for an encore in the spring collection, which pairs some increasingly luxurious statement pieces - suede jackets, layered jumbo jewels, lots of sparkle -- with the classic, menswear-inspired elements -- worn-in denim, cotton tees, khaki.

Jewelry remains a stand-out, knocking it out of the park with fun-to-wear costume baubles reminiscent of found antiques.The color scheme makes us want to sing about springtime in rose gold-colored glasses, blending muted neutrals with warm, dusty pastels.
I love the Crewlade. I really do. It's delicious and I could drink it all day. {burp!} That image of the Waterfloral Pastiche Delphinia Gown ($650.00) paired with the white jacket is scrumptious. With that said, is it just me or some of the styles are c-r-a-z-y?!?

I mean paint splattered overalls with a dressy black jacket? Really? And what about look No. 11 that features the Beach Chambray Ruffled Vest ($75.00)— why is she wearing rubber rainboots with no pants. No pants! (Incidentally, did anyone else think of the scene from the first Bridget Jones' movie where Bridget runs out of her building with no pants on?) ;)

What do you think of the overall Collection for Spring 2010? Are there any pieces you love or question? What are your thoughts on the styling (likey or no likey)?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Follow Up to J.Crew Event at Collection Store (NYC)

As mentioned in the October 20th "J.Crew Event at Collection Store (NYC)" post, J.Crew invited a few of their top card members to attend an event with Creative Director Jenna Lyons. The invite promised "an evening of cocktails and private shopping to celebrate the arrival of the 2009 Holiday Collection".

A big "thanks!" to both Marietta & Roxy who not only shared their experience, but both shared pictures of this event. Also, "thanks!" to Stefanie & Cass (in this post) who shared her experience too! {yey!}

The following is Marietta's review & photos:
I just got home from the Collection store holiday event. It was great! Lots of wait staff serving wine and hor dourves, alot of SA on the floor to help with sizing/searching for items, etc. It was pretty crowded, if I had to guess I would say about 30-45 people.

Everyone was super friendly, and best of all Jenna was there! She looked great, and was taller than I expected her to be! She was wearing black Minnie pants (at least they looked like Minnies to me), the blue and white cotton check shirt, military jacket in olive green, black ankle booties, a colorful statement necklace (didn't look like JC to me), and a fuzzy scarf. She was approachable, introducing herself to people, although I didn't speak with her personally. I wanted to introduce myself after I checked out at the register, but she was helping someone with jewelry, and I was too beat and hot to wait.... it was smoldering in there!

But, perhaps the best part of the experience (besides the 15% off) was the lovely gift that was included in my bag... a silver JC box, tied with a grey grosgrain ribbon.... a long gold necklace with multi sized creamy gold pearls and a little bling in between.... so pretty! I checked the JC site, it's not there, so I wonder if it's a retail only necklace? The boxes were behind the register, so I think you got one if you made a purchase.

I picked up several things: Heirloom flora earrings in crystal, Gunmetal matelassé skirt, Glimmer pocket cardigan, and a open merino cardigan in a honey glaze with sequins down the front... I don't see this online, but so pretty! Also came in a purple lavender color. Style # 20377, $138. It seemed to be pretty popular amongst the ladies there tonight.

All in all, I'm so glad that I went, and really appreciate events like this being thrown by JC! :-)
The following is Roxy's review & photos:
I only took a couple of photos (attached). One is of a stunning jewelry display from outside the store with a (not real but very real-looking) owl in it.

The second photo is of a ridiculously awesome party top I tried on.
Probably not to everyone's taste but I loved it. I was so excited I forgot to write down the style number's $178 I believe.

We did receive gifts, it's a gold chain with scattered pearls and rounded rhinestone beads on it. They gave it out randomly in both pearl and champagne pearls. My friend got champagne pearls and I got white pearls. Overall it was a really lovely event

The following is Stefanie's review:
i was at the collection store event too! way crowded and hot, but well worth it. jenna actually approached me--i was wearing my coveted tiered lace cami and she came up to me and asked how i got it--apparently even she couldn't get one and she jokingly (or at least i think she was joking!) offered to buy it off my back! hmm...i think we could have struck some sort of deal! ;)

i came home w/that pink mohair coat (it's a bit shocking and likely not for everyone but i love it!), the same sequin mustard open cardi mentioned before, the feathery vest (again, not for everyone but i love the quirky items) and some jewelry--also preordered a bunch--an ombre coat, sequined skirt, sequined tank (i'm all about shine lately!), bow mini, and one more top that i can't recall the name of right now--i'm shopped out!

a fun night, but i think my credit card needs a rest now :)

ps...i'm pretty sure the necklace jenna was wearing was one of those 'one of a kind' bird of paradise necklaces tht was featured in october's catalog

The following is Cass' review:
I was at the Collection Store event too. I was going to buy that same sequin cardigan in the lavender, but they told me they don't carry XL in the collection store, and it was already a cropped fit so it was just not going to work.

I bought a single flower pin for $12 b/c I wanted to get the gift they had behind the counter to people who were making purchases. They did graciously give me the necklace too despite my sparse purchase. I was a little disappointed with the offerings b/c I expected there to be new stuff but there was not item I had not seen either online or in another store (I saw that sequin cardi in black at the 45th and Madison store).

Jenna seemed to be pretty friendly and as Marietta mentioned was dressed in her quirky way. Was doing the whole ankle socks thing. There were, however, some regular ladies there trying to pull off JC styling quirks but just looked like fashion victims!

"Thanks!" again to both Marietta, Roxy, Stefanie, & Cass who shared with us. It was so nice of them. I feel like I attended the event too. :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

J.Crew Event at Collection Store (NYC)

A big "thanks!" to Roxy (who runs one of the most amazing blogs, Effortless Anthropologie), Cecilia, & Brittany, who shared an invite they received from J.Crew. (Also, "thanks!" to Roxy who shared the image above with us.)

The invite reads, "Jenna Lyons, Creative Director, toasts our top J.Crew Cardmembers with an evening of cocktails and private shopping to celebrate the arrival of the 2009 Holiday Collection". To make the event in November even sweeter, "guests will enjoy a 15% discount on all purchases made during the event".

J.Crew has held similar {private} events at the Collection store in the past (refer to the March 15 "Private Showing of J.Crew's Fall 2009 Collection" post, as well as last year's "J.Crew Holiday Collection In NYC {fabulous!}").

These events sound like a wonderful evening for {selected} card members to enjoy. A fabulous perk for those card-members in the area. {yey!} :)

If any JCAs are invited to this invite-only event and planning to attend, please do share with us! We would love to hear more about it. :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

J.Crew Accessory: One of a Kind Necklace {part two}

As mentioned in a previous post, "J.Crew Accessory: One of a Kind Necklace {sold}", J.Crew offered a unique necklace. Well, J.Crew is doing it again! "Thanks!" to MA who let us know that another one-of-a-kind necklace from J.Crew is being offered.

The new necklace (shown in the image above) is made of a variety of items including flower-embellishments, as well as crystals, beads, and ribbon. This item is not featured or available online. According to J.Crew, there is only one necklace and it is being sold for $795. (Again, the first buyer will get it.)

I am not going to lie, not a fan of this particular necklace. (Although, I did like the first necklace.) My husband walked by and said, "what's up with the ugly necklace"- so I am thinking he doesn't like it either. ;)

What are your thoughts on the new necklace? Do you like the style and detailing? Do you think it's worth the price?

Quick Poll: Do you like J.Crew's Newest Necklace?

Monday, August 31, 2009

J.Crew Accessory: One of a Kind Necklace {sold}

"Thanks!" to IRL (in this post) who let us know about one very-special item, the Pink Passion Necklace. IRL shared the following as well: "According to JCrew there is only one in existence - and it can be yours for $795". The necklace is made of a variety of items including crystals, beads, and ribbon. Unfortunately, this item was never featured/ available online.

Moreover, there really was only one necklace. According to J.Crew, the necklace sold out (at the $795 price too!) J.Crew is not sure if the jewelry designer Molly will make any more, but there is a waiting list.

I will say that the necklace looks very pretty in the image (it's something the über girly-side of me adores). However, I would personally not purchase it. It's just not practical enough for me to justify purchasing it. (Which is why I am not the target buyer! ;) J.Crew is probably looking for that one consumer who will indulge herself on this piece.) Besides the price tag (for $795, it should be made of gold with some diamonds!), I don't have enough special occasions to wear such a conversation piece to. Also, the necklace looks a bit heavy and cumbersome (with all those trailing chains) to wear. ;)

What are your thoughts on the necklace? Do you like the style and detailing? Do you think it's worth the price?

Quick Poll: Do you like J.Crew's Pink Passion Necklace?

Saturday, August 8, 2009

J.Crew Collection's New Arrivals {online}

A big "thanks!" to ShuLvr (in this post), who let us know that the link for J.Crew's Collection, is now available online (click here to view Collection).

For some reason, during the latest update of the website (refer to the July 23rd post "J.Crew Updates Website With New Arrivals Today!", the Collection link was removed. Although, most of us JCAs have been able to peruse J.Crew's Fall 2009 Look Book already (refer to the June 18th post "J.Crew's Fall '09 Look Book {thanks naomi!}").

The Collection page has 9 stills to flip through and includes the following statement: "A few of our favorite things... we can't help dreaming about Fall's fabulous colors, sumptuous fabrics and couture-quality touches. The season's standouts? Luscious leather bags and vintage-inspired statement jewelry, sensual suede booties, and come-hither heels. It's an extra-special attention to detail and a wear-with-everything appeal that makes each piece completely craveable. Fall is for romance, and we're already head over heels... To pre-order, call 800-261-7422."

What are your thoughts on the items slated for the upcoming Fall season? Are there any pieces you are falling "head over heels" for? Will you pre-order any of the Collection pieces. :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Private Showing of J.Crew's Fall 2009 Collection

A big "thanks!" to Mirabel who shared with us the news that J.Crew is hosting a private preview of the upcoming Fall Collection with Jenna Lyons at J.Crew's Showroom (located at their headquarters in NYC) on March 23rd.

The invite reads: Join us for a private showing of J.Crew's Fall 2009 collections hosted by Jenna Lyons (JCrew's creative director)... This invitation is non-transferable and is for you only. Please bring this invitation and your ID with you when you arrive.

If any Aficionadas (or Aficionados) were invited to this private, invite-only event and are planning to attend, please do share with us! We would love to hear more about it. :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

J.Crew Collection Pieces {what's your take?} :)

"Thanks!" to Anon at 3:41 PM (in this post) who suggested a wonderful post topic: to list some of our favorite J.Crew Collection pieces that we have (or seen in person) and review them. I think this is a great idea, since so many of us have been able to purchase some Collection pieces, at some amazing prices, during the holidays.

The Sean Bag in Tulip (Item 99785; Regular $268.00, now $149.99)-- I am not a huge fan of the resin links for the handle/ strap, however the purse itself is gorgeous! The "smooth, supple and specially wax-treated" leather really is smooth- I have found myself petting it more than once. (Weird, I know! But it is that smooth.) ;) I also found the rich Tulip color is very beautiful in person- a great way to add a "pop of color" to any outfit. I appreciate that the purse is lined- which many J.Crew bags are not. :) I also found that although the bag is small, it is big enough to carry my wallet (which is not thin), a cellphone, and a small makeup bag.

The Frankie Bag in Guave Rhubarb (Item 96818; was $395.00, now $129.99)-- I waited a long time to get this bag and it was worth it as I love it! This bag is just the right color (e.g. can be used in any season; incidentally the color in person is like the color shown in the image) and just the right size (e.g. big enough to hold lots of items including a paperback book, but still a shoulder bag). The leather itself is beautiful, and it is great at maintaining its shape. I love that the bag has a zipper- which provides me that extra level of security I prefer. The only drawback to the bag is that it is not lined (and I am not sure why that is- it really should be).

Another J.Crew Collection piece that I really like is the the Metallic Giraffe Day Coat (click here to read a review).

What are your favorite J.Crew Collection items? What are some of the reasons behind your choice(s)? If you purchased or have seen those items in person, please share with us your review. :)

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another Aficionada Visits The Collection Store {yey!}

I really enjoyed reading Lindsay and Roxy's {fantastic} reviews of the new J.Crew Collection store in NYC in the "Aficionadas Visits the J.Crew Collection Store :)" post. They both did a great job of describing the store and what to expect (e.g. available merchandise). :)

Another aficionada, Cortney, recently visited the J.Crew Collection store and was kind enough to share with us her review too:

"I visited the Collection store in NYC recently... It was beautifully, beautifully done. It was filled with vintage furniture, art books, glass display cases, and "curiosities." The floors were a beautiful unstained wood and the dressing rooms were luxurious - mine had a vintage chandelier, 50s era wallpaper, and a white wool shag rug. The associates and doorman/security guard seemed to be on best extra-polite behavior. ... I was surprised that the selection was not only Collection, but also regular clothes too. There were some regular and Collection items that I had not seen at the other stores in NYC, so I was excited about that. The selection was very well-edited, it was a small store but everything they had was special. The shoe wall was amazing. I tried on the Babette heels in yellow, and they are now on my wish list for sale time! I bought a skirt that was also unfortunately available at other stores, it would have been nicer to find something unique to the store, but oh well. And the bags they give you are all white with white J.Crew embossed on them. I thought it was worth the trip."

"Thanks!" again to Cortney, as well as Lindsay and Roxy, for their great reviews of the Collection Store. I really enjoy reading everyone's perspective on the J.Crew Collection store. :) I feel like I know so much about the store and what to expect thanks to all the reviews! :) Lastly, those dressing rooms sound divine (and better decorated than any of the rooms in my home)! ;)

Friday, October 17, 2008

J.Crew and Dulken & Derrick Flower Pins

Brief background: Dulken and Derrick haven been making beautiful silk flowers since 1941. J.Crew used D&D for J.Crew's vintage flower pin collection throughout their October catalog. The flowers sold out online (click here) and are selling out quickly at the J.Crew Collection Store in NYC (click here). Silver_Lining mentioned (in this post) that D&D had a "J.Crew Inspired" section on their website, which was later changed to "Special Collection" (even though the URL still contains "JCrewInspired"). :)

Also, Anon at 3:37PM (in this post) shared with us the following: ''The story with the flower pins is this: D&D was going out of business. J Crew bought some of their vintage pins to use in the catalog and then sell afterward. There were only a few. Someone then decied to buy D&D soon after (either the name, business, or both.) The pins in the catalog were vintage and sold out almost immediately. These pins for sale now are new and not quite the same."
Anon at 11:25AM (in the post "Interesting Take On J.Crew's Collection Store") suggested a great topic: "Could you maybe do a post based on the D&D flowers that some have ordered to review their quality, design, color etc, and also if they come with a pin attached ready to wear ..."

The flowers in the images are beautiful! Although I have not purchased any, either through J.Crew or through D&D's website, I am curious to hear from those who did. :) Are the flowers worth the price tag? Are the flowers from J.Crew "finished" (e.g come with a pin or sash already attached)?

Were any of you Aficionadas able to purchase one (either through J.Crew or through Dulken and Derrick's website)? Please let us know what you think of the pins (in terms of quality, design, color, price, and the like). :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Okay One More Article On The Collection Store ;)

I just had to include one more article from the Pipeline (click here). :)

Crew Cut: J.Crew Houses Women's Collection on UES
By Max Berlinger

October 15, 2008

The masterminds over at J.Crew have opened the sister store to Tribeca's Men's Collection on the Upper East Side. The store, which features only womenswear, is the brand's attempt to provide designer looks and quality at a more affordable price, and let's be real, who couldn't benefit from that? Jenna Lyons, the Creative Director at J.Crew realizes that time has come to "attract a more educated and savvy customer."

The shop has a discreet storefront and a homey, lived-in feel with wooden herringbone patterned floors, vintage lighting fixtures from France and an entire room dedicated to accessories (including an offering of Rolex watches, vintage gold lockets and silk Obi belts from Japan). The collection pairs higher end items such as calfskin jackets, hand-painted fabric blouses, python bags and cashmere cardigans with J.Crew classics such as denim, chinos and corduroys. The store also offers special services like personal shopping, a discount for college students and delivery to your home or hotel room (if you're that lazy.)

Lyons mentioned that "because of blogs and the internet, people know what's out there; they're looking for something special." This opening is paired with the announcement that J.Crew will be opening a second Men's Collection in Soho, neighboring the highly anticipated (will you open already?!) Topshop. The collection is also available for purchase online, and from the look of it, and from the success the men's store, this high-concept no-nonsense spin-off store should be the toast of the town this winter.

First, I love the additional images of the store. It is great to see what the layout looks like with all the available merchandise too! Second, when reading the quote (the first highlighted blue line), I was unsure where she was going with it. But after reading the other quote (the second highlighted blue line), I understood what Jenna was trying to overall say. She was talking about consumers who really value luxury tailoring, materials, and the like- also understand that the cost for such items and quality can be better aligned. Third, that sign is very discreet! I am pretty sure I would walk by the store and not know it was J.Crew. ;)

What do you make of the quotes? Did I get that interpretation properly or maybe I overlooked something? Also, what do you think of the store's sign (do you like or dislike how discreet it is)?

Interesting Take On J.Crew's Collection Store

"Thanks!" to Lauren (check out her great site: who shared with us an article from the New York Times (click here) that has an interesting take on J.Crew's new Collection Store.

J.Crew Gets Uppity
By Eric Wilson

October 16, 2008

“THE timing is very ironic, I know,” said Millard S. Drexler, known as Mickey, the chief executive of J. Crew, by way of introduction to the company’s newest store, which opened Friday on Madison Avenue at 79th Street. Mr. Drexler chose just about the worst week in financial memory to introduce a J. Crew collection priced in the stratosphere of Gucci and Prada.

The first thing you see inside the store is a jacket covered in hand-painted French sequins to look like tortoiseshell, with a price of $3,000.

Regardless of the market, J.Crew’s new designer collection — sold here and at — has raised eyebrows among analysts and competitors who wonder why on earth a company known for its preppy basics would put on such airs(1). Mr. Drexler said he believes in the product.

In all of our stores in America, I felt we weren’t highlighting the clothes and accessories in the way I thought they should be(2),” he said. “And I felt that fashion was changing. The prices of designer clothes were getting to a point that was very unfriendly to a lot of people, and the ubiquity of designer clothes was making them less special. Fashion is the opposite of ubiquity.

J.Crew’s proposal is to introduce more special items, but in small batches and in stores that feel more like an apartment. (3) The sign on the brass door at 1035 Madison Avenue is painted in old-fashioned script and is almost unnoticeable. The clothes look more like those at Michael Kors, with featherweight cashmere scarves ($150), a gold beaded dress ($595) and a printed calf-hair jacket for $2,200; but mixed in were J. Crew staples like $85 matchstick cords.

“We don’t want our customers to feel alienated,” said Jenna Lyons Mazeau, the creative director of J.Crew. “We want them to feel comfortable in our stores.” (4)

In the first three days, the store sold three of the $3,000 jackets and a surprising number of silk flower pins priced from $50 to $200, Ms. Lyons Mazeau said, looking at the numbers as a sort of validation. (Of 200 pins ordered for the store, only a dozen or so remained on Wednesday.) (5)

"J.Crew is such a big company, I don’t think people understand that there is a whole group of people here who love design,” she said. “We don’t just bang it out.”

There are so many points of discussion from this great article! The following comments relate to the passages above.

I agree that the timing to open the new Collection store may not have been the best. Especially considering J.Crew's recent stock prices, coupled with Goldman analysts downgrading J.Crew to 'sell' (click here). I am curious to see how well it performs during the holidays.

(2) Whether you agree with it or not, Mickey definitely has a vision for the company (and he is moving forward with it). :)

(3) I get the "small batches" concept but then again I don't. ;) I get the concept of creating exclusive and desirable items that a few are willing to pay top dollar for. However, you also don't want to turn down 100's of disappointed customers who were unable to purchase the items. It's tough to find the right balance and I am not sure if J.Crew has found it yet with lots of their exclusive items (e.g. flower pins).

(4) Reading some of the comments in yesterday's post (click here), it is clear that some customers do feel alienated. I wonder how J.Crew will manage those concerns while offering high-end merchandise. Maybe a spin-off store (a la Madewell) is one option? Also, when Jenna said that "people" don't understand, who do you think she was referring to? (I honestly don't know.) ;)

(5) Wow! I hope J.Crew will offer more flower pins for the holidays. :)

What are your thoughts on this article? Disagree or agree with any of the points made in the article or by me?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

J.Crew Cashmere Wash {will you get it?}

"Thanks!" to Lauren who shared with us some interesting news she found at the Chic Report in Fashion Week Daily (click here).

Wash ‘n Go
By Abby Gardner
October 15, 2008

Beauty Junkie recognizes that this is indeed the time of year when one must ask the question, “How ever do I wash my cashmere?” The dry cleaner is the typical route, bien sûr. But actually, ’tis better to wash those soft treasures–you just have to do it right. Enter The Laundress New York (known for their high-end, eco-friendly clothing care products) and J.Crew who have created the new J.Crew Cashmere Wash to meet your needs. It’s pH balanced with coconut-based surfactants and works for hand-washing and the machine. Plus, it includes lavender extracts which naturally repel moths for those switch-the-closet-over months. Even better? It’s only $18. Get your own at select stores, the J.Crew Collection Store at 347 Madison Avenue and 79th St., or

I have to admit that although I am surprised to see this new product line extension from J.Crew, it does make sense. After all, one of their staple offerings is their cashmere sweaters.

P.S. The cashmere wash is not yet available online. However, J.Crew's Ulitmate Cashmere Care Kit (Item 83762, $15.00 ) is available.

What are your thoughts about the J.Crew Cashmere Wash? Do you think this is a strategic product offering? Will you purchase it? How do you care for your J.Crew cashmere now?

Article On J.Crew's Collection Store In NYC

A big "thanks!" goes to j'adore couture (check out her great blog: "j'adore couture") who shared with us a fantastic article about J.Crew's Collection Store from WWD (click here).

J.Crew Opens First Collection Store
By David Moin

October 15, 2008

With an understated scripted sign on the front door, the first J. Crew Collection store stands discreetly on the southeast corner of Madison Avenue and 79th Street in Manhattan. Yet as low-key as the signage may be, the store is where J.Crew design and merchandising are at their most expressive and imaginative.

The assortment encourages mixing modern items with vintage pieces, uptown and downtown looks, and evening attire with a dose of the more casual in the same outfits. There’s an unexpected character, inside and out.

“People tell me, ‘How about putting up a bigger sign,’ but we don’t want to intrude on anyone,” said Millard “Mickey” Drexler, J.Crew’s chairman and chief executive during a tour of the store with Jenna Lyons Mazeau, the creative director. “In an Upper East Side building, I don’t think big signs are very elegant,” continued Drexler. “The last thing people want to see is their neighborhood become a strip center. It’s our way not to be out there, but to be there.”

He means with something different, and that lies in the store’s eclectic array of Crew and non-Crew products and unorthodox styling, i.e. a jacket with handpainted French sequins displayed with distressed jeans, or a brocade evening dress accessorized with a thin handmade belt and an easy cashmere scarf for a sportier twist.

Along with those items the J.Crew brand is often associated with — corduroys, T-shirts, chinos, ballet flats, jeans, cashmere and dresses — the Collection store presents some higher-end products such as calfskin jackets, priced $2,200, or patent leather jackets lined in silk twill with a Ratti print, $1,800. There are also metallic jackets and shoes in the $300 range, textured calfskin skirts priced at $495, as well as silk Japanese obi belts, Rolex watches, hand-painted Elizabeth halters, one-of-a-kind jewelry, including a vintage “mazel tov” charm bracelet, Lugano luggage, handmade silk flowers (only three per customer allowed), bleached and dyed python bags and clutches, and doublefaced cashmere jackets with pick stitching on the sleeves shown with classic J.Crew cords.

At the heart of the Collection strategy, which mirrors the approach taken by the company’s recently opened Liquor Store in TriBeCa selling men’s wear, is an effort to provide a fashion alternative, and designer looks and quality at lower-than-designer prices
. “The world has become so formulaic,” Drexler said. “You go into a designer store and all you see are the designer’s clothes. The world is full of so many beautiful things. I like to go into stores where there are surprises.We are editors in addition to designers.”

The decor of the store is different from typical J.Crew units, which tend to be essentially white backdrops enabling the products to stand out more. The Collection store, on the other hand, is filled with art, and has a residential feel. It’s broken up into a few small pockets and rooms. At the entrance, there’s a short staircase down, giving the feel of a sunken living room. Stately unlacquered brass fixtures and doors are offset by contemporary elements including bright spot lighting, parchment display tables and goatskin boxes for accessories. Some whimsy seeps in, too, with a soft blush pink dressing room with a pop of neon, the charcoal gray shoes and accessories salon housing an uncharacteristically large shoe selection for J.Crew, including flats with peep toes and feathers, and a boldly striped bathroom decorated with Hugo Guinness prints.

Although Collection products are seen in the J.Crew
catalogues and online, the buying public still isn’t as familiar with the higher-priced offering as the company would like. “People don’t know what we have,” said Lyons Mazeau. With J. Crew Collection, “We have never before been able to showcase what we do,” until the store debuted. “We plan to bring in a continuous flow of special items. It’s not about massing it out.”

Drexler declined to project a sales volume for the 3,200-square foot Collection prototype, preferring not to overstate a new concept before it’s passed the test of time. “Clearly, we are really pleased with the first three days” of business since the store opened Friday, though he noted that you can’t really judge a store’s performance by its opening act alone.

“I wouldn’t want to say the timing was the best,” Drexler acknowledged. “This is not a great economic environment, but we felt the neighborhood needed something more realistic,” compared with designer prices on Madison Avenue that Drexler said have soared so high as to be insulting.
“I think it’s all about character, honesty and integrity of product, along with good value,” he added.

Asked if he is considering additional J.Crew Collection stores, Drexler replied, “We’re not in a hurry to do anything, but not ruling anything out. We don’t feel any pressure to quickly determine where our path will take us.”

I really enjoyed the article and learned a lot about the new store. I have to say that I am looking forward to visiting the store just to look at the new layout. I am also curious as to why J.Crew restricted the number of silk flowers customers can buy. ;)

What are your thoughts on the article? Does the article make you want to visit the store more or less than before? Are you planning on visiting the Collection store (if you are in the area)?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Aficionadas Visits the J.Crew Collection Store :)

A big "thanks!" to Lindsay who shared with us (in this post) the following about the new J.Crew Collection Store in NYC:

"this will be brief bc I am posting from my iPhone. I will comment more later :) The store is very small with light wood floors. There is no sign, just j crew written in cursive on the door. It's a totally different feel than other stores but that's what they were going for. My honest opinion? The clothes were the same. Nothing the rock store doesn't have really. Maybe a few more bags and a lady day coat. The one thing that sold me, THEY HAVE THE RINGSPUN ROSE shirt in all colors/sizes!!!! Forget eBay for $150 call now! They let me use my student discount too. Btw the place was mobbed! Lots of high end shoppers in there. Enjoyed the trip but not worth the drive in for most. They also only had the old catalogue :( I really wanted to see the new one. Basically it was exactly what I expected, a new boutiqey store with the same j crew clothes. -Lindsay "

Thank you so much again Lindsay for a fantastic review! :) (Also, in case anyone was wondering: "rock store" = the regular J.Crew store at Rockefeller Center in NYC.)

"Thanks!" also to Roxy, who visited the store and shared with us a great review and images of the store (image one, two, three, and four):

"The doorman and salespeople were very nice and helpful, the manager when I was there was pretty rude though. I agree with Lindsay that you will totally miss the store if you're not looking for it -- no sign outside yet. It's on the NE corner of 79th & Madison.

I was disappointed with how little stock was in the store. Most of the items were only available in one or two sizes. I wish they carried more of the non-collection clothes as well. The UES is lacking a J. Crew and it would have been nice to buy coordinating items for the collection pieces in one stop rather than having to go to another location to finish an outfit.

The shoe room was amazing. They had almost everything that is currently available. I bought a second pair of Trixie shoes. The cashier was nice enough to give me the 20% for the private sale even though I'd forgotten my coupon. I would go back for the shoes, but the clothing selection is disappointing as of now."

After reading this review, I am still planning to visit it in November (and happy that I don't feel rushed to visit it earlier!) ;)

On Madison Ave... J.Crew Collection Store Now Open!

A big "thank you!" to Cass and Anonymous at 4:21 AM (in this post) who shared with us that J.Crew's Collection Store is now OPEN! The store is located on 1035 Madison Avenue at 79th Street (in NYC).

J.Crew seems to have quietly announced this on their website. On the main home page, with the "If you only knew" picks, there is a small announcement on the upper right hand corner.
I am very excited to see that this store is finally open. I will definitely visit sometime in November (and I will take pictures too!)

Are you excited that the J.Crew Collection Store is now open? Will you visit this store (if you are in the NYC area)? If you do visit the store, please let us know more about it! :)