Tuesday, August 31, 2010

12 Months

Yesterday I was told my baby is no longer a baby.
He's a todler.
I know everyone says the time goes so fast. So I expect it to. But not this fast!
A toddler. Already. Wow.

So I took him to the doctor yesterday for his 1 year check up. He got 6 shots (poor guy is still recovering from them all). Here are his stats:

12 months: 20.4lbs - 16th percentile
9 months: 19 lbs - 24th percentile
{can you believe my little chubby cheeked toddler is only in the 16th percentile?!}

12 months: 29" - 25th percentile
9 months: 27.8" 30th percentile

Head Circumference

12 months: 18" - 31st percentile
9 months: 17.5" - 25th percentile

This month Calin has learned to stand up on his own, and even take a few steps. The walking is a little trickier though. When I try to help him, he just tries to run.
(This video was taken on Sunday morning right after he woke up, and probably only the 3rd time he stood up on his own. He's been doing it so much the past couple days & has gotten much better. He's pretty wobbly in this video. Please ignore his cheerios scattered all over the floor, hahaha)

He loves to hide! He'll take off down the hall into a room, shut the door, then hide while I come get him. Lately his favorite hiding spot has been his closet.

Since we've been home from California, we've had a hard time keeping up past 7:00pm. But he still sleeps till 7am or later.

He finally learned about dogs, and now Loves them!

Loves to give kisses and blow kisses.

Loves water, and after swimming in a pool he loves baths even more!

I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this on the blog, but as soon as he started sitting up, he has crossed his feet like in this picture. He just about always has them crossed. Even when he sleeps.

He loves to flip through books.

Jabbers and tells his own stories all the time!

Dances all the time. Sometimes even without music, but just always when there is music playing. He even dances when he's eating something he likes.

He still smiles all the time. But he so many funny faces and facial expressions. It seems like he comes up with a new one every day.

I finally put all of his baby toys away a couple weeks ago. (well most of them anyway)

Whole milk has been a challenge, but I think he's getting better

Some of his favorite foods:

Fruit - watermelon & grapes {those are his favorites, but he'll eat lots of others too}

Veggies - so far the only ones I've been able to get him to eat are fresh from my dad's garden Yellow squash, zucchini, and tomatoes (thanks dad!!). He gobbles those right up, and does a little "mmm...mmmm...mmmmmm" dance.

Other favorites - cheerios, kix, and gram crackers
He's still not a cheese or meat fan (except for salami and eggs), but I'm sure he'll start eating it soon.

We have so much fun with this little guy! He's such a character!
And it's amazing how much you can love something so small. I often think I need 5 more just like him so I can share the love, but I know that somehow I'll love each baby just as much as I love Calin.

Happy 1st birthday Cal!


Monday, August 30, 2010


I was hoping to post Calin's 12 month post today, but maybe tomorrow.

Today we had lots of appointments, and I went to the dentist for the first time in 3 years!
(It's been about 5 for Jordan, but today it was just me)
For an hour I sat there in a comfy massage chair watching TV (full house actually) while this nice pregnant dental assistant chatted with me as she cleaned my teeth. It was just so different from the dentist I grew up going to! No funny posters on the ceiling or stickers on the lights to look at. I guess my dentist growing up had a tv, but it was on the wall in front of the chair and I never saw it turned on. This TV was on the ceiling, and I had the remote and headphones, hahaha.
Anyway, I was relieved to hear the dentist tell me I don't have any cavities!! My teeth haven't been bothering me, but 3 years without a checkup/cleaning seems way too long! (Though he did recommend I replace the only filling I have . . . we'll see)
Jordan prides himself on never ever having a single cavity. I say it's because he hasn't been to the dentist since before his mission, but hopefully it's because he really does have good teeth :) We'll see when it's his turn around.

Tonight Jordan is heading down to Logan, Utah, to stay the night in a hotel. Tomorrow afternoon he's taking the GRE down there. Hopefully he'll score well and he can focus on the rest of his DPT application (like the 6+ essays he has to write). We're crossing our fingers, but mostly just praying lots that he does well!!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Calin's First Birthday Party

{August 22nd}

While we were in California we celebrated Calin's first birthday with my family.

{my mom has a set of snow white and the 7 dwarfs, and Calin loved them! He almost always had one in his mouth}

{Calin with his two Uncles}

{Calin doesn't give kisses to just anyone, but he never let Nana down}

{Calin with his girl friends - he thought they were SO fun}

{2 of Calin's great grandpa's}

{Dom and Jenna}

{Calin with his Parkinson great grandparents}

{with Grandap and cousin Troy}

Calin had his own giant cupcake (please ignore the frosting job), but he didn't quite understand that he was supposed to dig in and eat it. He was so polite with it, and mostly just picked at it.

He was pretty slow opening his gifts as well. I think he did a better job at Christmas when he was only 4 months old, hahaha.

I most of the decorations before we left for California, so all we had to do was set it up.

We hung pictures on ribbon all over the house, and told the guests to take any pictures they wanted. We also included a framed magnetic wallet sized picture in the party favors (along with bubbles wrapped with the same cut outs the cupcakes had). I printed all of his monthly pictures (the ones with the bear) and hung those as well.

Here are pictures of some of the decorations

Though he missed those who couldn't make it,
Calin loved having so much family at his party!
Thanks to everyone for making it such a special day!


Thursday, August 26, 2010


{ August 17th }

While staying with my dad and Brenda in Sonora, we took a drive to Yosemite. I love Yosemite! It is so amazingly beautiful! And this was Jordan's first time there!
We drove into the valley and walked to the Awahnee Hotel
{this is not a picture of the hotel, but something on the way there}

We had a picnic in a pretty area shaded with pine trees, so every time the wind blew it snowed pine needles.

There were a few fires going, so it was hard to get good pictures through all the haze, but I still took lots.

After lunch we drove up to Glacier Point (Jordan wasn't feeling too good so we decided hiking wasn't such a good idea for this trip). None of us had ever been up to Glacier Point, so it was a nice drive, and such a gorgeous view!

A family from Italy volunteered to take a picture for us, and they just Loved Calin. He kept giving them different smiles and poses, so she just kept snapping away while they all just cracked up. Here's just one of his cute poses

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


{August 15th-20th}

My dad only lives about 30 minutes from Pinecrest, so Sunday afternoon we drove down to his house and stayed with him and Brenda all week. We had so much fun there! Calin LOVED swimming in the pool! Jordan got to go golfing. We visited Nana and Papa. And we took a trip to beautiful Yosemite (pictures from that trip tomorrow).

We found this floaty in Pinecrest, and he just loved it!

Calin also LOVED their dog Jazzy, and although she's scared of kids, I think she secretly liked him too :)

Calin loved playing with Nana and Papa! He just thought they were the greatest!
