Yesterday I was told my baby is no longer a baby.
He's a todler.
I know everyone says the time goes so fast. So I expect it to. But not this fast!
A toddler. Already. Wow.

So I took him to the doctor yesterday for his 1 year check up. He got 6 shots (poor guy is still recovering from them all). Here are his stats:
I know everyone says the time goes so fast. So I expect it to. But not this fast!
A toddler. Already. Wow.
So I took him to the doctor yesterday for his 1 year check up. He got 6 shots (poor guy is still recovering from them all). Here are his stats:
12 months: 20.4lbs - 16th percentile
12 months: 20.4lbs - 16th percentile
9 months: 19 lbs - 24th percentile
{can you believe my little chubby cheeked toddler is only in the 16th percentile?!}
12 months: 29" - 25th percentile
9 months: 27.8" 30th percentile
Head Circumference
12 months: 18" - 31st percentile
9 months: 17.5" - 25th percentile
12 months: 29" - 25th percentile
9 months: 27.8" 30th percentile
Head Circumference
12 months: 18" - 31st percentile
9 months: 17.5" - 25th percentile
This month Calin has learned to stand up on his own, and even take a few steps. The walking is a little trickier though. When I try to help him, he just tries to run.
(This video was taken on Sunday morning right after he woke up, and probably only the 3rd time he stood up on his own. He's been doing it so much the past couple days & has gotten much better. He's pretty wobbly in this video. Please ignore his cheerios scattered all over the floor, hahaha)
He loves to hide! He'll take off down the hall into a room, shut the door, then hide while I come get him. Lately his favorite hiding spot has been his closet.
Since we've been home from California, we've had a hard time keeping up past 7:00pm. But he still sleeps till 7am or later.
He finally learned about dogs, and now Loves them!
Loves to give kisses and blow kisses.
Loves water, and after swimming in a pool he loves baths even more!
I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this on the blog, but as soon as he started sitting up, he has crossed his feet like in this picture. He just about always has them crossed. Even when he sleeps.

He loves to flip through books.
Jabbers and tells his own stories all the time!
Dances all the time. Sometimes even without music, but just always when there is music playing. He even dances when he's eating something he likes.
He still smiles all the time. But he so many funny faces and facial expressions. It seems like he comes up with a new one every day.
I finally put all of his baby toys away a couple weeks ago. (well most of them anyway)
Whole milk has been a challenge, but I think he's getting better
Some of his favorite foods:
Fruit - watermelon & grapes {those are his favorites, but he'll eat lots of others too}
Veggies - so far the only ones I've been able to get him to eat are fresh from my dad's garden Yellow squash, zucchini, and tomatoes (thanks dad!!). He gobbles those right up, and does a little "mmm...mmmm...mmmmmm" dance.
Other favorites - cheerios, kix, and gram crackers
He's still not a cheese or meat fan (except for salami and eggs), but I'm sure he'll start eating it soon.
We have so much fun with this little guy! He's such a character!
And it's amazing how much you can love something so small. I often think I need 5 more just like him so I can share the love, but I know that somehow I'll love each baby just as much as I love Calin.
Happy 1st birthday Cal!

(This video was taken on Sunday morning right after he woke up, and probably only the 3rd time he stood up on his own. He's been doing it so much the past couple days & has gotten much better. He's pretty wobbly in this video. Please ignore his cheerios scattered all over the floor, hahaha)
He loves to hide! He'll take off down the hall into a room, shut the door, then hide while I come get him. Lately his favorite hiding spot has been his closet.
Since we've been home from California, we've had a hard time keeping up past 7:00pm. But he still sleeps till 7am or later.
He finally learned about dogs, and now Loves them!
Loves to give kisses and blow kisses.
Loves water, and after swimming in a pool he loves baths even more!
I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this on the blog, but as soon as he started sitting up, he has crossed his feet like in this picture. He just about always has them crossed. Even when he sleeps.

He loves to flip through books.
Jabbers and tells his own stories all the time!
Dances all the time. Sometimes even without music, but just always when there is music playing. He even dances when he's eating something he likes.
He still smiles all the time. But he so many funny faces and facial expressions. It seems like he comes up with a new one every day.
I finally put all of his baby toys away a couple weeks ago. (well most of them anyway)
Whole milk has been a challenge, but I think he's getting better
Some of his favorite foods:
Fruit - watermelon & grapes {those are his favorites, but he'll eat lots of others too}
Veggies - so far the only ones I've been able to get him to eat are fresh from my dad's garden Yellow squash, zucchini, and tomatoes (thanks dad!!). He gobbles those right up, and does a little "mmm...mmmm...mmmmmm" dance.
Other favorites - cheerios, kix, and gram crackers
He's still not a cheese or meat fan (except for salami and eggs), but I'm sure he'll start eating it soon.
We have so much fun with this little guy! He's such a character!
And it's amazing how much you can love something so small. I often think I need 5 more just like him so I can share the love, but I know that somehow I'll love each baby just as much as I love Calin.
Happy 1st birthday Cal!